Wodnoutoy. Ap/il 19. W) XT»mcr- Nirw*. Twn Ffttttt. Idaho A 5

Nation [j£i

Prosecutor: North a Hitler-like figurę

Ollivcr and Bctsy North arrivc at his attomeys offlcc

WASHINGTON (AP) - Ohvcr North was portroycd to his trial jur> Tuesday a> a liar who couldnt stop. nnd ns "the Joo Isuzu of govcmment‘ who followed Hitler a maxim that 'the vicU>r will novcr bc a$ked if he told the truth *

Sn id prosecutor John Kckcr. in finał orguroonts at North'$ trial: "If Ollic North wanted to get it done. hc didnt eorc if hc broko the law."

Dul, in retufn. defense lawytr Urendon Sullivan sok! anyonc "who links Coloncl North to Adolf Hitler is not crcdiblc nnd should not bc bclicved." Hc callcd the comparison outrogeous This mnn is not Adolf Hitler," Sullisun said. 'and hc docsnt do things likc Adolf Hitler."

~ TłKrdefei\$o lawyer was scomful' of his opponent*. aaying cvcrything the govcrnmcnt sccs North as doing "is through o dirty giass."

Why shouldn’1 North h»vc thrown popers nway, he asked. when they referred to the sccrct operation* of the govcmmcnL 'In this comj," Sullivan told the jury. Mthe govcmment is ofT track and ninmng wild. and yuu should stop it"

North, the former Nalionnl Security CoutkiI aide who was at the center of the Iron-Conlrn vortcx. sat slonc-faccd ut the defense tablc os prosecutor Keker mcthodically tncd to diMnanllc his Amcncan-hcro image

Tclling the truth is something

you lenrned ni your mothcr'$ knec." Kckcr said Govemment by deccpiion is not a frcc govrmmenl. Govcmmcnt by dcception is not n de moc racie    government.

Govcrnmcnt by dcception is not a govcmmcnt undcrthc«edc ofla*."

After North's Inwyrr firjjhcs his dosing argument todny, there will be rcbutlal and then the trial — now in ila 12th weck — will go to the jury, which will then be sequestcrcd

Prosecutor Kckcr toki the juror* Tuesday. "I will c osking you to return a vcrdict of guilty os to cach of thcsc 12 counts aguinst Olivcr North."

He said The trngcdy of 01ivcr North is of a mon who cnred so much for freedom in Nienroguo. ■bnrforgot nbout the demands of* freedom and democracy herc nt homo."    i*

The chargcs inelude six counts of lying to Congress ur.d withholding information; obstructing a prcsidcntial inąuiry and making falsc statements to invesligutors; altohng. shredding ond conccnhng documcnts; recctving nn illcgnl gmtuily, o security system at his homc; stenling moncy from a Iran-Contra Account, and conspirmg to dcfrnud the Intcrnal Revonuc Scricc.

The chargcs focus on nn nIJeged attempt to cover up vorious nspcct* of a seerot Reagan administrolioo operation to nid the Nicaruguan rebek.

Senate kills bill to weaken Bush control of S&L plan

WASHINGTON <AP) - Senator* who privntcly negotiatcd :i wivings nnd lonn rescue packngc with the ndministrntion beat Imek efforts Tuo.nday lo weaken Preaident Iheih s control ovcr the bailout.

By 66-32, the Sennie defcatcd an umendment by Son Bob Kerrey. D-Neb., which would hove substituted un independent board for ono dominnted by Cobinot members to *cD some $100 billion in real rstate the govcrnmont is inhenting as o result of the S&L criais.

The votc mny harc rcflcctod senators' dc*irc fur nn 11-day rcces-i an mych oa an endorscnicnt of Bu<h,M S&L plan. which over the m*xt 30 year* will cyst a minimum of $2CO billion. two-thirdn of it from tnxpayers.

"I know how the herd instinct workn around herc." nnid Sen. Dale Dumpern, D-Ark.. who stpportcd Kerrey'* amondnicnt.

They can amell that rcco** hour," hc *nid of his fellow senatora.

U.S. reports good drought recotery

-WASHINGTON <AP> - The nation has bccn coraing bnck slowly from la»t suramers drought. but conditions iro improving, governmcnt reports ehowed Tuesday.

Strenmflows incrcaścd in March for most of the nation. the U.S. Gcological Survey reported. olthough bclow norma! rste* porsisted in tho Northeast, a porticn of the Southeast and part of the whent bek.

Ove'ran ,' abbul' 30 pc rte nt 'of thfl' nation was still dassified ns in aevcre or ertrcme drought at the ond of March. compared to 33 percent in Februar9 nnd a high of obout 40 porccnt last Auga<t, the Gimatic Data Center reported. ,

Only ninc limes in thia ccnlury hns drought bccn morę widespread in Mnreh. according to the center, n division of the National Oceanie and Atrao6phcric Administrntion.

Thoen ycara were 1902. 1934-35, 1940,196WM&57 and 1977.

The Northeast ha# cmergcd as a major water problem nreo. with the Delaware River basin hovcring near the drought emcrger.cy level, the Gcolopcol-Survoy reported. Rain hclped push lcvel» in the bosin abovc the emcrgcncy mark, the agcncy sald. but not by a wide margin.

The Delaware River wos measured ot only 2.4 billion ■gnllons per dny in March.-61 pcrcont bclow normnl and the sccond lowcst !cvel sińce 1940;

In the Northeast, below-norml strenmflows were reported in Mninc, Vcrmont, New Hampslure. New York, Pennsy)vania. New Jersey and northemOhio.

The St. Lawrence Rivcr. one of tho nations largesl, nveraged 12 percent bclow normal for the month at 142 billion gallons per dny.

Population studies focus on nation's smaller cities

\V/\SHINGTON <AP> - Placcs likc Tornngton. Coon.. and Rio Rancho. N M.gćt liiUe atlcnlion instud:c% of major mctropolitan orcas. But a report on the nation s leading tiule cities fmdf* them at the head of the pack.

For yrars pupulalion >tcdies havc focuM*d on meiiopoJitan arew*. Inrgc urbjn conglomrrations that utt humo to thrctf-ąuartcrs of uli Amencan^

Now G. Scott Thormi* of Ningara Concepts in Tonawunda. N Y.. is

Thomas said Tuesdfly in n tclcphone imemew.

"An Increnwng number of pccple arr growmg lired of central ciliex whore crimc r^ite* arc getting out of sight.-fce said*

“ln the suburbs as well. houstng pnees ore getting extrcmely high. achunls *re crowdcd. pcople ure •howing nn interes: in getting nway to nrra* where they have morę control of their livcn.' the population resenreher commented.

Thomas dcfines o micropolitan

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"Nonmetropohton America is much.moro than »par»cly srttlcd farmlund. Smaller cilien nre as influentml in their regions as metropohtnn arras arc on a larger scalę." Thomas >ays in the May edition of American Uemogrophic*. a magazinc concentrating on populfltton issues.

Amcricaru are showing a growing interest tn' thcsc smaller cities.

at leau 40.000 people with o eon? city induding at leart 15.000 — but not a part of a metropolitan area. MetropolitAn ureas. which are ofTicially designated by the fedcral Office of Management and Budget.

turrang.thu.tablet to Jock. Jt.smaller_area as o county with o popJation of

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