Superwomen Trńia Anawera
1. Lindsay Wagner, "The Biordc Womaa” 1977.
2. Lynda Carter.
3. Wonder Woman s borne of Para-diae Ialand eon tai na oniy women. wtiere the amazona can develop their atrength, unhampered by masculine deatructiveneee. The source of Wonder Woman'a atrength when shes away from home ia her bełt. Cartera greateat feat of atrength aa Wonder Woman was stop ping a tank dead in ita tracka.
4. A skydMng accident paved the way for the rebuilding of Jamie Sommers lega, an arm and her hearing.
5. John Foraythe'8.
6. "Chariie s Angela.' *
7. "Police Woman."
8. In her purae.
9. The wice of the cat on the car-toon "Josie and the Puaaycata."
10. Diana Prince. Debra Winger played wonder girl.
11. He waa bionic.
12. Wonder Woman, the Inter-Agency Defenae Command (IDĄC); Bionic Woman, the Office of Security and Intełligence (OSI) and Char-lie'a Angela, Townsend Investiga-tiona.
13. She stuck her leg out of her car doorand preaaed herfoot down on the road until the car stoppecL Her linę: "The OSI owea me a ne pair of ahoes.”
14. Lynda Carter.
15. By spinning in place.
★ ★★★
The superwomen
had a vanety of
aaaets, beauty
not the leaat
of them.
★ ★ ★ ★
lynda Carter: WoncWir Woman
Love At Pirat Sting
Seorpions PołyGram Recorda
by Teresa Hoyla and Jeanine Redo
Unfortunately, the Seorpions' tenth album entitled I.ove At First Sting lacka the "sting" needed to reach the public. Nothing from this album (with the posaible exception of" Rock Me Lilce A Hurricane") leaps out from the vinyL Eveiy cut diga painfully into the heart of the listener and what’a morę, all the cuts sound identical.
Granted, they tried. The album begins with upbeat tunes such as "Bad Boys Running Wild" and aa said before, "Rock Me Like A Hurricane" as many have seen and heard on MTV. The album co mes to a conclusion with a slow, melodie "Still Loving You" but it is somewhere in hetween the tranaition is tost. The continual poundingof Klaus Meine s raspy voice, and the combination of Manhiaa Jabs and Rudolf Schenko^s screaming guitars dont haw what it takea to fit into todays ever changing musie worid Possibły, they would have done better 10 yoars back. but it a now when they arereceMng nrpUy.
BothSchenkerand Meines lyrics become the jigaaw puzzle whfle Iow, gangu. heartbreaka. and musie become the ptocea with a diflerent ahift in meaning. But the touric Is all the same. Somehow, ewryone can reiate to theae aub-focta, but they ara koel In tha twair
The bancTs creat*vity la shown toward the beghming of the afeum. "Bad Boya Running Wild" la rock a reaponae to "Girła Juat Want to Hm Pun" and łt auccsotk Flnlahłng off the aljum la "Stffl Lovtng You” and It ts this cut that
listener* need to hear morę of. With "Corning Home,'* another fieebke attempt that słowa thinga down, the listener loses the romance to Meine s raspy voice. He is madę for one type of musie and does not digress well.
There are other cuts on the album, buł they serve as filier space. They are not worthy of mention. in fact, they should have spent morę time in the studio. Beating a deadline does not sell albums and the rush to put out a new album is evident here. If the Seorpions would spend morę time considering what the public wants, they may haver a chance. They ll have to slow down a bit.
IRS Recorda
by Evan Russell
"Second recorda are a time of reckoning for every band .and we wanted to face up to that." So aays Peter Buck. guitarist forR.E.M. Itisafact though. and an eapecially reai one for R E M., whoae first LP "Murmer," and EP "Chronić Town." both finiahed very atrongły in the 81 and 82 year-end charta the world over. OUt of Athena, Ga, R.ŁM. ia unqueationably one of the beat American banda today.
Buck also feela that. "Quite often a second jJbumsounda like aninforiorrehaahof the first but Reckoning reprcaenta a real departure from 'Murmer'." In raaBty. "reckoning" doesn t jua-tify this sUtement Many of the aongs bera could vety eaaiły have fit on "Murmer," but this ia a very minor point aa the songs aD stand very wełl on their own. The departure from "Murmer” ia not owriy strikłng, but this basie loyaky a oertain sound la probabty a v«y good idea. ILŁJH. hara taken the rlasair drum/guśtar-/baaa oorabinaUon to new hśeghts and furt her polkkad the wioua subtłekee ef their musie. The raeuk, "Reckoning," ia ymy succeasful
Mut r wtwWng about RJLM. la their very American attitude. "Don t Go Beck toe Rock
ville" delves into the seterotypical, depressing, dustblown. industrial or mining town of the aouth. But thia is not a sentimental sappy view of thia wom out side of American culture: rather. it ia a cloaed look at it as it is, for it is a real i ty and not a myth. A morę rocksteady tune, "Little America," takea a similar view of America, but iant as elear Though of little mat ter, it shjould be noted that, aa on eartier efforts. morę often than not the lyrics here are indeciphera-ble. And when we can understand them we often get lines bke thia, "The biggest wagon/ia the empty wagon/its the noisest.' Clear? Thia much like "Seven Chineae Brothers" wherein the words we can distinguiah seem veiy eryptie or to have bttle meaning.
But, again. this ia relatively unimportant. for Michael Stipe s voice alone (which ia in itaelf not outatanding) ia an integral part of the musie. He, like all morę thoughtful and innovative pop singer*, aings (or moansl a cross adn through the musie rather htan locked in it.
There are no poor aongs on thia record Three beautifol and murky ballada Time After Time, ' "S. Central Rain '(the current single) and "Camera" de serw speciai attention. Asi de from beng remarkabły pratty, theae aongs evoke "Murmer," and further explore the vague emo tional problems infroduced on that album. The aucceaa of "Reckoning" muat to some degree be the resułtofMitch Eaaters (how can anyone who waa In hte D b a and produced the "Nuta and Bołts’ half of the Bongoa do any wrong?) and Don Nlwn a fine production of it. Thia ia a very good record which should appeal to most everyone's sensibibtiea so don t be afrmid; go out on a limb, do the unimaginabie buy a record
IStateamans aria depanment needa writera. Cali 246-3630.
STATE$MAN/Alternative8 Wednesday. May 9. 1984