Southampton Univ., UK, Rept. No. ISVR-TR-121, 59 pp (Oct 1982)


Key Wordt: Diskt, Rotating structuret

The vibratk)n re*x>nte at tha center of a rotating di*c which it subjected to in-ptane, nor mai and tangential forces at the rkn i$ analyzed. Such a diic will behave at a rigid body at Iow frequencies, wrth tha acceleration at the center in phate with force at the rkn. However, to anelyze the re*>onte at higher frequenciet it it nacattery to eon lider wave motion within the diic. The vibration analytit of the diic involve> two unooupled wave equatk>nt expreited in piane polar co-ordinates. The generał tolution to eech of these equatk>ns it a tummation of orthogonal modet.


Analysu of Shaft AJignment Taking Oil Film Charac-teristics of Stera Tubę Bearing mto Conaideration (Part 1, Tbeoretkal Anałyais)

J. Mitsui and Y. Akutsu

Tamano Lab., Mitsui Engrg. & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. 1*1, Tama 3-chome, Tamano, Okayama. Japan, Buli. JSME..27 (224). pp 317-324 (Feb 1984) 19figs. 2 tables, 3 refs

Key Wordt: Shaftt, Aiignment, Marinę propellert, Oil-film bearingt, Fluid-film beeringt

To echieve energy avings, thipt are now being detigned wrth łarger propellert operating at lower *>eed. Such detigm knpote a haavier load on the ttern tubę beering. Shaft align-ment calculationt are madę taking into contideration oil film cheracterittics of the ttern tubę bearing. The oil film charec-teritticf are analyzed applying the finite width hydrodynemie theory to the curved thaft in the ttern tubę bearing. Thit theoretical analytit makat It poufcfe to elucicate the oil film characterittict. The optimum wkfth-diemeter ratio of the ttern tubę bearing at lower speed it alto obtained by thit analytit.


Toraiomal Vibration of CranłuhafU in Reciprocating


D.K. Rao

Wright-Pat ter son Air Force Base, OH 45433, Shock Vib. Dig., (2). pp 15-23 (Feb 1984) 103 refs

Key Wordt: Shaftt. Cranktheftt, Reciprocating enginet, Torttonal vibration, Peviewt

Crankthaftt and connected ihafting in reciprocating engine-driven tyttemt such at thip propultion drivet, air oompret-tort, diesel generator tett, and automobilet cen fail if excee-tive tortional vibratory strettes are devek>ped due to a tor* tional mitmatch between driving and drńren machinery. Thit pap ar reviewt current literatura deeling with determination of tortional natural frequenciet and wibratory ttreuet in reciprocating machinery shafting.


Optimum Design of Rotating Machines with Over-hung Weight, Part 1: Fomiulabon of Optimum Probierni

A. Sueoka, H. Tamura. V. Tsuda. and H. Yamasaki Kyushu Univ., Higashi-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Japan, Buli. JSME, 27 (223), pp 79-86 (Jan 1984) 8 figs, 12 refs

Key Wordt: Optimum design, Shaftt

Regarding rotating machines with owerhung weight at a tyt-tem with one thaft and one rigid body, the extreme welue problemt of the stetic natural fraęuenciat, forward and back* ward critical «>eedt under constant volume of the thaft are formulated by uting the matrix method by which the spring constents of the axial symmetric ttructure ara directly cal* culated. In thit cata, the thaft of a rotating machina contliti of uniform beamt which are connected in tariet with one another. Betidet the length, inside and outiide diametert of every beem that it an element of the thaft, the dittence between thaft/rigid body connection point and center of gravity of the rigid body it uted at a design wariable.


Acoustic Ranging Tedtntąue with Application to AsaeMnent of Low*Fr©quency Acoustic Noiae of Wind Turbince

R. Hemphill

Solar Energy Res. Inst., Golden, CO. (Pres. at the Wind/Sołar Energy Conf., Kansas City, MO. Apr 25. 1983), Rept. No. SERI/TP-215-1954. CONF-830432* 3,12 pp (May 1983)


Key Wordt: Wind turbines. No i te generation, Low frequen-ciet


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