„Studia Ekonomiczne Regionu Łódzkiego', nr 15/2014 | ISSN 1897-7480 | www.serl.pte.lodz.pl
aby podnieść konkurencyjność oraz elastyczność rynku pracy. Niemożliwe jest zatrzymanie procesu globalizacji, dlatego też każde państwo, także Niemcy, powinno w jak największym stopniu korzystać z możliwości oferowanych przez globalizację.
This article refers to the meaning of globalization process. The author has set the goal of examining the impact of this phenomenon on the one of the most powerful economies in the modern world - the German economy. Due to the complexity of this issue, the author focused on selected aspects. In chapter 2 is explained the theory of globalization and competitiveness, necessary for further considerations. In chapter 3 are examined opportunities and benefits of globalization and its conseąuences for the German economy, with reference to the meaning of foreign direct inyestment. In Chapter 4, for contrast, are presented threads and risks associated with the process of globalization in relation to the German labor market, economy and foreign trade. Such structure of work, with an indication of benefits and risks, let the author refers to the research problem with higher awareness.
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