C2- Timus-Huw:.. Tw>n Fattz. tfaho Wortru-.itW. Ap#.; 19.1900

Author teaches how to cook for a healthy heart

butler and salt in a sauccpaa Heot ovcr medium hcal until butter is meltcd Cool to lukewarm. If it is too hol it will kil! thc ycast. Stir lukewarm milk mixture inlo ycast. Stir in th*1 softencd oats. Then takc half the flour misturr and mix m gluten. Mix wrll. Then add it — a smali nmounl nl a time — to the ltquid mixturc. mixing wełl after each ad* dition. until it form* a stiff dough th;it can no longcr be mixed by hand or miter. Transfer onto a flourrd kneading board, and knead for at least 10 minutes. until you havc u-orked in cnough flour for a desired consistcncy. Place in grenscd bawi. cover and let ri*c until double in bulk. Punch down. I)ividc m half. ond make twa |oavcv Place in greased lonf pans and let ri*c uatil double. Bakę in 373 degrre ovcn for 40*50 minutes

The consistency of this brcud U about the same ns tik* liran bread Berg Miys it luis a slightly *wc*t Listo, but not o mapie flavcir. The mapie synip 1* uscd in licu of the honcy that is often put into wheat bread. and udds a httlc different fli-vor.

If y«u like your chtcken snlud a lit* tle tnngy. you might want to try Berg s pcxt re cipo


Makes eigbt grnerou* MTvin^s 1 chicken. Mul. Kemów* fruiu bioth. cuver and refrigerate until cool. Kemów mcat fn>in lumes and dice. This makes4 to 11 .• cups.

.    ] and U rup^c**Ury- •    - —

1 and 1 i cups niandanm* oninges. drained

1 and cup* pirwappłe tidbits. dr.iinrd or chunk Mylę pineapple 1 • cup to.iMi*d śliw red .ilmur.il*

Mis togethrr m u bowl. In aikithi*r Container, combi m*:

3 tablt^poiins oil 3 taWi spcHin* orange yuice 3 tables|kMin> reguła r or w me vir.rgar ' • teaspiMin salt Maryimtn. to tastc Mis this together Then add to chicken mitfun*. Tu<s and ciuli 2-3 hours. or beller >et. oYcmight Then drain off the ;u.ce Add to this: Appmximaldy ' • cup mayonnain*

Mis wrll. and ser\e «m a lettuce leaf Tup with a few sliver«-d al-monds. arxl if destml. a mari*cWoa cherry.

•It makes a wonderful lunch in tluil it ha> fruit and nieat. Herg >ay*. "And itV great with a slice of this wh«>le w4h-at bread.”

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car0 .    ‘ SrOCH 7"

• Continucd from Pngc Cl "We don“t know if the Lbtcha pro* said Ron Johnson. FDAs Western sent in seafood h.is rcachcd nn infeot District Dircctor in San Francisco, tious dose yet.* siid Maddcn, but ho -*And if yon do harc a brtenn ptvb—d«rilwd-tlH-MluaUon Icm, then youll havc thc FDAnn your bomb" wuiting to go ofT.

•    . — — •

*_• _

„The Hartford (V.irnnt

HARTFORD. Conn. - Joseph O. Pincatclla will not urguc that a typi* ca! mcat-and-poUitccs menu *ourwk nppctizing: rocint pork tcndcrloin. groen salnd with Muc*chccrtc drcss-tny: and 11 baked polało with butter. ?our rrcam. Pnrmctmn chccse and baton bits.

But Fi^catclln would not cal that mcal on 11 bet Instesid. hc point;* out that Huch n dinncr geLs 65 pcrccnt of it* cnlorics from fut. Hc would rnthcr tell >ihi how tu redutę thal fnt content yct Mil! cfijay Listy, satisfy* ing raca Ib.

"You don't have tn go front primo nb to hannius and tnfu," say* Pis* catcllu. whu vibiU'd bero roccntly from his homo on thc West Caart. Suty with lho roasl pork as on en-trcc. ho Miys, but usc an uil-froc


• Continucd from Pnge Cl

■'i-cup wheat gluten 6 cups wheat flour lappruximnte-lyi

1    lU cups lukru a rra w ater 1/3-cup molusscs

lu cup hom*y •

2    tablcspooro mcltcd rourgariw:

1 tablcapoon salt

1 tnWespoon dry ycast *'• cup lukewann water Soften brnn inv* cup warm water for at lcasl 15 minutes Add mo* lassc*. honcy and Milt to thc I and ■'« cups lukewarm water. and Mir. Add raclted margonne Soften ycnsl in thc *'• cpp lukewnrm wii»cr. Stir thij into the liquid mixture. Add gluten to about half thc llour mixture and blend well. Then in a largo bowl. combinr thc softened bran and liquid rmxture and Mend Add gluten ond fiour mixturc to the !iquid. aboul one third nt n lime..mixing wełl after each nddition. Continuc to ndd re* tnnining flnur ur.til dough is 100 stiff to work by hnnd or clcctric mi.tcr. Then transfer U> (lourcd board. ond continuc kneading in rcmoinmg ftour until desired consiMency. This would be jus* shghtjy slicky. A kit of kneading is iraportant — taking carc not to ndd too much flour to make thc dough too stiff. Place in an niled bowl, ond covcr. Lei stand in a draft frcc orea on cuplx»ard oecrnighi.

The next mormng. punch dough down otul shajic* intu two loaves lx*t risc ogmn. until doubkd. Bako al .'175 degrees for 40-50 minutes — Berg^aya thi^ bryntLis slightly on thc hcavy sidc hkc >quaw bread. And. she >ays when using wholr wheat. it is somctimrs too crumhly when V* słiccd. hut thc gluten in this hclps hołd it together and have a bet* ter tcxture.

And next. her ri*cija* for:


Makes iwo lonvcs 4€cup nillcd onts 11'« cupslioibng water I packogc yca^t 1«cup warm water li cup milk 1/3 cup mapie ^yrup ł'«cup sugar

Aliout 1 ,.,tcu>pixiii^ >a!t 14 cup butler or margarinc Approx:matcly 5 cups wbole wheat flour 1 • cup gluten Add oats to tłu* I and 1 * cup* boi!-ing water l.tt btand until aliMirliecł — appro\imatcly one Iwur Dissalec yenst in the 1 • cup warm water in lurgc bowł. and let stand until bub-hly. Combine the milk, >\nip. ^ugar.

drwtr.g on thc «nl.id, srason roasted potiitoe.i •% iif 1 rosemnry. and add crunchy snów pens in Icmon aa o vcgeloWe. You ve juat trimmod thc fnt to 31 perernt of thc cttlories.

Piscatclla. who ruai thc Inilittilc fur Health and Fitness in Tocomn. Wnsh.. Iccturc* frcqucntly on enting and living right to protcct your heart Hc olsu i» to-nuthor, with His wifc. Bernie, of Uro books: *Don’t Kul Your Heart Out Cookbook" '(Wurkcnnn; SUK) and ‘Choiccs for a Healthy Heart* (Workmnn; $14.K).

He knows his Mihjcrl will. bul not bccauv hc is a rcscnrchcr. « dicti* lian or 11 phy^cain Piscatelln is a m.in who. 12 ycars ngo when hc was 32. hnd Mirjcry for lifr-thrcatcning coronary artery diseaue. He cducot* cd himsclf about his cnndition and learred fir.sthand how difTicult it is to cłifingc 11 lifetime of the urong eating habits.

Hc leamed that pcoplc make it harder for themseUcs by trying to changc cver>thing — their meals, their work habitu, their lifestylc — at once. He rccalls thc lunch hb wifc prepared thr dny lic arnvcd łvome from thc hospital Thr lutu sabd was mashid without mnyonnnise; thc bn*nd tasted likc it had bcen Irft oYcr from World War II. *1 toofc one bite and said to Bemie. 'I survivcd the surgery, but I woni >urvivc lunch’.* he says.

Piscatclla. who runs regmlarly and cnjoy* soccer, rowing. skung and sailing, sa>Ti that cmiking ibctary char.gcs nlone isn^t enough *Wc are trying to explmn to pcop!o tiul (heart discusel is nul one-dimen-sMonul probJcm." lic says. "Ycu dont nra 5 milcs, arxl ther. fuel (the bodyi with Big Macs and fhcs * Smoking, ktre*- elcvated clwleaerol. high blbod prensurc and obesity arc alł foctors inthe problem

By now the healthy changes Pis-catcllo has modc in hi« lift are a habit. But hc Mili hjs btror.g crav* ings for certain foods. although he works to kecp them in check.

"1 prcach fresh fnut fur dessert. but on my birthday I wart real chocolatc cake tiul Fm going to en* joy. that Fm going to savor. Hut I

wgnt SuiYe_


Tiar following rccipcs arc reprint-cd from *Choiccs for u Healthy Heart."


1 2-pound can pium tomotocu, dictd

1 tablchpoon tomnto pjste

•'itenspoon oregano

teaspoon dnrd bosil or cup


V.* teospoon Unck pepper

1    tnlilcspounoliYt oil

'*.• t(*a\|jocin cider\incgar .

# pound frc>h musluooms. tliinly slieed

2    ISounci* c.iiu iirtichoke hcarts. drained

3    pounds da ras, aoukcd, dcaned and stcami-d. or 3 P^-ouncc cans chopptd clams

1 l-tkiund package linguinc. couked al dentc

cup finely chopptd fresh pars*


In n stock pot. combine tomatocfl. tomnto puste, oregano, basil. black pepper, olivc oil ond vinegar. Hcat just to boiling. Reducc heat and sim* mer uncovcrcd for » minutes. Add mu>hroonis und simmer 10 minutes. Ad«l artichoko hearts and dams. Ilcat. Dividc pasta into bowb. Ladlc sauce OYcr pasta. Sprinklc with pars* ley. Servcse»ght.


J !l>o *Qo o,


- ‘Of


face and wc will pvc no conaideru-tion to thc cconomic conscqucna->. ... Somc compcnics have not tunriwd similnr situatinn* "

The confcrcncc wa.** designed to ił-lustratc that most, but not nil. of thc łrozards federn! and ntitc inspecturs nre uncovering. could be prevcntrd by improving sanitation and łum-dling practicrs at mnnufactunng siten.

'"The seafood industry has a golden cpportunily to correct thcsc deficicr.* etos .. and !«hould prcvcnt eontam:-nation bcforc it geu out of hond." JohYison said. Mis the industry’* rr* sponsibility to ensurc thc safety of their product."

Even so, thc recent FDA findings are sobering

Of primary conccrn in the disco*-ery of thc potentially fatal Linleria monocytogcr.es in >everal precooked seafood producLs The ageocy bas stated thcrc is a zero tolcnincc for Listena in proccssed food bccausc no omount of thc germ w considcrcd safc. -

Tbmporing the FDA findings dur-ing the past ycor. hnwcvcr. was the foct that no Listcriosis cases havc been linkcd to seafood That inconsis-tency, fcder.il ofliciaU said, will not last. And if currcnt trends continuc. seafood cuntnminaicd with l.istcria is likety to cauM* nn outbreak


This partlculnr hnetmum was re* spunsible for 1.60U i)!ncsscs in 1956, ineluding 415 deatlis. Symptoais oro fiulikc nnd indudc fevcr, nause.i ar.d Ycmitmg. High risk groups such as prognant women. infunts, thc cłdcrly and thosc with omipromised immuno systrms nrr p:irticu!nHy suaecptibló to thcconUiminant.

Listena was the buctcnum found in a Mezican-style soft chccse that killed morę than 40 pcoplc. mostly ncwborns. in the Ixw Ąngeles arco in


In f.iet, it was the coniaminatiori probleminvolving thc dairy indus-try that led FDA roseurthers to bogiń extensive testing of seafood for simi-lar cnntaminnnm.

"The largcsl and deadliest food* borne outbrcuks ir. this country havc been altnbutcd to dairy produets. This surpriscd and shockcd us* Johnson said. "Of the compamcs with contaminalcd dairy producLs there was a cnrrelation with unsamtary conditions Ki pcrtcnl of the timc."

FDA ufliciais bclievc that thc sani-tation problems found in dairy plnnts wcrc hkchr tn a ho rrist in seafood fe* cdilies. Namcly. thc co-mingiing of potentially contaminated raw food uiih ilA couked or su*nlizcd countcr* porta. Oihcr factor> induded cool temperaturo* in manufucturing pl.intsand high moisturc levcls




Magie Vallcy Rcgional Medical Center


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