prof. dr hab. Jan Twardoń dr hab Krzysztof Kubiak dr Robert Karczmarczyk
Authonties of the Umversity: Dean of the faculty:
Vice-Dean for students matters Vice-Dean for international cooperation
Faculty Councils consists of the following members bearing a decisive vote:
1. Dean as a chairperson
2. Vice-Deans
3. Academic teachers with the professor title or the reader’s degree employed on the faculty
4. Elected representatives of:
other academic teachers students
- doctoral students non-teaching Staff
The Faculty Council session (at least once a month) are attended by Trade Union Representatives with advisory voice, one representatives per trade union whose statutory unit operate on the faculty.
Session can be also attended by retired academic teachers with advisory voice formerly employed on the faculty at the professional post.
The Faculty Council is authorized to:
1 determine generał majors of the faculty functioning,
2. establish curricula and study syllabi after consulting the faculty assembly of the student government
3. arrange the content-related and financial operation plan and collecting the reports on its realization
4. evaluate Dean’s activity and confirm the dean’s annual report concerning the faculty functioning
5. allow outside teacher to conduct classes (extramural studies) and allow academic teachers without a professor’s title or reader’s degree to conduct lectures
6. award academic degrees in accordance with the possessed entitlements and submit the motions on appointment of professors,
7. pass regulation concerning other matters specified in the Statute and other University regulations or reąuiring the opinion of the academic community