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94.    Srinivasan, A.V. and Cutts, D.G., "Dry Friction Damping Mechanisms in Engine Blades," ASME Paper No. 82-GI-162.

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97.    Brown, W.G., "Determination of Damping Values for Turbinę Blades." ASME Paper No. 81-DET-131.

98.    Griffin. J.H., "An Analytical Comparison of Blade-to-Blade and Blade-to-Ground Dampers for Use in Gas Turbinę Engines," Proc. 8th Canadian Congr. Appl. Mech., Moncton. pp 405-406 (June 7-12,1981).

99.    Klompas, N., "Blade Excitation by Elliptioal Whirling in Viscous Damped Jet Enginer.," J. Engrg. Power, Trans. ASME. 103 (2), pp 326-330(1981).

100.    Kinberling, M.C., "Slip Damping of Turbinę Blades," Rept. No. AFIT/CAE/AA 78D-11, AD-A 081907/8 (Dec 1981).

101.    Kochetov, T.M., Sidorov, A.A., and lvanov, N.B., "Damping of Tangential Vibrations of Turbinę Blades by Means of a Shroud with Corrugated Bands," lzvestiya Vysshikh Ucheb-nykh Zavedemii, Mashinostroenie (4), pp 83-86 (1981) (In Russian).

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103.    Kapralov. V.M. and Skvortsov. R.V., "In-vestigation of Vibration Loading of Turbinę Blades in Aircraft Gas-Turbine Engine with Dry Friction Dampers." Problemy Prochnosti. 155 (5), pp 83-85 (May 1982) (In Russian).

104.    Zmitrowicz, A., "Vibration Analysis of a Turbinę Blade System Damped by Dry Friction Forces," Intl. J. Mech. Sci.. 23 (12), pp 741-761 (1981).

105.    Bavelskii, D.M. and Bogoradovskii, G.I., "A Form of Vibration Excitation in Compressor Blades." Strength Matl., 13 (9). pp 1150-1152 (1982).

106.    Lang, K.W. and Nemat-Nassar, "An Approach for Estimating Vibration Characteristics of Nonuniform Rotor Blades." AIAA J.. 17 (9). pp 995-1002(1979).

107.    Samoilovich. G.S. and Antipin, A.V., "Evalua-tion of Resonance Dynamie Stresses in Blade Packets Undergoing Bending Vibrations at nz Ratę," Teploenorgetika. (9). pp 27-31 (Sept 1980) (In Russian).

108.    Belohradsky, H.J., "Formulae for Determination of Bending and Torsional Frequencies for Blades on Steam Turbines." Schiffstechnik, 28 (2). pp 63-99 (May 1981) (In German).

109.    Perel'man, R.G., Bodryshev. V.V.. Pryakhin, V.V., Karpin. E.B., Matrosova. L.V., and Chebotararev. V.N., "Influence of Erosion Wear on Vibrational Characteristic of Blades in Axial Turbomachinery." Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Energetika, 4^ pp 60-64 (Apr 1982) (In Russian).

110.    Nied, H.A., "Modal Analysis of Gas Turbinę Buckets Using a Digital Test System," J. Engrg. Power, Trans. ASME, 102 (2). pp 357-368 (1980).

111.    Ansari, K.A., "On the Importance of Shear Deformation. Rotary Inertia and Coriolis Forces in Turbinę Blade N/ibrations." ASME Paper No 83-GT-167.


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