B ■* Tihcs Niwr.. Twn Fafc. Idaho Wnsrc^ty. Ap/u 19 tOflO
Z^T West
Druq binoe orcceded fatal attack Winter wheat comes through in 'prettygood' shape
& & Ł • •— ---- PnrAT^lin _ IWniiA ic !n nrn-1 im nn* cnrnul hrcaiUC or inadcou
■CiLKN KLLKN, Calif. fAW - A
frcnncd. cocnine-fueled n»f;ht of drinkmg «rvd dancing bv (i winery uorkcr prccedcd ihe savnge *prci* thal left %ix family membcr* and n CO»workcr dcnd. friend* >a:d
l TiMiday.
;* He parły, party, parły all thc . time — run nruund nil night.* one of
• Salcido'* fricnds said jn an intcrview >*ith thc San Francisco Kjuminer.
• rccalling Ramon Salcido'* extcndcd
• binge bcforc Friday'* kilhngi. *Hc
• iłrink-cccrything — bccr. urinc.
/ tc<|uiln.#
Betwec^? a ni. and !U n.m
Friday, ftilodos wifc. mothfMit-Iow, twttstaf r**indaw, and his co* worker wre butchcred.Nhol or both. The nc/t day. ihrcc cif Salcido .<
• jlauAb^rs.wcrr.found with their throata cm. twu uf them dcnd
The *urviving girl, 3»yenr*old Carrr.ina. is rteuwring 1:1 1’eniiwiln Vollcy llnspital. She told iimtiptom hi-r fnthcr cut her and her lutcn.
Salcido'* friend* said thc hinęc flartęd Wcdinwlay nighl. a cLiy aficr be wax srrvcd wich Prężno Cnumy couri paprr* onlering him to pay SS11 a month sopport for u 4,,>ycnr-old dnughter fnim nnuthrr marringe. plui nearly 56Aft) morę to thc county ’ for back payment*.
Sale ido. bmkc, w.u» outragr d. Ile tnld friends hm cxwife bod run off with another mon. She hax bcen in hlding tmdcr policc protection «nce
- ' ORANO EVILLF. <AP> - A crop-
duslcr pilot remair.ed in sertous condition Tucsday ot St. Joseph'* Rcponal Mcdicnl Center in Lewiston
- nfter his airplanc crashcd Mir Grungcvillc.
Cńs Mills, 33. of (iriingecillc Air
• Scrvicc. was cnrryinp a fuli load of fcrtilizcr about 0:15 a.m. Mor.day w hen his fiied-wifij’. singlc-engine spray plortc tost power shortly after tnkcoff. Idaho County Shcriffs Dcputy William Oliver said.
Mills apparcntly tried tu dump thc fertilirer and lond, but could not
• regain power and cmshlanded in n ; Md. Olivcr said thc plam* traceled
• . about 220 fect on its whcci*. then go< ; l loKCd dowo in the rond and (lipped ’ • ovcr unit* top.
A spokcsmnn for Gnmgrollr Air Scrvicc cslimated dnmugc to the piane at morę chan SJD.OOU
CALDWELL 1AP1 - The Caldwell City Coimcil hu* odopted a curfew of midrugfcl for chi)dren under Ifi and I om. for youths 16 to 18 in an cflbrt tu stem juvcmle crimc.
The cnuncil votcd 4«2 for ths* curfew* Monday after sevcr.il wvekx of dchate. The ordinunce will tuki* cfTect as soon ns n is puMisIwd in the Idaho Prc.ss*Tribune. p<issibly on Friday.
The limes finally sppruwd werc one hnur Inter than onKinally pruposed. and exceptlim> will Ik* madę for jrotuhs r«ini: to and fmm jub< or law ful social functions.
The measurr carries mmdcmearuir |H*n:iities up tu $.106 and •‘i^jjmnth.^ m jail. bul pulire l»M the couricil tlu-y hare mi plans lo penali/e y«uth> for <iccasuin.il v:ulatum>.
Council memhrrs Samly Stramht and Rob Jar bor votrd a^ainst the ordinance. sayini; there was no cvidence u would detrr cnnu*
• ••
A friend r-aid Salcido, 2S. comcred "a lunch of coke* from a sourcc in San Knfocl on Wcdncfday. then n lumed borne to lloyea Hol Spring. 11 frw mile* from Sonomn. and slarted hittini: nutomatic tcllcr macbt^s for cash.
Tnc FBI sa:d when thc mnehine* rrfuscd to >pit out uny morc moncy, Salcido tncd tu scll his car.
On Thursday nijjht. the bar* cloMrd and the dni|p( gone. Salcido stoiTKcrcd stoned into thc Sonoma
MUnon Inn. a tojvc!n*s. $jo-n nij^n resor: complcx a half-milc from Salcido'* liome in a rundown scction of the town.
Salcido tried tf> jtet a mom. The clerk said they were fuli.
"I think it’s maybc the cokc hc did' that set off thc rampa^c. said onother friend. Tle lu*edi fivc or six fjrums.. and hc gol ernry."
Salcido ha* bcen cluir^cd with four of the murdors and is soupht on o fedcral wornint for flighl to avoid prosccu*aon
patchy los^cs. farm rsprrh say it appears Idaha'* winter wheat crop wrathered the winter fairly we Ił.
’ Rifjhi nowevcr>lhing look* pretty ^ood and wc cxpcct to havc an adcquatr crop tu market this yrar/ said Mark Samson. administrator of the Idaho Wheat Oimmission.
Apart from scatlercd losscs nttnhutcd to '.Ik- fali drou>;ht and cxtrcroely cold winter tcmpcroUires. the l crop is listed in fair to condition, Sstnuon said.
The stale'* winter wheut acrcnyc
u oxpectcd tu UiUl 880.000 acrua. up fiO.OOO hćrc* frotr. łasi vcar. accordinc to thc Idaho Agricuiturnl Stnttstkal Senicc.
Snmson said typicolly about 10 perccnt of thc planted acrca^e is nut harvcstcd. “xo we nro lookinjc ot a 792,000 to 600.000-acrc harvcst wpcctcd."
Bnnnock County Agriculturc Extcnxion Agent Grorgc Gardncr callcd thc winter wheat crop fmr, but hbmcjl last fali*drought for Iow genninauón rates. Hc xoid ax much ns 50 perccnt of łbe sccd planted did
not sprnut hecatuc of modc<juate moisturr. "I dnn t tłunk ii ts going to lie n bumper >car for wheat herc.-hc wid.
Wcnther condition* mny hovc benefited wheat farmer* by killing ufT somc of tłu* Russian wheat aphid.
’Wcdontknow why yet. Wc think thc nicc wcathcr wc had and then thc spring roins we gol allowcd fungus to grow and did in thc aphid*.* &imscn said. “And then u gol rcal cold and thnl may hnvc had somethmg to du with it. too."
additioaal charco. incliidmi: attenipted first depree niurder. Iwvr been filed .i|!.nn>t a Ib year uld Itonneyillr Cnumy tren arcused »»i * assaullin»: a tó-rear óld* w oman April 9
• Adrian H.irayis. who charpil a> .an adult. appeared be furę Bu!u:evil!e Cmifity Magistrale I.. Mark Rubbich ,Tm*sday on the n**w rharp s. He w.i* charurd April l« uith aj!i:ravated a>>aujt. rapr. mfamnus ermu-luittire and mhbery.
Man dies on motorcycle
NAM PA tAP» — A Na nipa man has died after lr>ut»: contro) of hit motorcyclr u: ea^trrn Canyun .County. tIle Idaho State Police a*jkirt.
The victim wa> identifu d a> Thomas Tryon. »7 Pnlice <ud Tnin was killrd wlu-n bis motorcyclr crushed ihrou-i;barhi-d wirr fi nce ara) ramitied mto a pile <>t rork» Lu Munda).
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STORĘ HOURS: MON.-FR1.10-9, SAT. 10-7. SUN. 12-5