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limóff, Frtniary 4,2003 ftiwMm T«ta Fafc, Idaho M

Twin Falls Area Comm unity

Lincoln Bemantary Sehooł In Twfn Filia announced IU 'Brutalne' for tfu month of December. They we, from left, top row: Brandon Tliły, łaeob Whaalar, Cbaaa Stern#, Raymond Banyal and Paulina Bowen; reiddla row. IlIJan Pauravlc, HaiDa ioffera, Nikła iupar, Login Hołattna, Kaathar Baker, Brody WilKamaon, Śayar Conrad and Dakota Kraba; bottom row. Nikle Jaaper, Anthony Paaqua!e, Alezandree Pralnltt, AJeałaa Smith, Trłatyn Smith, Sarannah Nlaaon, Delenpy Bergen and Denny lewie.

Murtaugh BPA heads to State

MURTAUGH - Mcmbers of che Business Profcssionals of America (BPA) havc qualified for che State Leadcrship Confercncc March 13-1S in Boise ofter a reccnt rcgional compcti-don.

The economic research team of Jordi Stalling, Matt Newkirk. and Drue Tolman placcd first.

Daniel Egbcrt placcd second in finandal math and analysis, and

Trcvor Simmons piaccd third in integrated office applicaóons.

Othcr students who placcd, but did not qualify for stale were:

Monica Biggers, fourth place, integrated office applications.

Kent Pcrkins, fifth place, cxtcmperancous speech.

Drue Tolman, sixth place, intenriew skills.

Monica Biggers, cighth place, desktop publishing.

Murtaagh BPA m«mb«rt li*cbtf«7lrenrUfrrBKJfroir Matt Newklrfc, Tren! Currantn*, Dnie Tolman, łortl SUUlngs, Daniel Egbort and Kent Peridns; bottofli row: Brldgor Wart, • Caul Peikina and Trorcr Slsimons.

Trcvor Simmons, lOth place, desktop publishing.

Amanda Gailcy, fourth place,, fundamcntal word Processing skills, and scvcnth place, advanced word processing skills.

Cassi Pcrkins, sixth place, advanccd word processing skills.

Eli Andersen, lOth place', inter-view skills.

Jennifer Schwcndig is the Murtaugh BPA adviser.

open ot 6 pm Mmi be o%xt IR. r*fl Sitw


Toodći burt C*3S* sond a nol« mCh:

Njm$ cł W ottPMicn or dub; TYnt. dOy M WCC of Ihc admty; Ttkphonorurrocr of 0 comaci pdson Sond to:

Pot Morcy.^orto TheTWsMw PO. Bo« TmnFols 83303.

Or fu to 7345538

Or wtil io Mmjm^cYaccf .com

Por moro Wormttton. cal Pat

M.V. Duplicate Bridge announces winners Harrison Elementary honors students

Third g/ade

: . TWIN FALLS - The Magie Yallcy Duplicate Bridge Club "announced its following weekly , winners:

;. Jon. 23: first, Rilcy Burton and ‘ , Bobctte Plankcy; second, Mikę Noss and Max Thompson; third. ' Betty Grant and Ruth Rahc; fourth, Marilyn Botkin and Doris Watts; ded for fifth, Betty Sabo and Dorothy Young with Don - -Rahc and Sam Smutny and flight ; B, Sidonia DiCostanzo and • . Beverly Reed.

Jan. 2S for north/south: first, Riley Burton and Bobctte Plankcy; second. Herb Burgess \ and Tom Schmidt; third, Beverly Burns and Mary Kienlcn; fourth, Renee Bulchcr and Peggy . . Hacklcy; and flight B: Al and Frances Anglin. East/west: first, Nathan and Kay Higer; second, ..Wilma Driscoll and Evelyn —. Meyer; third, Ruby Grimes and


S*wX* W»n f\in fWbrrthfrp Chorym • 7 JO

B-m. TvjcuU>» at IU K. Si, Ku^rti Men U *U otx% inv»te*l.c#U4JMd>l7.

T**4n falki M-xxSord» lUrtmhop • 7JO pm Turw&iy ot \S«fHo*ku ChmttK J'«A Shothunc Si. f- Men of all agis intirnl Cal



YaUrySlni^s^^DunrrCIub 7 pa Tuo4*y« al ihc kWihuJiN Churth *it 211 N flocKjnan Si. in je to<th. <all Vm #1 744 4647 of Tom ot J24-U40 CuupWi orkumr.


SiUer und C.old W Crtuet . 7 JO jun Al 20J WUMwiUkn. IKwo ł*xJ uwk tur opcni t*i 6 10 |*m Mu*i U* oit IU. c#ll


Coldrn Y rara Scnkr Cliurm Center • Tl p m. \V< JnnJay* ot 21 % N KAll Si. W . SWrfw. Musi brom 1*. cal) «w»ZJł* A<fin> Senior Crrśrr -7 pm. Tumbie •»« tti MA40 S«rvc1 la Kimbrt ly Aflyw** orf act l»ai%rrknmc.CAll 4144441.

Guido* llmtair Senior Center • 4* 45 p m Tuculay* im 2«2l OrrfUAj A*t in Bor lr%. o* I8 and older, caD AT* BMA

Mlnld#ka Commij Senior Center 7 pm Krtd702 llth Si. in Kupm. *tr t* and oeef.ctO 4J&9107

c American UkMiIUA In Toin l ollv 7: ir. ę m. Frtdijt 447 Seoumn Si- Dson npm oi u JO pin. Mum Iw mer IR CaO 7JGI72S Jerom* Senior Center • 6.45-f p.m T«nlł)i. 212 hm Arr K in Jmm. nuck

Imt opm* uCpn. eorly bud *64$ pm, ren ulor boniso ot 7 pm Muti br imtt mgx 18. coli J2ASU2.

ĄmttUm Uilon Moll In Uendell 7 IO >m ThumUyt. blO W. Mon Doort And «nock . m ot 4 p

Twin folk Senior Center • U pm tbe *co 1 <nd and fourth SarwOoy. coli 7KSOB4

\rtrm ot iorrigp Win 1U1I In Iktriey • 7 |vm SoiueOoya. Coli Aficc at on W1

$noko*hrt Uu2807.7.ISpm Mmkp

Lester Saundcrs and fourth, Patti Cooper and Sue SJdnner.

Jan. 27 for flight A: first, Doug Strar.d and Darlene Wagner, second, Bcverly Reed and Betty Sabo; third. Mary Tuckcr and Dorothy Young and fourth, Sidonia DiCostanzo and Doris Finney. Flight B winners were: first, Doug Strand and Darlene Wagner; second,. Sidonia DiCostanzo and Doris Finney and third, Larry Parkę and Hazel Yates.

Jan. 28. for north/south: first. Lonnic Burns and Bill Simonscn; second, Emma Lou Andrews and Veeta Robcrts; third, Dottie Miller and Doli Smith and fourth. Doris Finney and Joyce Johnston. East/west were: first, Fayc Kochncff and Madelinc Sawaya; second, Polly Mulliner and Sue Skinncr; tłurd, Jessie Lingnaw and Sam Smutny;

oi km    ChŁ 200* Jw-mr CaU 4240X0

Hi uf Senior Center • ot 7‘ł pm fir%t ondthi.. . uevliv ot ihe center in łluTd

Bwtlry Dk lodje • 7 p m MonJot a oi k»djBr. I kO OiMry Alf. m Rurley

Maik Yetley ICnio • d«wra «pcn ot S JO P m Corly Kni # 7 p m Thgmdoy. liOnr omJ Smurday oi N>l    Arr N.cill 7*.1«S

Mooae Lodir 412 ■ 7 20 pm Widnodoya ond 2 20 pm Sundoya ot oJS »‘ol!% Ate. in T«>n Falk CaU lkr.m* ee Kon m 7J444.17.

Wettern Suiet Collece • 7^ p.m. Wrdnodon et »kr Ikod.otf Cmmto. (ilt 74i-74^


Cbrkrian Simko Group . 7 pm un Oct I ond c»ery othcr Mondiy, Chnarun Kouraqvore Center. 181 Mormon Si.. Toin TibfJKKS

Southern Uoho T-m folia Slnflet • for actnttkt cmii 7JS0O44


finochle • I p.m. Mondoyt. Wcdnctini ond fndoyi. MimikAo Couoiy Senior Centif. 702 llchfe.in Pofefi.eoU 4Jb-«M07.

Twin falk Senior Center pinorhk • I pm Tłuio<Ujrvcoll7j4SOM

BeMie • 1 pm Mondoya oi Mojuc Vokc> Und* llouao. 246 Kalit Ave. Tm fo&a. 744-Ncwaoen wrkomr

fourth, Bonnic Aspitarte and Enid Cook and flight B, Dick and Carmen Kcvan.

Jan. 29 for north/south: first, Bcverly Burns and Jan Fitzhugh; second, Renee bulcher and Bobctte Plankcy; third, Al and Frances Anglin; and fourth, Linda Fix and Edna Picrson. East/west were: first. Kay Higer and Max Thompson; second, Harold Bulchcr and Dick Kcvan; third, Peggy Hackley and Evclyn Meyer; fourth, Wilma Driscoll and Ruth Rahc and flight B, Joc and Helen Stastny.

The dub mccts at 7 p.m. every Monday and Thursday and at 1 p.m. cvcry Tuesday. Wednesday and Saturday at the Magie Vallcy Bridge Center, 246 Falls Avc. in Twin Falls. Rofreshments arc scrved.

— For a partner, cali 324-2000:

Macic Yi»lWy FlnnMr Club • 7 JO p m WcdnmUyi j( tHwbtol Armww W«ror>\ IIaII. )Um%on Strrrl mU Shmtp Autw, I*i>* KaiR

V«Hejr YkU Kcikrmrnt Cemer Pir*a<>df CKb MO p m TurwU\% md ShumIiy* in *U ommuntry c cni er at    JUh m Vm T»m


Ptnochk Club • 1 p - TuoJan* Ouswiwnilc

Club lloutc. I77S ACJiwtn A»c K, on\o*< nok ca* Yjhj ai 7444914-ScuWc Rlief EDi FlsuNr Club 2 f m SiWMftfy* Al b3k« I402 I. 200 k, Jcfumc. not iu'14 Golf Rinch f


>Udc YaUc> trt% Club. RKv«t f« lumho.n orni rtxM^ CuJI Ckndu o 744CD40 .u VMki At 7J4KMH Noc ormUrs +tkomc.

Writcrs of the Vfw4. Chriuus aiikft a/uup • IO im firn SAiiiidA) Al twin Ka>«

Ktformrd CWcJbCift.bn I*•»i% ai 7.14MJ5 honm OutunClub • f* JOpm bu I rado of Ihc wrntH at kimbrtb ISdćc I Cli YbobuAi 4U-SS2;

Maik ViHry Aumamirut Soclrty 7pm •ccaftil Siiurdiy in Ttw%y uh>m ai IKrnii Center on Ol ciinpus <aQ 7 Jir 2447.

Twin łiii* Itilk *nd fńtol Club >nd**4 runRc • bl p m WrdiK-ub>« aI 2U 5.h A%c W. I*to KaK IjmtfrtJ ia 22 nftc. mudcfiiw pmof caJ.U f V i All bts> Al 424 1+ 4) (K Iact> ai 7444444

Somkr RJsfT Canyon Krmrl Oub ot ldafa '7 pm. founb WcUooday at up%Ułn ruooi ai Ol Titkf buikfcnc. caM Ikbbtr 4 746-^1 li —

Twin falK Hrrprtaloiy Hoclcfy • 7 pm third TucuIay ai Ikrrrii Cc nięr. caU .NmW Tctcrum at 74d‘iS#4.bt 267|

Widawa* Mlfbi rrllautblp 2 pa Wcdncidiy* ai bSJ Ko*# M N.. N«. J6 ai \ Alk7 Vi*ia Viib*r m Tm falls CaU tlone 4IO-2W

IV Knmini furt Cuild - SJOTpm. ftruł Thuroday. bhrep m» ShawL 62* Mun A%r N. caU Chjnry at 7JV*42S

Mmc Lott* 612 dm« Iraiuc - 7 JOpm Thunday* ai *15 f aH» A»c In Tuto Kafli Ca« Iknniaor Kuoai 74UAJ7

TWIN FALLS - Harrison Elementary School in Twin Falls announced ics student rccogni" tion for the second quancr.

Second grade


Kąty Madiaiit. Zerm* Mrtuc. Daniel SfcCorthy. TyUr A’.der»on. AiuiatM Ktnju IfuMcr PoUard. Ał»« Jcnrs MkScIIc MiKct. IUb*t DudJcy. A/Ijae IbrdoMc. Smb Burbc. Kaicb Pricc. Brcite Icbunón. Tanya Alantr. Tcjtan Alirr. Itawcl Andradr. Trać IkUfcop. Dctirrt Gillofo. Auiiin Gardncr. Da*id Mtnten. Sama*ha Muc. VśAi Maco, Kmin* ScawniM and ron et Wilcoa AYmdfi

Wbuncy Adams Edprlo Avds Sd»rU<K IW«K. Bmokr Dwdky. Auum Kians Adumn Gould. Jocec llodgra. Carrigan Owrn. Brandon Ridcout. Sara Batham. Cbcltca Bonortt. Kaitlyn Ibicc. lUhard llciru. Marv Ibrkins Subona Scbmdi. Stephen Crawfocd. Allyttu Mirnander. A/mm Kadm. Autuoan M\rts Blair Kc|u. Taykr Stunpusn. Im MncaJf. OJr Summcrs jodi Harwn. Ku%w II DeWiit. Nkalina MarcctU. L\lc McKalf. Dakoiah Koltom. Chancr Kofrloi and Maditon l(>ma»


tbkon Hirwbumm. Br\uv Ikhunm. Alm.r Cocaln. Katu# Dudlrr. Sara Baii%\ Ar.jam 1'rcduKMc. Sikolłna Marcctk. Kaul Hto%.

Brando* McCJfUirWMinrr Adtmtrlnnca

Alami. Tcgan Algcr, I%oia«1 Andraik. Kd«4dti Ayab. SeNcutf Dct>i. Trae li>%k>p. Nircna Cantu. Bruokr MU), Ikdrcc Galim!#. Jocec Ifwdgc*. Da«ld Martlncr. Saitunlka Miac. Vkki Mum. Camian Owm, Apacke Kowbuttwm. Kn«iioa Scawrmhf. Pnncr-V%tkws-kbWmn IWWrrr*wi Chelica Bnnneii* Kalctia Brodin. K.mi Bulchcr. DarmAn Craig. KactUn lbg«f. kai% Mad Am. Zrnna NtcHc. K« rwn Mulitc. K*um* Naicl. Mar* 1'crkm*. Hifct Saracriic. >abr>na Schmidt. Brody* U*Os Trmnan Whimo. T)kr Andcrwm. iWu.n iranntu*. Mana Calderon. Stephen Cfawfnrd, Alk*w llrmandrr. Armin Kadrtf. Ana*Ca«i% Kuse. May id Ic*. Im MctcaK. Aucumn M>vfs Bailry Kirluffl. A*Mcy Owens lluntrf Tollard. Blair Krtjua. Sal*rr Stearns Tailcf Sl.mpwn and Cad* Summm


Strojne MfCiHlUr, Jamrwm Br..«n lg»*r jnrekc. Alen* Kichard«on. Je««c KucxK*«. Mickael Chappic. K«ei Net-lfth. Connar Siubblrfield. A*hU% ll.illiucr and Ben Ktchoerry


Nick Giegcrkh. Knc WTHtudi'%. Jon* Andru*. H.anca l'.*trada. ll/aid.c M«*ca!f, Antkom Ma«*le. Alen Traffard. Ifidl Nirwan. Kat San ShrfMC. Cmdy Cal*»s Tai ku Muw. Ate*andra Unard.. MaJlori łlymas Jou.n Hunr/uch. Hanki IIuop. AnJ Itagrm. I))U AufdrthcuK'. Gancii bdum. Crfoid-Arr«>Ms Ale* Bruk. Keeln lH.iu.kr, Kmił*

Grindtiaff. Karle lludct*nn. Nick Kytlc. Darton Lynch. Miranda Manefictd. Kena lVrry. Jordan Shuuile and NuJwU* Kdon CKtantaMp

Gcmrdo Arruyu. Gancit IU*h«m. Cmlhu Cantu, n.Kc* Daloi. Koln Gccuakr. Łady Grindetnff. Karle lludrtm. Scan llughr*. Igor Jonl.c. Nick Kytlc; Dano* Lynch. Miranda Mamhcld. AU.nna Moj-na. Maithcw Mondragon. Krna Kcrry. Nichota* Bilon. Omweila Raium. Ale u* Kichardm. Jew Rwajdes Jrw Santos Jordan Sbindk. K*lr Yo%t. Prandon Andcr*#n. Je»*e Andrus MkImcI Cbapplr. Aktk Crawford. Dianca fu rada. Ben htcHteccry. Nich (^rgeruk IJ Gnmalc/. A*hl«* lloMutrr. M*nan K*ng. Bryanna Morate«. Korł Nciwrith. Canarr StuMJdidd. Ibad *4, Kaw Wbueiik^ AJro Trafford. Kuca Stewart. Nathan Merncf. W’dv K»dfrjuci. MłC*Wł> Kres Cltftdupltrr PiUn. Ta\lur    Step Karu# McCvnkir,

Andrt-w Ma«*ie. <*.enr%ii l.npet. Mallor ll>ma%. Alciandia lx*acdi. Daniel llue*. Arial llagcrte. Sierra Gihtu. Tori K.aon. BfiilgU l>a)lr%. Jcawt.iit Brown. Alo»l% Howlcr. IIelan Aufderhetdc and Ju*lin Ifumliach

Fourth grade


K«an Ciudn. M-rga* Ckmenn. Harian Camu. N.kki lUbt. h-nb |kudMi-r, T> IMfman. Arnu K*4w«. luka Ub\. Hraruhin OIIims Maiilww llfotn. Morgan Kugilw Ntrb Nallaga and NhHW Ntokm

AT«»J H*i

Aluu IV* k, W lutn*i kfl.luin CamptsIL liffany Clark. Kofcby llarnogton. Chri« IU witt. Jorgc Martin##. And Nvam».ns lav|r»r Stcrnrr. Madlton Wa«dcn. Ka\lj lltillnuii, Jaymc J«*nw>«. A«ht%n Junr%.

K*k lVKkham. laiku lUhardwm. Ka.1 Un Mansfield, Kaila Jamh^A. AJ tU*n/rls l'm.«h«* IW Uran and l;hrał%*h Attdwir* CMtaetrddp

Mwiitlo B« nander. I rika IUa>. Juan CdMrtwn. flcandon C.tlkns Tomany Keans Ja*nw* Juknum. Admn >#h*s Ruumfa Mc. Alma MunniH-. I aufw* Miller. JD NagcL Skrlln \cwtw-m. laelor Kambwr. Mitihll Knc. Morgan R    ht*4a NałUga. Z-C han

Sharp, tlrn Komrer. Krat«t Ctough. Niklu lbkcr. Kacia H-.mU.war. lwom Holfma*. Anka k**kn. Alnu Kek. Whitnr* IkU. K**nr Camphill. TiUam Clark, jorgc Maci mer. Aifrl ScaMtot, la\Ur Stcrner. Madti*>n WaiJt-n. Cryital Budd«n. Ilfa\d«»n C«Mik. Alle* C«w«r*x. Ju4i li*|irr. Bramkin Perkans IKniwr Ckcr. Gab* Yar*|uer. Bnan WiU. Ibnna lkr**s K*k U nkrwn. AUu \t.vWs faib Rnkardum. \kb* MartciK. Co*duk \lad%«n. Vuin« t-cwis %a*'k Liii Ni. Kaila

Ijcohmi. AJ GonraU*. R\an Condoa.

Morgan CteuKnls Shiamu' Cantu. Fmaltc IW-ltran. I li/aWtł* AMekun. Cark*«* A**e4. lUrmJ.r.* .Utmmlbtret Algrt and Canw ton IWimn

Fifth grade


Sta i* n B»rnih»M« f. Mana tbrtli. lu**w


Tran. Sictra Chapple, Job* C*Uins Nancy (btkbyart. Alnwi Lem. Ariel Urduu. PM* Moocc. Sonjia Nilotit and Kimb#rler


Birciftna Altun. Kri* Brniuo. Jamio Carmon. Kayb Guiicrm. Cud* Ur*o*. Ca*\andra Miller. Bon* Bctkiuic. Rayna Alanir. Dcaeen Andcrwm. tbbnclb Bond. Udary Ctark. Autu rui tablrs Boinn* JlcWr. Oojan Krrnjc. Sunihlnc Mart.ner. Scott Kiitager. Cedro Santo*. Jennifer Shcfaun. Dyba lluleey. Daiticllc Jonc*. Mihccta Kodrie. Sk)«ar Lynch. T.arro Martutet. Truś. Cało*. Chrlulna Cotmctil. Skona Myte*. Shalma Srawright. fmytan Yarga* and Jm Kapoto CMmddp

Kolie Butchcr. Sierra Chapplr. John CnILns Nuci Ibrdnan. Adam Kicho cm. lUiucOe Jono. M.hreta Kadrtc. Salko Lthe. ■U»iu Inng. Sk\bf l.mk furra Martiorr. Inna CaU*. Chrntma r»ioar%tl. Tretoc l)*:.rvc«f. Mvsjn Rn«nl SkaJPna Srawncb*. Maci uw»t Krml«#i Vativ Br\«4m Walker. Je%*T Zapala. Af*rl Medma. Caige 'bwC%. hm IW mm. 8hvamu Alcus Bnanna Iłid^p Cm. Jam.% Gaii**am. Ka*U latNifif, Ikinotl llta.r. Mi* Anna llatihiwa, Onh brui, Ca«uadrj MiUer. Kaali Nctua. Za*bar* Newkr*, Sanpn CaiIuyh. Bnfi* CrlkoiM. Bvan«a Kjmitrr. Kimlnrele* StwłiHcfKld. Jl> Wittief. Ha\na .Mam/. D«*at«n Andvrwtn. lbl»rieMv lUmd. S«c*e» lb«»mhi«wef. Ildao Cbrk.stiam Kum. H*na tbrrh. AuwMilidKHriitiin ll\lm*«.B*»*jn Kr on I*. SunOunc Mail trwa. And#*'a l'a**r. ScmM Itidingif. C* dr*. SaOlo%. |«-nnaf*-r Sh«iman, JlaiU* Mruud. Iw\*n Iran and

Ai<mh> Yargo

Slxth grade

A •

law* Iaughi. KartliuAhd.Kelw* l>nv, Kile K%*w. Aawlnw \ .ih. Mrl«**a Ndudrn. Mart \nwtrth. I**a Murplw*. tan B»r*K Itr adrii Caipafum. Kann Artaala. Aihk* i o igetwk anJ M-«»w MaKetH A * und ITa

DaktUa Hart*.#. Cha lora Hr-wu. Jarah l-ikey. Gf aa* Hall Caigi ll.n**h'. I »«d*aa Itendnaon. Iitan* >mith. Clark Mmdoak. Ala-*a lam knk Camj^wll. KaahatW* Ha fg.

Jim Butla#. Jaaob Cuats kaiK* C«bvtl*. Kmdr a l'l«e* m*. Juam l-ma J*»d* Modln . Cuucincy Ru«r. lb»U* WaB. Mana Santos Cha ycooe Dana. C-4tun Cowakm. Jtnmfrf Jnhiwm and Mąka* I tk* n.


Andraw V*«s Kuurtna» Mawan. Morw SaM.#s Mrima Nikukur, Maci Nerwortk. Ia*a MurpWi. Che*om* Ihiis lan khk lk'*

Bnru. Kaim Cnpian Ja-mufef Samual Yargas K.%a Co*. C«dNU* C-ruh*#. Z.aim Calu ac. Katan Arieaga. A akio UwyruK Mara ja kbrcttW. IbkMa Barlms Cbelwa Brown. Juah l-nkn. Gtaaa* Hall. Coaav IIhwf*i. lamloa* lUrularum. Idan* Smith. Cbrk Nhmlm k. ,Ue%a l rfm S**p4ahM Soroce* K. Armata ll.d-*aw.\n. Jeana a \Vilk*nwtfi, IKaola M<*«w. Kaaudra I km***'. Kalus Ttwe. K*tr Ha* w aml lUkn Wall

Sheryll Sharp of Filer recantly receWed a PCE (PEO Program for Contlnulog Edueałlon) grant. She Is a senior sl Idaho State UnUersEty majorlng (n elementary educatlon, and taklng cltssei on the College of Southern Idaho campus. The PEO Slstarhood Chapter D sponsored her. PEO li a phllanthroplc educatlonil organliatlon that aislsta women In obtalnlng educa-tlonal goals through grents and ioans. From left Is Mazeen Evans, Chapter 0 presldent; Sharp and Karyl Myen. scholarshlp chalrmin.


phy for 1

CSI professors plan show at Jerome llbrary

JEROME - The worki of two College of Southern Idaho professors will go on display Thursday ot the Jerome Public Ubrary, 100 First Ave. E. A reception for Russell Hepworth and William Studebaker will be hdd at 7 pm.

Hepworth and Studebakcr are collaboratlng on a ncw book about email western towns called, “Where I Can Laugh in My Slecp."

Studebakcr kas published six collections of poetry, in addition to co-editing “Idaho's Poetry: A Centcnnial Amhology" with Ron McFarland and “Where the Morning Light's Still Blue: Personal Essays About Idaho" with Rick Ardinger. His most recent book is “Shon of a Good Promlse." He is the CSI Outdoor Program director, Idaho State University literaturo professor and o corresporfdent for The


Hepworth tcaches photogra-and history of photography (or Boise State University, and photography and design at CSI. His photographs with mixed media havc been exhibited throughout Idaho and othcr States. He has bcen the curator of the Jean B. King gallcry at the Herrett Center for Arts and Science at CSI for the past five ycars.

They will be available to dls-cuss their works, and the naturę of coUaborative-work5-and.pub-iishing.

For moro Information, cali the librtry at 324-S427.

DAR honor* student* Satorday at Jerome Ubrary

JEROME - The Daughten of the American Revolutlon will mcct at 1*30 p.m. Saturday at the Jerome Public Library, 100 First Ave. E.

The DAR will honor local high school seniors selectcd as Cood Citizens on the basis of depend ability. servicc, leadcrship and pacriobsm. It also will honor sev* enth- and cighth grode students selectcd os winners in the organi-7ation's American History cssay cońtcsc.

Prospective mcmbers are inrit* cd to attend. For morę informa* bon, cali 733-841S.

CSI offers Computer works hop on merging

TWIN FALLS - The College of Southern Idaho will offer che zenxredit dass MHow to Mergc” from 6*9 p.m. Fcb. 13 in Evergrecn Room A23 on the CS! campus.

The cost is $30, and the instruc-tor is Sue Ełlis.    _

Students will learn how to break the cyde of typ Ing and fc-typing lists of names and address-es cach time they wam to corrc-spond. They will use Microsoft Word to crcate different tablcs containing the names and addresses of friends, business acąuaintances or othcr comacts, and leam how to insert these lists automaticaliy into their selectcd projeets. The dass ptwides tools for produdng form ietters, mail-ing labcls or envclopcs.

For morc information or to register. cali 732-6288 or 732-6290.

Masonie lodges seek donatlons for auction _

TWIN FALLS - The Twin Falls 4S, Filcr/Hollister 55 and Buhl 53 A.F.A.M. Masonie lodges will hołd an auction and chili fced from 6-8 pjn. Fcb. 15 at the Twin Falls Masonie Lodge. locatcd at the intersection of Blue Lakcs Boulevard and Falls Ayenuc.

Sevend merchants have donat-ed various items for the auction, but morę items are nccdcd.

Fqr morc Information or to

dunate. cali L.C. Craig at 7ii-6448 or Art Kaslcy at 734-2774.

Peopie for Pet9 hoids pubiic meeting Wednesday

TWIN FALLS - A pubiic meot-ing for the 1'coplc for Pets Magie Valley iI.imane Society Inc. will be held a. 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Idaho Health and Welfare Department office, 601 Pole Linc Road in Twin Falls.

Evcrv«meis wclcome to attend.

- CSI offers class on -

becoming a better speaker

TWIN FALLS - The College of Southern Idaho will offer “Excelling at Orał .Communicaiion" from 6-7:30 p.m. Tuosdays. Fcb. 11 througit March 18 in Słuclds Room 208 at CSI.

The cosl i-c SGO.

Students will learn the skills and strategies necessary to suc-

ceed when >peaking in pubiic. Tl.ey will learn step-by-step guiddines for planning a presen-tation and recitation. Emphasis will be placcd on sdf-cnnfidcnce Kised on proper planning.

The insinictor is Jill Bushtie.

For morc informa.ion or to register. coli 732-6290 or 732-6288.

Declo drama team brlngs home win. Wednesday In Communlty.


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