P. Boczar, L. Błażejczyk-Majka

considered in relation to individual households. regions or countries, while its level is influenced by the behavior of individual market participants.

Moreover, Kielczewski [2007] stressed that sustainable consumption is to be a set of rational purchase decisions aiming not only at attaining tlie consumer eąuilibrium. but also realizing objectives of sustainable development. Thus, as it was reported by Kieżel [2004]. consumer choices should be purposefiil. conscious, well-thought. deliberate and planned. comprehensive and calculated. In this sense choices madę by consumers are justified not only economically. Purchase decisions should be also influenced by factors connected with broadly understood ethnocentrism. quality of purchased products and relatively Iow harm-lulness for the natural environment. The role of economic factors may obviously be connected with the effect of price on consumer decisions. In tum, loyalty towards local enter-prises may be indicated. among other things, by the selection of purchase outlets as well as the importance of the type and origin of the raw materiał among factors detennining the purchase of the product. A separate problem is connected with the assessment of the effect of ecological consciousness on purchase decisions madę by consmners.

When defining sustainable consumption various studies also indicated the need to develop new consumption pattems. Borkiewicz [2008] define that rational behavior and rational consumption pattems may contribute to enhanced sustainable consumption. In tum. Łuczka-Bakuła [2007] emphasised the need for such a reorganization of current consumption pattems so as to ensure minimization of their pressure on the natural envi-ronment. The role of proper consumption pattems as a factor guaranteeing sustainable consumption was also mentioned by Borowska [2002], Mózner [2014] and Verain et al. [2014], Michaliszyn [2012] citing Szczepański [1981], defines the consumption pattem as a comprehensive complex of phenomena connected with satisfying consumer needs. which reflect all consumption models. In tum. Kramer [1997] delined consumption pattems as the level of consumption stmcture, fixed in time and repeated on a massive scalę under specific social and economic conditions, with a cohesive system of relationships and dependencies. Thus a consumption pattem describes a given reality. the existing State, w inie a consumption model defines the State desirable from the point of view of adopted standards [Michaliszyn 2012],

Food consumption is a special area of consumption, important from the point of view of both a single consumer and the entire economy [Schósler et al. 2012. Verain et al. 2012], Research conceming consumption pattems refers to all or specific groups of consumed products [see e.g. Borow ska 2002], Due to the complexity of the problem of sustainable consumption the development of a pattem for vegetable oils reąuires comprehensive and multifaceted interdisciplinaiy studies. Thus the aim of tliis study was to provide characteris-tics of Polish vegetable oil consumers in view of principles of sustainable consumption. Its results may prove usefiil for the development of sustainable consumption pattems for veg-etable oils in Poland, as well as public awareness campaigns promoting such consumption.


In order to provide a characteristic of vegetable oil consumers both secondary and primary data were used. The former, conceming the level of consumption of yegetable oils, come from the FAOSTAT data base. In tum. primary data comprise survey results

Acta Sci. Pol.


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