Poniżej Jeden z śrtykułów w miejscowym dzienniku na temat Wystawy w Rorshan 5t, Fnith.
' Monday
ho capturcs the elusive ąuality of the limeslone.
Somc pleasing water-co.ou-rs have also been receivcd from L.A.C. Strzałkowski, n» engincer.ng student before the war. who had never done any painting until he ramę to this country.
Skilled Hand-work
FKOM scrop motał the members of the syuadron have j turned out a great yaricty of per-fectly finished artick-s. inctuding Cłgarette casoa, lighter* and braee-lcts, brass trays. lamp-stands and model aireraft. There are also a mlhiber of raodtls and other orna-mi-iłUl cłwijttw la plastlc The toys, many of whfttfi are wKfc-kińg modcLs, loott us if they will stand up to rough handllng conaider-ably better than most ot the prodajofc-we have seon In the baśt few years The' exhibition is opon from i p.m. to 9 p.m. each week-day, and on Sunóays from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Therc is no charge for admission.
reason wby Norwich has secn so little of the Polish airmen stationod on the ontskirts of the city is to be found in on cxhibition which is being opcned tliis afternoon at St. Faith's R.A.F. station.
Ever sińce their combat dulics as a night flghter force ended the members of the Polish 307 Sąuadron, slationed at St. Faith’s. from senior offleers to airoraftmen. havo. been devotiug a large proporlion of their spare timc to arls and craft work.
The examples of their work, which ure on view in a large Nissen hut on the edge of the airfield, form one of the most striking collections of its kind 1 have scen.
'■''HE exhibits raoge from llne ■* water colours and oil pauumgs and beautifully fashioned brass and silver work to ingeniously construclcd toys.
Many o£ the artides. includmy toys and leather work, are for sale. Witta the exoeption of the toys. however, they will not be removeri before the exhibition eloses on D&ccmber 23rd. otherwisc I should imaginc therc would noL Iw a great deai for visitors to sec after the flrst iwo or Uiree days. The proceeds anto be given to-the Red Gross.
SPECIAL place :n the exhi-bition is given to the scnuudrotTs “scorc board” a*id rccord book. rw-gni/iceatly bound in blue veivet with silver decorations. It tells hew in its four years’ opera-tional work the s^uodron aecounted for 33i German aireraft over thls country, with nine “ probables ” and 18 damaged. for the !oss of ten of its own maohines.
Noarby is a monstrance in gold and słlver presented by Flt.-Sgt. Krzewiński to the sąuadron chapel as a tribute to his mother, who is io Poland.
whose work has been seen in Norwich, contributes a selection of pietu*res, mostly water-eolours. show-ing a fine sensc of composltiun and a sensitive eye for colo-r. They in-cludc several Norwich studics. among them interiory o-f Strangors' Hall.
Eąunlly satisfying is his treatment of several seenes in York. in which
0 godz. 20.00, odbyło się bardzo skrotnne łamanie opłatkiem w Żołnierskiej Stacyjnej Świetlicy.