Lecture Teacher: Anna Siemionek, PhD E-mail: annakujawa9@gmail.com

Content/ Course Description:

1.    The International Financial Environment: Multinational Financial Management:

An Overview.

2.    Exchange Ratę Behaviour: Government Influence on Exchange Rates, International Arbitrage and Interest Ratę Parity, Relationship between Inflation, Interest Rates, and Exchange rates

3.    Exchange Ratę Risk Management: Forecasting Exchange Rates, Measuring Exposure to Exchange Ratę Fluctuations, Managing Transaction Exposure, Managing Economic Exposure and Transaction Exposure

4.    Currency derivatives, forward contracts and hedging, currency futures and options contracts Government Influence on Exchange Rates. International Arbitrage And Interest Ratę Parity.


1.    Brealey, Richard A. and Myers, Stewart C.: Principles of Corporate Finance, 5th intern, ed.; McGraw-Hill 1996

2.    Blattner, Peter: Internationale Finanzierung; Oldenbourg; Munchen, Wien


3.    Burda, Michael and Wypłosz, Charles; Macroeconimics, 2nd ed.; Oxford University Press 1997

4.    Clark, Ephraim; Levasseur, Michael; Rousseau, Patrick: International Finance; Chapman & Hill 1993

5.    Canals, Jordi: Universal Banking; Clarendon Press; Oxford 1997

6.    Levy, Haim: Principles of Corporate Finance; South-Western College Publishing (ITP) 1998

7.    Madura, Jeff: International Financial Management, 8th ed. 2006, South-Western College Publishing (ITP) - or 7,h ed. 2003 ; or 6th ed 2000 or 5,h ed.


8.    Madura, Jeff: International Corporate Finance, 8th ed. 2006, South-Western College Publishing (ITP)

9.    Madura, Jeff: Financial Markets and Institutions; South-Western College Publishing (ITP) 1997

10.    McLaney, E.J.: Business Finance, 4lh ed. Pitman Publishing 1997 H.Mishkin, Frederic S.: The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial

Markets, 5^ ed.; Harper Collins 1998 Grading: Exam/ project and course work / class participation


Investment Management

winter semester 2015/2016

Faculty of Management



Anna Wojewnik-Filipkowska, PhD


Course form: Lecture

participation in class - 15h participation in the consultation - 2h


Lectures in the class

preparing od report and presentation - 15h


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