194 Z&tgne* Krmectak

ordinanccs.14 This agcocy raakcs ordinanccs in satuations stnctly indicated by tbc Act of 29 Dcccmber 1992 on radio broadcasting and telcvision and by othcr acts. If thc act docs not givc $uch powcr thc Councd pcrfonns iu tasks by adopting a rcsolution Making ordinanccs by thc Nationa! Couocii of Radio Broadcasting and Tckvision i$ trcatcd as a sign of control in the sphcrc of freedom of thc radio and ldcvtsion. The conccpt of ‘ordinancc’ of thc Council is elose to thc Frcnch dcfinition la rigltmenl (róglemtnt dadministration publique).li The theory of control activitics has not bccn dcvclopcd in a wider way in Poland.

The subjcct of ordinanccs of the Council are thc following:

1)    rulcs of spreading programmes that could threaten thc psychic, cmo* tional pbysical dcvelopment of childrcn and youth;

2)    rulcs of adverting activiiy;

3)    rulcs of sponsoring specified programmes;

4)    ways of rccording and stonng programmes. advcrt:sen)cnts and otber transmissions by senders;

5)    hsts of important social evcnts. hesides these specified m the act regardcd as important by othcr European countries. and the ruies of exclusivc nghts to tdcvis;on transmissions of such evcnts

The big number and dctail of statutory ordinanccs givcn to thc agency can be worth underlining. In the soopc of performing rulemaking functioas thc National Council of Radio Broadcasting and Tdcvision has thc positioo of tbc ministry in fact. This agency uses the compctcnccs relating to thc dclcgatmg law establishing generał btnding rulcs of conduct. The charac-tenstie featurc of rule making activity of thc Council, that ca uses less controvcrsy than issuing radio and tdcvision hccnces or allowmg frccucncics

MScc J. Sobczak. Ustana o ra&ofomi i tekwizJL Komentarz [The Aa oa fUdiophooc ind Tderójon The Commenliryl Pomiń 19*4. p 51 ind M Zdyb. "Krajowi Ridi Radiofonii i Tekwt/jT fThe National Council of Radio Broadcasting ind 1elcyikon|. t* Prawo tkhttmsuaeyptt ustrojone Poómcty adrrMuracn p%Miernej [The Adnunntriti* Stiucturil l^w. The SubjecU of tbc Puhbc AdommtribonL od J. Sldmiuk. I. Szrcruiwsb. Byd-goi/c/ l-uhlin 2002. p 155 As regards the status of Couoal of the radio Broadcasting ind Tełevu*oQ this agency i\ ptaced oulodc the system of idmmiaritne miduncry (rom thc organi/iiion Ind. The Council ind ud es the taroty of performance ind admimttnUoo * rdttion to thc functioas. Takmg imo tccount the itpca of competcnce this agency is regarded t« “thc nr gin of nttionil idmmńtrabofl hut not goyemmenur - sec: i. Jagielski. • Admuustracja centralni" flhc Central Admmi&i?iiśon|. m Prawo adnumsiracyjne [The Ad-mivustrative Strućturil Law], od. M. Wierzbowski. Warszawa 2003. p. 181

uSec J C Doucncc, ftrckerches sur te potne** rcflamenłaire de lockninistraikm* Pini 1V6*. p. 95. M II ccq u trd -Thcron. £imb rur ta nono* rłftameniation. Paru 1977, p. 71; J. M Rai na ud. La distinction de locte regbtmrntaire et dr lacie ind^uJuei. Pins 1966, p. 24 and A Szpor. Akt rt%L*nentacyj*y Jaka jutnment driaUmus adnamuracji we Francji (Tbe Rcgulitmg Act as an Instrument cf Activ«> of Admmntralion m France). Wirva»a 2003, PT 3« 59.

7V Ru/emaking Powtrt of Indrptmknl Admmittralht Ageneift in Roland 195

for broadcasting, is considcrahle casc law of many provisions. For instanoc it has bccn rc$crvcd. in thc ordinancc of 6 July 2000 on sponsoring programmes and other broadcasts,1* how many times and for how long can a sponsor of thc programmc or a broadcast act. Aocording to thc § 2 of this ordinancc, thc one timc sponsor can be emittcd not longcr than 8 seconds, in casc of two sponsors it is 15 seconds and in othcr cases - 25 seconds. It cannoi bc prcscntcd, caocpt aomc cases, m thc timc of thc programmc.

Thcre havc bccn somc dcmands for a timc bcing to take thc rulcmaking powcrs away from tbc Council. Such idcas are justificd with a ncccssity to obsers-c thc rule formulated in tbc Art. 87 of thc Constitution RP.

In 2006 thc compctcnces of thc Council wcrc cxtcndcd by gran ling it control ovcr jurnałist cthics. Ihc Conslitutional Tribunal oonsidcrcd this changc not to bc in acccrdanuc with thc Constitution.


The othcr agency bclongjng to the said independent admimstrativc agencie* performing a rulcmaking function is thc Council for Monctary Policy. Contrary to thc organ presented in point IV, this agency is not constitutionally bounded to use this form of activity. The provisions of the Art. 227 § 2, 5 and 6 of tbc Constitution RP dcclarcs thc status, pand and tasks of thc Council. This agency is ooc of tbc organs of thc National Bank of Poland. The Council for Monctary Policy shall bc composed of thc Prcsidcnt of the National Bank of Poland, who shall prcsjdc ovcr it, as wdl as persons distinguished by thcir knowlcdgc of fmancial matters - appointed in cquai numbers by thc Prcsidcnt of thc Rcpublic, the Polish Diet and thc Senate for a period of 6 ycars. The agency shall annually formulatc aims of monctary policy and present them to the Polish Diet at the same timc a* thc submission of thc Council of Ministcrs' Draft Budgct. Within 5 monihs following thc end of thc fiscal ycar, the Council for Monctary Policy shall submit to thc Polish Diet a report on thc achicvcmcnt of thc purposes of monctary policy.

Besidcs thc said tasks thc Council determines thc following:

1)    thc amount of interest ratc of thc National Bank of Poland;

2)    rulcs and rates of rcserve compulsory for banks;

3)    thc top level of obligalions rcsulting Grom loans and forctgn crcdits incurrcd by the National Bank of Poland;

4)    operalions of open market.

The rulcmaking activity of the Council for Monctary Policy is csplaincd by the conccpt of “issuancc of mtcrnal acts." The Constitutional Tribunal acceptcd this way of argumentation in its decisions. In thc dccision of

“ J. of L. 2000, No <SS. ittra 785


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