INFOST XXX Pagc 5 of 7


Wordpress site

•    Installation and theme customization

•    Page, post, image gallery, and other plug-in reąuirements

•    Website will be 8 or morę pages in total

Objectives 1-3


Week 9

Drupal site

•    Installation and theme customization

•    Poll, blocks, taxonomy, and other reąuirements

•    Website will be 6 or morę pages in total

Objectives 1-3


Week 10

Test site construction using a development framework

•    Customize a template site using a CSS framework

•    Submit a written document along with the site containing a

•    summary of all changes and modifications madę (2-3 pages in length typed double-space Times New Roman)

Objective 3


Week 12

Customizing an API placed for site created in week 12

• Examples include an image gallery, Online presentation, or customized mapping application

Objective 3


Week 13

Finał project website

Objectives 1-5

(10% of overall course grade)

Week 14

Rubrics will be provided for each individual assignment detailing the specific reąuirements which need to be included. Ali written assignments will be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman 12 point font and 1 inch margins. For coding assignments all codę should be clean and conform to syntax (all tags properly nested, all statements opened and closed correctly, and use of comments where necessary).

MIDTERM: The midterm will be taken during the 8lh week of the semester. Students will be tested on all materiał through the 7,h week of the course (lecture notes and assigned readings). The midterm is the only test for the course.



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