B 2 Timestlehz. Tw*.n Fafls. KJW Wi-rtrw-fiTy, Apnł »0 ,9G'>

Ag organizations to form coalition

Wendell provides pheasant shelter



•    I •    AdmilŁcd

-• Eugeno w Joieeii. Atnpdla Suli. | V»» Aa. amth V.» .» *vlbdlihoui:li. Mfx Ihuin* llia)ev amf Mr. l un. l'h Ihp . dl ; of Tuin KnlU. Drlnfn. Irun uf llii/rlliii, •phlhall. I

•    Jeromr; Mr** llr-d Watkin* *«l Htibl; MtMod M.-ul. m mol Iliu|M*rl. S*fah Kitnl-o-tt of llati*«'n; KU.»o-r Ki *h. f ^GtHtdnii;; Mfd Mr. (ł,n.* A>u)rr.4 td Filer.

7    Kclm«cd

r MicKurI Manio JiMmf Mili* aml Mn Jam. • 1'IhIIij.., iall «»f Twin r.dU. Mm Ibnan Ih-nch iind •*••••    •*.•» n*-.

•    Huroht linii td KmiU tle; S-uafd Klpg otul Mr* r|ju4e U*prav. Uith .d Hula!, and Mr* AlU-rt Wriglil «f Ha/- li t.


A **on to Mr and Mr% Ttnld TruM »at of J.-n.me


liAi.-ht linia:- .hhI l7t*«iriy Urrrn. U»th of Iturb*); Mary lau^a Hitnnaga. M.*iitn Jrn*m tind Kam«n.i Twv>d. all of H«i|«**n . furta llar** i.f Heyhurn. utul 4tu.*nTrayfor «f Paul Rdraied

Theinlitn- llrlniMj Uurh*y. .md lUhmln Twrb*v amI 1mIi> •a lloylium


ll.ibies lu Mr and Mr*. Jo*» ll.itiiMiia oful t» Itaimoia Tui .ul J€ii|m rf

tfuljs fcliminntitig al! produclion subnidies* and market-accie*# Harricr*. such a% import quo4a>. and rxlabli*hifig uniform International ‘aruUttion principle*.

‘Wc thought w wvrc gclimg sold down the rivrf this last rmir.d.' said Tm Mc(!reevy. Idaho Harley (ontmis-iior. director.

•Kliminaling stihsidics What tl»es tliat mean?" hr jtsked. "We havc sotni* real srriwu* rr*crv.ilioiiv 'ttYro bcing rut nut of the laop. Agriculture is not hriltj: infunncd," hes.nd

Tongres* ts itA in the !onp citbcr." be continiud. "We have to inform our ctmgres.smen what is happening now. and how it is going to affect us. Othcrwise. the agreement ;s going to get slappcd on their desks and the momentum will be >o great ihey woni beftbłotn vntengam*tiL*

One worry exprcs*ed about forming o coalition in thut Mmc

Hailey considers Street improuements

Police irwestigate fatal joy-riding accident

T hale to br the one to min on this tnx but I have resenatkin* as to it* Icgality/ Crnbtrce smd. Laycn agreed with Cmbtree, saying that ber recent talks with those who drnftcd thr resort uplson tux Icgislation indicaled that Hailey prububly would not qualify. Hailey* si*ter cilte* in the north part of Hlainc County, Ketchum and Sun Yalley do qu.ihfy and have the tax I.evcn suggested that money m*edcd to m.iintam the Street* cou!d possibly be fuund in the city'* iiudget. considcring that new streets tnight need less mmr.tcrunce' a:id savmgs could bc rcalized ovrr preseni Street mair.tcn.ince costs.

I^>cul devcloper Chuck Grubb said a local impnivemcnt disirict might Ik* a better wny to raisc the funds. An LID dues not rcquire volcr .ipprm.d am! łu* cach city resident puy tln* co^l of Street repmr for iIk* section which lies clósCSt to the owners property. •

“General obligation bonds nre inequitnblc. falling hcav»cst on tlw business commumly. I can only support an LID.’ Grubb told lho council.

My itusluitJ asul I are consiJeruig crcm.uion. 1> it jvvsiblc to bave a rcgular funcr;tl*HrKfkc tn Cimncetion with this typc ol t lwi cc.’ i’ *

Lcs Harpcr



6th Annual




Laura Ruhter

Magie Valley Pool & Spa

Service & Supply

Cali Laura Ruhter Today: 733-4736

10% Discount

On afl pool cna spa Chemicals. Now throuęh Aotił 30in


On cli pool stortups and repoirs 00

Spo c'oon<nQ end wax.ng



The Chapel by the Park"

AKdttfcIy. (.rcni.it ii ki ;mJ Kinal nre a^Mtlcml the tm.il ili'|V*iiinn of the remaitis. Mim pct^dc who rci|tu*>t crematum ak» rcv{m-st u hjjKT.il >cr\iec. NKm Iiiiut.iI honn** h.»vę sniic typc ot wo»kI c.ukct lor (his M?rvicc. Tlierc are .i!mi i(lu*r altentamcs iti purckuiiig a c;ukcl !v>r crcm.ition. Clili us b*r lunhcr mtomuttum.


Times-News wnfer ,

BOISK - Conccrned th.it US. trndc ncgotiators may not ha\c the interrsti of Amencnn tigricultorc at hcort, o group of Idaho ngnculturol organizations agreed Tuesday to form a coalition to Mudy their octiviUc*.

State group- wvrc surprised by some of the measures m the mid-term ngreement on agriculture produccd al the latrst round of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trodc Ulik* in Gencva, Switzerłand, cnrlicr thi* mimth. At a mecting collcd by Idaho Department of Agriculture Dircctor Dick Wunh, rcpreMcntative.s of morę than cight Idaho ngricultar.il groups supported having the dcparlcnent ad a* administrator of an Information-gathering and nnalysis group

The QATT mid-term agreement


Time^Nen* corMp&nd*ut

WENDELL - Pheasanth ihi* winter will find .*even aeres of food nnd corer ncxt to the sewer Ligoons in Wendell.

The city will rent Uh* land fnr $7<l) for one year to the Idaho Sago Chnpter of Pheasant* Forcver. T1k? group will proficie the secd tu grow corn, wheat «nd sorgum on the ncrcoge. Dale Thomas of Gnoding. hnbitot chuirman for the chaptcr. told the City Council reccntly.

The council agreed to plant the sccd.

The land will hnvc to be bumed uff ncxt spring before it is replanted tu

Glynn Brittian

_JTW|N KAU-S - t;|>no. Ilntlinn

*15. of Twm    diet) Monday,

April 17, 1‘Jsy. m Mucir Volle> Hfjjionfll M» ilii .il Center fdlnwtiHl na illneiM.

He wui bom April H. IHJ4, in OkltilminM. Mr. Itnlttnn »ervi*d in the Arm> dunug World Wor I) H. hnd livet) in the Mngic Valb*y mo»t of hi« life, whrre he worket) «»n formę tlinm^hnut the are».

Survivmi: «rr one iLio^hlrr. I.n.i Hntlinn: ln^ m<«(hrr Konie (*ne-M* «*f Twln KnlU; ihfrr ł»nlf-hn*thfr«, .HoKim? of Itoeermań, Ik»n Kin« of IIiiw.iii nmł Tom Kinj; *if Pod KolU: three hulf«idrr», Dnrhur.i Wornter «f \Vn»lniii:t«»n, Genev|ve (Utrrliaiidt of llutd uitti buceftiii Murfin «f Tww KnlU. Ile MO prrcedrd iii tle.tlh Ity hi*» fnlher wr.J o nr lir»ther.

Tl*e i;rnvr«id<*    •wtu*

will Itr Mt J p iii ThurH4ln>*in Ote Kiler 1.0.0 y (V»tirry t%reifUMu«n toiik-plnre ni While Mt>r&u^ry m

Tom KalU

Grant C. Hein

TW|N KALI.S - drani *'. Hem. 7**. of Twin Knll«. chei! Tu« MUy. April 18, ItMI. •»! thr Tuin KiiIUflifiK .ind Ku Kpi'.ul

Affonr,rn»fntł nre peiulittg itnl will lir atmounred by KeyonltU Kunrr.il    1

Raymond W. Vorse

TW|N KAI.I*S - Kaymuml V\ Vor»e, .1^. «*f Ttrm KalU. du d MoihI.iv. Apnl 17. .it Kin lv*mi

He vtn> boru N»v. t),    in

Olympt.i. W u -1*. Hr i;r.iiluatrii frmtt O.ikdale IIii:h School mOakdole. Colif . ni l?i?.V Ile niov«*d |o ih* Mugic YMley m HCó.tiul unikril ii.r


KUHKRT • TIk* fiut. r.»l it*r tai.ua II. Ikictwn,    UtijM-n, uU. «Ud

Suturduy. uill In* al II .i tn. Thiirodu) .il ih* Mt Ihtn.iht AU rh Kuni r.«l Home. 718 Cr o*u Ave . I4ar%. Pa KnriuU imiy cali tn*fti J I p.m. mul 7-łi |» :*i li d ty łknul uill follou ul |he Salem l*i*nirlerv in Hine T»wiohi|i l*.i l.fi.il urrungnuent> .Dr/iiudei ih« directinit ot !#.»\i/* M«*ri>tivv m Hiirley.

TWIN FMA# TV fuu. Ml t..r Jtthn Melwn M»ll ih • k, 7*r. •*! N*\ . Ofr . uU» d»e*| S«i«riU>. uill U* • p.m loday Ul tłu-    Si

4'rnter. Church ul Ja-;.u. fhct.i . i Uitler l)ii\ Saint*. »n*iul. mai . tli nt tłu*. c!iiiri*h tme h**\ir prun i.! iU M'rvur ArriinfiriRtnh ar.* tit.!n‘ the dtrerCtoii •'* lh*- l.n*tik.x ntp i (‘hupej in Ny ••'•.i


cumply with stule and fcdcral MiititHtiun standard*. -

Local businessów support Pheasant* Forcvcr. Thomas said. 'They rrmember how it used to be when we hud a lot of pheasnnis. It used to draw i»cople into this nera ..

Kicryhody benefited from the touriM trade from pheasant hunting.*

So fnr. Idaho Sagę ha* almM *11 plota in («ooding Couuty. Our guni is to have one every mile," Thomas said.

Pheasants Forcrer is a nahim.il orgnnization th.it stnrted in the Midwest and ha* madę 'a tremendous turn nround* in the country** pheasant popala!mn.

1'ark* .nel Sm. liUorinouiJ.iiM lutni Twm KalU wart' ItKl • - S«fVłviBf nre    *

K Vor>r uf Sirrjmrriln. 1'olif . »'i»‘ ►uo. Kytr Wrw of 4*.ihhiriH.i. «ae dnughter. Curiliti Vhim* hI t*alif«»rnia; h»ur lir«tiU-r«, Knlrri Vonu- »f Kden. I(«h«e|| .m l |Utf>*r

YarM*. Intlh of Mtti|e*4i». 4*ald . utul

Itulmrd V»rxe ol <’le.ir l.aVr\, €%tl«r.. nnd lhr*e arfri*. C'bri«tiiie I..    t\»r«-n Uw«e    aitil

Cathy l^u> (SndiUrd. .»H «l SacrnmentM He i».i% prt*er«|tt) •« •Ir^th bv loi» f.itUr

The nieiflitrnil «rf%Ke hiII Itr .»? J Km •‘‘t tho wmc.^ MAnu.»f %TKt,H-l uiih tbe Mev Wenley Jnhi%v«m • tMKi.itini: t*rmiiili<*n |t«ik place .it Winie M«irlu.«ry

Clarence Eląuist

OAKI.KY - rurener ł*-p KkpJ*a. xl, mf Oik1rv. df .1 Tim *d.i\

April I*. |1WI, .ii lbe Memon.it H*«*pt(.il

ile liorn N»v tt*o5, m Grunixville, trt.»h tbe nom Alekooder utul Alpli.t JuiM Hr mnrrieil Itenlm Vuwe on .I\iih* Ti*. IKS. in Ihiftey. Hr n.«% .» t.UlKe r.incU r mini Im^ life Ile .tinl Iii** wife ttprr.il*d litr Tioul C'ł*vk rardt lit Nev^d;i l«r .11 \e;ir*» r«tinaj: in 1*Oj. j*h! ibrfi wnvrt| i*>M.tkle>

Sąirvi%|fi*; an In., mli* *•! I l.ikk) .

••hr uin. li.tll.iM r.hiMi.t m| itiUci; eiiili? itr.inth luMirti. .md I I gir.il* łatidtrii III* nj - prrrt'd* d im itr.ilh h> t a u >4lM, (Mu Ima lit* t - ,tod ••nr >Mi r

The luiier^l will Im* al t |t to S.iturtt«v al Ihr Ct.ikU*\ I.I1S riiiin h Hith 111 .letp Kitu (ar.«inir\ •tliir»titii«i: Hiiri.il miII Im* ••« ih**

n.ikSry 4%••!»• ferv Kt!•••*• U m.ty i.tll .it Mt l'ullt.| >\ • KillMl.ll    ••!•

lUNHHNt. III. Imn-r.il l«.r Yiripiua bv lit* -km . C*..ll»naii. 72 •»! Iho .lin/, u|»m .Ud \tlunl.o. uill U-at Z p im Mila v al the Cl....dll»g Niwarriw iTiuieb uHh the |{ev •|..|m Mann* td|'n niitt,* llnii.il udl U* tn tht Klniu...»d    4Vmderv.

At ran/eim ot. ar. uinler the dire* tiul* ot |l.'tiiar.t v • (7• ••••)• *t^* 4 'kapel

SIUISIIONI:    A m:« nittu.il m.a.-

uill In- rr|rbf.ltrd t«*• J.i»r.-tt I*

11 illdt *. >1, t.f stąp-U.IM u ho diet) S-tlufilit) at I p.m t.».l.iy uith th*!(• v llontinir ll.iu . •iltit ialin«t Hon.it uill Im mi ih*- Sloolo.no fenu Cery KrietuU mo cali uf llx-lh*r/iti Kuio i il ('li ai*'! IhUv li.-m II .a iii aultal imoei *

IUMHHŃo TU* tniH-r.il lor •bdi.i l.li/ iU*th William .. 71. ••! Itnahni',

gruups* mcinbers may benerit from GATT ngreements whilc others -uffer. Ali partiripnting organizations mny not share vicws.

Bul the group decidrd to gnthcr mfurrr.alion tuw and worry about colhctive or separ.ile oction Inter.

Bush said the Agriculture Department cnn dovntc a half-time person to atudying policy issues and art as an information cIcaringhtiiiM-

Heprc»entatives of Washington siato’* (iATT coalition were at the mceting to esplam bow their group works and to offer a rcgional coalition rYcntuaOy

The group* represented at thr mecting wen? the Idaho Sugarbeet Gru went A**>ciation. Idaho Pointo Cruwcrs, Idulio Gmin Fmduccr* Association. Idaho Wlteut Cummission. Idaho Harley Commimaon, Idolu) Rural Cuuucil. American Agriculture Morcment. nnd Idaho Dairyrocn* Association.

Thomas said The Idaho Sagę Chnpter began in (•oudmg Cuuniy three ycnrsi agu and now h;is about 3)itctivc mernber* •

Ałwut h;ilf uf tlą- chnpter** morwy cnmca from l»cal fur.d-raising activitie>, Thomas said. and tluise funds nre matebed by the *tnte Dtpar.mettt uf Fish and Gamę with monry from upland stamp fees. Si tbey*re putting the sport sin a n's inoney Icick into tłu* lora! econumy/ hc said.

This year. the rhapter raised about SISJOIM .md so it now has lwice that nmount to >pend for pheasant habitat At $lUl|n r iH*rc^he<lypter ran rent a limit M> acre>. Thomas -aid

Knd.iy lr»tfii    p m .ind ii ilu*

rbiNcli c«fx* l»*itr |ifmr In fb* vrfvirr . •* •• • •« • •

Dorothy C. Bowles

TWIN KA1.I.S . )Ur..ihv •*

llonles. vi. „i Ta ui K.ilU. •!

Mendliv April t#. I'b*ł, .il \Ve>l Mii»:o fale 4Vnln Shr m i*, biin .luly JJ.    in

fhcragM. fl*r ilau/bn «łl iHMf.y .uh) Ann.l S«ll lite ller Shr Mn»Vet| !•• ilttrley .i1* •% eltild uht*r«* •>!*•* m.i> raiM-tl .md rilurati,il Sbr 1 brtt m«tvnl !•• Tuhi f,tlU. ubt-re *br AMik«*d lor ihr i* k*p)i*.im «wn«p.iny and Im ibe Stal lu* mi t d.i ht» Wln>V.j|« lli«ir« rv t\* Shr I* aL.iIm* M.iiUd .i •bort lnwr in ll.»>*t'li«ttB Shr martird 4* I* H"ulr-» «.n S |*1 I?<l7. in Tum K.itU lir •)•• <! m


Mf • |t*>U l« - M.l* .• Nirlłiki .* l|t« Ofdrf t.| i li. Kadfiu Sl.ii Ttu4imdlr«M>. the lljnlrn *1i*l» aiul łU* rtift-iMli Otul i lt Survi\irn: .nr t»ne miii, |Ii William A lt.uh-.fi Wilmmcttm. Ili , Miar «Uur.blei fh.irhdle •I.H h**i*ri t*f Tum K.ilU, .md luo p.r.iniUluMieai

Tir* iJf.We .nI«*    uiII Im* .»t

II .v m riiur*d.tv al Siin*ei Nh-mitra.il l'.trk uiih |lr Julio l'.tr• *h Jf fili*I.ttliti: lhm.il ••!••'

u dl hr ple*-, tiit it h\ lU* it..'tiiU*f- i.| •||. Oldt-r .a K ł (••II. Ń,»l I *h.i|4>-|

^*(4 Tum KulU KitranH m.i\ cali

at IC«*vtuihl* Kuim r.al I'kapel 1tnl.lV

ll.MIt .1 *• p lit

Gcorgc Grccn

HKf'1,11 laraaTgr lirtrl). 71. ••! Ilerltt, dx*d Ta-day. April I* l'*vi. .•I 4'tiui.i M. tit.tm łJ ll» p'l.d

\ri.ini;t*iMrtvt« ule |M-nihn»: •tittl miII br .tnitftotł * .1 hv l,.ivn#* Morimi ^

u Im tlnd II.... .dal. uill U- al )U It** a ni    al Si Kli/.tU tli • I'atlw.Iti*

4 * la ufa h uith tha* Kn Timothy Uit«U*\ oIIm a ittaa/ |ltir».a| uill U* ••• Uh Wendadl 4V§n*tery' Tło* l.uotly lra|UeN|s t lt.iV    nienioti.il

rentributiatni* .mai >•■* madę t*» a t.avorile ehildten*. ehjrtiy An.ingeiiieial> are unda-r llo* •lir* cliot» o( IIrinar.iy^ l!«.*«lu»):


( ’kKi\TTI.K A m» ntfri.il -ervue f,.a-llrlcat M lalWfl. fh. *af Sralib* Wmh . itiuh latfifirHy id Tum KalU. uh«* di.d Ih-* Hi.d1kVMi SiatUr, uill |ae «^t II a tn Knd.ay tv% lin* • łtapt I **f Che Kir»l l'fr\hyten.ii# l*lmr»h. Tum KalU, uith the I4ev Mlke Utillattl .ifft\ latlln! TU* a^he.* udl W lider rral in    Memoriał

|'irk. TIm* fatnily rt-«|taes|< n.* Umer*

By ItOBKRT DOYLK .    ..

Timc*'Svw* corre^pundrnr

HAILEY - Tłu- City Cuunri! Monday agreed to set public heanngs on »mproving !ocbl strtetn and fpecifically luok at the advnn!agc* and disadvantage* of funding repaif* tlirough generał obligaliuii bonds and a local improwment district

The hranngs - with the dale* n»jt >vi set • will !*• .u Wood Rjver High ScIwol auditu rium.

The dccision came fiulowing some discussion of the cilyV pothole plagued .Streets. expo>ed by the >|inng ruuofT

A slreel committce. hended by City Plannrr Kmily Laven. recommended the cuuncil fund the $1.75 milliun project through gener.il (ibhgatiun liomis

Then. for mninten.iiice. thr coir.mlttee rccolninendcd levying a resort option tax9 which would mjuire that Hailey dcclare itsclf a resort city - one whu’n primary revenue source in lulsrd in touri-m.

Hailey City Attorney Steve Craliiree nurMiomd the designatinn.

NORTH SALT LAKK. Utah iAlłi — Circumstance* mirrciunding che apparent drowning dr.illis «f twa Wr*t High Schnpl students this weekend in wh;il policc łteliwe was a jny-riding accident rcitiain under


The 5Łill Idiki* Caimty Sheriffs Dep.innu*m siid iłu* tadics «>f Feler WilKin. W. and JuysonS. Wilson, 16. t>» rHdtion. were in a car snbmcrged in .1 'iirplu> i*:in.tl for murc (han a day befurr offtci.iU were told they werc llwe.

The lwi)s Ułdies were ri-Ca%*en*d from «i Dovi* fuimiy imii.iI off the .!ord:tn Kierfun Minaliiy.

Slienlf- Delecmr Scntl Bell >aid Ihr modl ili Imgjn .U aluttl 11 p.m. Salurdjy wini a cotnptirl car was rcp»»rted qi«lnt near litr fnltonwiMs]

2 mobile homes bum


mobile ltojne> ue.tr Hlaitclunl were tle-imyrd »n a fire th.it may havc brrn c.iUH'd by a bttrntng ir.i>h Inirrel, Sjnrit 1-ike ftre afTicials said.

The Id.i/e. repnited Monday .ifumraui. had eitgulfed the Komes hy ihe unie firefigbier> arrierti. said Sjuni Idkr Ftre fhu-f Kd Huffman

—T*rev-«lhr-littMie^* were gohe Ihfnre we go! there. llolftnan s.ltd.

The mithik* liatih s WlnUged ta Utt ekh rly CiMipli* whn were tMd mjured 111 the bhi/e. łlotftliali vi»d


• Cnnlintted fmm F«ge HI

iloai^m.i asked if thr hmited pariners were a w are nl* the n-ks invnlv«sł in tik* prnput kVere ihrfe and .iwjnl*. ni p.irtner^hip* he d'hed

Ye>," replied Walker One ri>k i> that ynti lose ihe inwMtnrtf.1 contimietl Hnin^ma Yes." >a»4 Walker Walker '.ud Ile prepared all the li.ibilit) -inlemenD and tnve>tdr> were aw.ire I ha! they muld !«>e three time> their ort ginal inwstment

lloutsma asked il any uf tbe tniedtif!* expre>M*d itinccrn nver thi>

Walker replied. I (Ult t feCall Tik* fart that the invr>tnr> were al ri>k allowed them to enjoy suh>|.iitfial ta\ break'-, Walker sani |f tlicy were at ri-k lor part »if lis* inve>tmeni. they gm iax benrfits nver and ah«ve tJh* nrigmal inve**tn»e!i:. Walker *.;»u|

Testimony \eMenlav .iImi nuluded 22iforutatioalh.ii .-hnwed Walker*.-proyectian* uf tln* yirbl> uf it)u>hrinitn> Walker had origimilly prnjectnh .that they would be prmlucsitg J inillinti ptomd- uf mu^hnutms by 1?k-i (*ms<-exdnimatinn »- t Npeciul to cotuituu* inio tndav


• Cnntinurd from Pngr Hl

company tlut trrats frrśK itnton^. polatuc* and apples with cilnr acid for clcanhneis and then shrink-wraps the pmtluce for sale in ihe ctmvtnience market TiHUgh |hr business is a new Yeiuurr. lletl •sini tłh“ liprrafonź have a long bisiory uf sticcess *n reiuted fund markeis

TIk* uper.iimn .shuuld add 10 to 15 j»bs to the lucal ecursutiy uith giKn! pmsprcts fur furt lit*r growth. lu* said.

The loaii and a not 1 ter lu an existing Hoi>i-;irra lny manufneturer, are tłu- first Iwo to he madę by The Idaho <’o. front it> inve>tor pocił uf $1 ii millwtt

In addtiion. the company t* neartng rompletion on anulhrr mtiltimtllum-dollar dral and plans tn resume stock sali s tu lMilster it-Capital fund. lletl said

Mail. Police bclicYr four małe juvcnilcs — three West High student* and a former student —

ti>ok the \ ehicle

The car was traYcling on a dirt road in North Salt Lako when the driwr jpiKirently Jidn t reaJizr ih.il the rond mado a 90-dcgrce turn north.

‘The car went straighi into the canal," siid Bell

Twii of the juvrmlcs escaped fmm the ci#, but the nther twx> rematnnl inippcd inside — one in tln* front seat and the other in the bnck. Bell dtd nul specify wlitch of the lw« victims was whrre.

At least om* of them was trapped tn the whicle and was trying to get ł»trt,' Bell said Hu! he could not get tlve seat Ik-lt rdeased He panicked atvd kicked iłu* door open *

The other one may hnve lieen tttjured or unconsciou*. We don t kn«»w . he siid.

Tlie automobile vva> submerged i:t the 6-fout*decp canal. The sheriff s offtce helicopter spetted the vyhicłe



In ntł>cr nctiun. the council

•    Increased the residential buildmg height fmm 25 to fect4 as long as the structurr does not impact a neighbors sular occe**."

•    Fosiponed unul the May mceting a votc on leasing cif) property to Vallcy Car Wash owner Dan Thomas. Thomas \v;<hed to givc the council information from rcccr.t engineering studies he had cummissioncd Thomas requc»ting the p<i.<lponement. Kour Hailey residents said they opposed the Irase.

•    Hecommundcd that the City Planmng and Zoning Commi-sion opprme a recjurst to a*/one property owr.ed by the Blnine Cour.ty School Distnct front agricultur.il to generał rcsidential. This rczoning would pave the way for futurę school cumdruction shoutd prezent upward enrullment trend* continue.

•    Agreed to drsignatr May ł-6*a* Clcan Up Wcek. with Saturday May fith as dean-up day in llaiiry.

•    Heappuinted three plnnning commission members. Gcorgc Smilcy. Joc Sephy. and Ted Une, whoM* term* luid expind.

Monday aftcrńoon. and search nnd resciu* workers rem«ved the bodie* about 1:30 p.m.

Dctectives sjiid the futlx*r of one of Ihe eictims h;id been kmking for hi* son sińce Sunday morning. Hc met with West High School rcMiurfc ufficer .Jim Chandlcr Monday raorr.ing. Acting on rumors urour.d the school. ofTicers appmached une of the juvemlcs allegedly involved in the incqlent. who HnalU admitlcd wh.it had haitpem d. •

‘His conscionci* wouldn i Ul hini go anv further and hr finnlly ktd to tell u-. " Heli >a;d.

Ile said Ihr lun *urvivor* hadn t told anyonc carlier beettuse they were scared.

They w ere afmid of w herc they siwkI about * being arrrHted. They panicked and they coukln t figurę uut uhnt to du and so thev dni nothmg," Bell said.

The tw*o jcneniles. bolh 17. were qucstioned Monday and releascd to thr custody of their parents. No charge* were iinmeduieiy filed

136 4th Avcnuc Ea.\t Twin Fall.s Phonc 733-6600


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