
' C o p y.

2^th 0ctober,19^1 j , T


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S e c r e t

My dear General Diii,

I very much regret . that circumstrn-ces have not afforded us the occnsion to meet before my ćLeparture to the I iddle &ast on my vmy to USSR.I intend to inapect the ^ olish Brigade in Tobruk where X will spend a few dnys,in order to uphold the morale of the Polish BOldier nil over the world and utter some words of encourr.gencnt the Polish people in their stubbom struggle for freedom.

1 would be very grateful tt to vou for łcindly inforrning General Auchinleck of my intended viait and aeking him es v/ell as cther of your representntives whorn i mcy neet on my wny to kussia to fociitate my' mission.

Your a very sincerely


Gir John Diii,KC3.,GMG.,D30.,

Y/ar Office,



h / V>


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