G-h faCc, WwOnw^iy. Ap:»! 19.
Runners necd to cat carefully Ma/ce lattice tops for pie crusts
:»> thr Baltimore Sun
KodtnCM nuty hr rrpfocmg the rabin nround the country a* thr fiwt Min* >ign of spring
Fnr many. thcsc mrcs nre thc unly athlrtir cnmpctiticm they will tver cnti-r w ho dont think of thrm-
n*|vr* «* "athletcs* simply rcvr| in fc-«*lin< fit "Itunorr* high" hurdly dc* -<nbe* lh** joy of "going ihr ilU-Uncc.*%
Kor thi»M- who hnve truincd nnd ralcti prupcrly. la^t-minul«- nulntkin trick* ran :»dd tlw fmi>h«»ur touch for comfortuhle rompfotion of thc event
IWt Mirt* during tłu* weck before the'race. Muny runnrrs muit.ikcnly think lo>ing a out Ih; r pounrł will im-pr*»ve performance. ll is truć ihut cx-w** fal <\nw* you down. but mcc werk i* no linie t» restrict food. Research shows low-calune mtakc limit* muscle glvrpgen. evcn when <hc perccntagę w carbohydratc* is high Ghcugen is .-tored cnrlwłiydritte th.it fiK*ls yuur niUM:le> dunng running. Without it. that h>uncy. cnrrgctic Mina turns to *heavy leg*" nnd limitu! runningendurancc IWt -piu out* dunng thc werk h-fon* thc mcc Overrnting. evcn curbo* h>*drntP!>. will.not make up for inade-quntctrnininir. \
I»o rat n wrU-łmłanced diet K.»pe-cially oih* high in comples curbohy-dmtcs nnd Murch. the bc*t faula to replcniah mutflr glycogen. Tbtiil calu-rin *huuld fńecl your cnergy necd*. Neither pin nor losc weight. I>ct hunter bc your ąuantity piidc: Kul when huugry. >lop whcn fuli.
(forbohydrotc* nhoald conlnbute GO perci nt of yuur cnforit*. Tli nerum-pli<h Chi*, focus on bread*. cereals. pasta, fruits nnd vegetablcs. Limit butler, murgnrine. mayonnaise, aalnd drmaing, and cooking oil to G tea-*poo?i* u day. Avoid fncd f»x>dR, chroc. ernksant* and rich dcsacrL*. Limit lenn mrat. cłiicken and finh u> •t ounces a day. Limit low-fal dniry food* to 2 acnring* n day.
I Wt try :u-w (bod* ju>t beforc thc r;Kr. they may up>et your stornach, Kour hnurs before a race. have a liłtht, low-fat breakfast. Fruit juicc. aion^ with nn Kn^islt inufTm, hopl.
toast or ccrral with skim mi!k will krep >XHjr Mood *ugar up. prtilect ftlyco;:en Mocr% and f*ct you lo ma* limo without feclin^ hun^ry.
Drink. dnnk. drink. Dchydration hiix thc most druniutic cflect on performance of ony nutrition-rclatca is-hue. Lo^ of rnori* thun 4 pertent of Imdy wcight thruugh sudden .fluid V** can rc^ult in museubr wcak-nc.H*. muxdc crampiiig and heul cx-huustion
Drink before you fiet thirsty.
Dnnk plcnty of fluid* the day l»e-fore the riKt*.
• Drink about 2 cup* of walcr rnce roorning.
Drink at the slarting linę.
Drink nt each wuU-r Malion The carly one* arc mont important.
Avoid nifleine and alcohcl; they nre dchydrating
l jghten up on ninning for at łca>t ihret? day* licforc thc race. Rest is unportant to building giycogcn .Stores. Lant-minute tniinin* tir^ you ar.d deplctc.i glycogen.
By the Im Angeles 'Hmc.s
A Ulticc top nilowo the fillmg tu peck through and i» particuLirly nt-tractiee for cherry or berry pico. To make a plain lattice, half thc strip* nre placed over (be pie. then the rv-maining stnpi are simply placed at right angles ovcr lim top. Vnriatious include twi-uing or wcnvmg thc stnp*. or placing ihem diagonaliy.
Whatevcr method u.sed, you wali necd to prepare enough pastry for a doublc-crust pie. Holi out half thc dotigh und fit into a pie platc lcavir.g a une-inch overliang.
Roli out the remaining dough and cut into 101» W lV*4nch wide) lattice strip*. Use a nder to piidc ti siurp knife for plain *trips. u pa>try wheel to cut stnps with pmkcd edges.
Add thc filling to pie pinie, then place fivc to S4,vcn of thc stnps. de-pending on the sirc of the pic, over thc filling und about ‘t-inch npart. For a woven blticc, !ifl or fold back al te nule strip* nnd w*cavc another strip ocruHs tiio>e left unfolded. He* peat tho procedurę, lifting or folding back pltcmatc stnps cuch time a cross-slrip isnddcd.
Whcn thc lattice is complctc. trim the strip.*, moisten with wrater or milk and altach to the' edge of thc pic. allowing a littlc Jccway for shrinkage. Fold thc ovcrhang either ovcr or under. buildmg up a high edge lhot rest# firmly on the rim of the pic piąte and flute as desired.
Brushing thc lattice with beaten egg will impart color and gloss as it bakę*. The cgg may be mixed with waler or milk if desired. Some sourccs suggest an altcmativc of spnnkling the lattice wSth a labie-lipoon of *ugur. Bako the complctcd pn* as dircctcd in thc rccipc.
1 teaspoon salt, optionnl cup shortening or 2-3 cup ford
4 to 5 Uiblcspooaś icc water
Combine flour and sah in medium bowL Place shortening on top, then us;ng pastry blcndcr. cut shortening into flour until partidcs arc obout sizc of dmnll pcaa or coarse mcal. Usc reluxrd flick of wrint U) keep dough mixture from bccoming compact mass If nreessary. run finger ocross insidc arc of paitry blcndcr to rcleasc shortening. ^
SprinkJc cold wnter, 1 utblrspoorr at timc. ovcr flour shoruning t?mPv-turc. tossing lightly with fork to dts-tributc hquid evcnly. As water is added, flour-shortening mirturc w»ll begintohold together.
Mix only cnough » dough.sticks together; ovcrmixing resulU in tough crust. When loo much liąuid i* added. pastry bccomcs sticky; loo littlc liquid and pastry will \k crumbly. Whcn correct amour.t of water ha* bccn added. form pastry mlo bali using hands Roli out imme-diatdy or chill from 30 minutę* to 2 days.
Letters of thanks
ihc SunllOACf Group
II4C SunUOYwcr G'Cun
Backers of film fcstival thank thosc wlio helped
TIk* Mnpc Vallcjr Art* Cooncil nnd Interlinie AmuNcmcnt. Ir.c. would likc to thank: Aroma. Acrcnts, Mam Street Treois. Double Decker, Wnron Jcwelry and IdnlKi Arts for thc at-tmetiec and deiicious refrcsbinent* that they prtmdod. u* members of the BID. for the Openinc Ni|jht of jhi* yeari Foreipt Kilni Fcaliyal at •thc Mai) Cincmn. We utiuk) til<a likc 4o thank Judis Bcx>k Storo ftrr dcvol-2nc their front window to thc pron>o-tion of the Fareinn Film Festival.
Tłus ycars fcslival wns n succc^s. We nttnhulc thnt memu to the pub-lic that nupported thi* new undertnk-* »njr nnd we hopothat u tvns as cnjoy-ablc for thosc who attended ns it «M for tho*c of us włni presented the fes-tivnl.
A^ain, Thank you for your partia-pation
AUCE ELWOOD Mojnc Valley Am Council nnd Intcntntc /Vmuscmcnt TWiri FnllH
Girl Scout volunteers are to be commended
, Vcry often we find woiukrful peo-ple doin>; many job* for u* who fail to reccuf reco^nition.
’• I would likc to *4iy thank you to the many voluntecrs who n<$isl in the Girl Scout program »n tłu* Mapc Vhlley. They are to be commended for nil their c(Torts jo workin^ with prU
Tluinks to Linda Kowar. Jan Fitthugh, Dcbc Bin^ham. Jon Taylor, Jean Cilck, Connio Zimmcrman, Joan Uiermnn, Donna Gordon. Mick-ic Skrudland, Susan Haisch. Mury Tbrrcll, Karla Kppitt. Palli Timoney. Susan Browrn. Mar^aret Myer>. Kit;i Jackson. Tlrri Speicher. Deborah Sił-vcr-Hayes. Stcphanie (%rumrine, Suzanne Auth. Kny McGdl, Sharlu Warren. Debłne llud>on. Dar Wiener. Karcn Hefner. Patty Van Winki**. Mnry Kny Martin. Sherry McAlhstcr. Diana Startin. Knte Kd^on. Glona Mdntyrc, Nancy Home. Burhara Beck. Barbara Arndt. Drbbie Gold. Gaił Hmne, Linda Iglice, Zelclj Nelson. Jean Squirvs. Hetly Komun. NeUie Metcalf. Carolyn U*e. Erika Kill, Pauln Gietren. l/>rcn;i Durrell. Linda Hurpess, Su ranne Murphey. Jody Zaccone. Jo (Jreen. Annita Ka<-lerday. Julie Turner and Sherry Mm
To nil of you I exteud my warmi-st uppretialion
Field Kxecuiive
Silvcr Sn^c Girl Scout Council
Gooding historical group praises Scouts' assistancc
On hchalf of thc H:>ti;nral Sonety. I want to thank Mr Hunkcr and hts Buy Samt.** who c.iiih* and hcl|^*d nie clrnti up thc niiiM*i:m They did .t hcautiful joli 1 thank vou IDA CLIFKOKI) '
Prcsidcnt. Gooding County Historical Święty Gooding
Golf group givcs thanks for aid with fashion show
Sport* Country. Mikep Pru Shop, Kathy Napkr. lenh Grovrs, fonu Snuillwfttd. Collcen Adam*, J.in Katch. America Brodeen. Clo l)avis. Nona Lec. Janmet Cummins. Nancy Roland, fons Maddy. Freda Ward, l.ir.da ilun/rkir. Charfotte Brunrili, Phyllis Taylor. Mary Anno Uncasu-r, •lackie Gn^scr, Bobbie Slienvo«xl. Ter-ry Keeg.m. Kathy Janson and Julie Blandford.
A special tlumk you to Mikę and Jana IfamMin. Jan Muvmt and etcw.
TVin Falk
Exchange Club egg hunt receives valued support
Tłic T\*in FnJls Kxchangc Club would likc to thank the following for making the anmial Kilstcr Kgg Kuni a *ucces>:
Albert«ons. SwrnM*n*. Lynwood IGA. Main Street IGA. Williams Market. Depot Grill. Hcritagc Kc-tirc-mcr.t Ceni er. Wuodslone Retircment C.enter. St. Fdwards (‘liurch. TW:n Falk Bank nnd TVu>t. Kcy Bank uf Idnho and thc City of 1Vin Falk Ri*creal:»n IX*parlment
We apprmate \our hrlp.
Twin Falk
Rotary Club appreciates support for breakfast
The Biur Lakcs Kotary Ciuli n-ccntly hdd a par.cake breakfast for lite benefit of Lincoln Sch*xił. The membrrs fok the breakfast was a huge fucce.-s in a largo part due to the donotiuns nnd assUtance uf the fołlowini: p*n>p!c to w hunt the Club would likc to rxlcnd their a|>prixt:i-tum: Universal Fnutcn Foods. Hen-ningson (łold Storage. The Depot Grill, The Weston l*lara Motel. Farmer Brothers Cuffei*. Sysco of Boise. The Kcntal llacr. Kimberly (*nld Slomge. Tnanglr Young and Gem Stale Paper. Special thanks alsa go to The Tinws-News. KM\T. ZltM. KLIN. KŁ7J. KTKI and KI9 AZ for the:r ewllcnl publialy and to Co;kIi Trenkle and the ( SI ba>kctb:ill t( aa for barn: "nur heme* * It i* indreti a plea^urc to bi long to a M*rvice duli in a community nuch as uur.-> that rai-Iks cnthusuiśtically aroiiiul .-enicr pmji-cts
Pnncake Breakfast
TVin Kulis
Coverage of Windows at church brings thanks
ReCugnitiun of the cuinpclence and •lUcntion to lurul news i< gi\en tu )x»ur staff m thmr cwrragr uf the stamed goisV.ig.itr window umeiling held reccntły. at thc Jtromc Firot Church of (Jud Tłu* photographcr was aox\pen u: takmg a picturr — inany p\mp!«- baw Irin) to gr! a Idack and whilc pliutograph uf the Windows. k»we\t r. n»»nr have lumrd out. So we really appraiale thr >kill di>p!;i)»d by AtwJ> Aren/. Plr.i-r Irt Andy kmiw wr really .ippnciatc tłu* wurk he did.
ĄImi give a sinfiTr th.uik* tu Nnr* nu King/the Times-New > currespun-drut wfoi did a sup^-rb jub uf gathrr-mg and wntmg the detnik uf the urn-5!nic!icr. rf thc window* Rhr did na
customized LEAK GIL\RD
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I W>mxm+nV**T-*+m ,i TJZZ: I
The Twin Falk Mun:njxt1 laidirs Golf A-^malKin w«»uld liki* to thank thc tollowinc hu^nc^cs nnd prnplc "S»r—niakii;g uur ATtnnnt^tTtr’^lmw"",v\rrlh,nrjn}i • ■■ —
.md Brrakfasl.. hu«. >urc >> KEV. KLHOY \VEIXKL
Suulhem !d.iho <JLl-s Co. Ik»n First Church of God Moreiie. Koper s. Kathy*>, Tłu* Pan>. Jerome
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