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August 19th,    1741*

My dear General,

In cource of qy prerarlous corrcs jonderioe with you I hare already hnrl the orrjortunity to crprenn rr~r nincer* adrii rat i on of your couroge, your outntaruling Inlflative oj chamctcrlfltlc for all your nilitfiry o;?erations ani of your won-lerTul contribution to out ul t Ina te v :.ctory.

I would like once noro to eraphaai£e how gleri I me that the Polish Brig&de in tho iddlc Eaat was orgardseA an remalned undcr your eor-nond#

It io, therofore# with the gpe&test plcosi ne that I an sendin' you tho insignia of the hirhest Polish nilitery decoratlwł, the "Ylrbuti Mili. tarł %

I deeply regret that olrcmst. jicgb prevcnt mo from ecoratin - you peraonelly#

i*leose aooept heartiest oo?i ;ratulatlann and wlshes of furt’.er succerses Ir. the etruggle against aur co-T-on eneł y*

Yours oincerely,

General Sir Arehihold Percival .avell, CCB. 0 ^ SC# Gonrander-in-Chief India#


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