EacL. i


Sth, 'ecember 1943*


CRg.\ri3ATICK CF 1*^ I0IJ3K AR; T IM 3::.: -.AH?.

A. In connection with the departure of tho Second Corps for the front, the whole of the Poliah Army in the Saat has been divided lnto three Echełon3.

. .. Chinom I* consists of the Second Corps together with the Operational Base. Thio latter is composed of: base depot, with personnel recorde Office and the appropriate naintenance and supply units. 2he Operational Base will be formed fron the units of the Seventh Reserve :;ivision.

i Chelon I will be organised in such a way as to create a completely independent tactical and operational unit.

It will be onder the conp-and of the General Officer Comr.anding, rolish Army in the -ast, whc i3, simultane-ously in comoa&d of the Second Corps.

KCii-SŁOH II. io a centre designed to carry out the taska of organi3ing and training new army unita, when condit-ions created by the developnent of the generał rdltary and political Gituation will allow. In the present phase, the taslc of the Ecfcelon II will be the aosembly, training and gradualły oending forward of cocpłenente for

/ tbe Second Corps. ;;


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