Błażejczyk Krzysztof, Baranowski Jarosław, Pisarczyk M., Szpot M.\ Influence of the human heat balance on respiratory and circulatory diseases. IN: Biometeorology and urban climatology at the tum of the Millenium: Selected papers from the Conference ICB-ICUC'99 (Sydney, 8-12 November 1999). Ed. Richard de Dear, Jetse Kaima, Timothy Oke, Andris Auliciems. Geneva : World Meteorological Organization, 2000. - s. 107-111.
Błażejczyk Krzysztof, Holmer Ingvar: Evaporation through clothing in various ambient conditions. IN: Enviromental Ergonomics IX. ICEE Ruhr 2000. The 9th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics, Dortmund, Germany, July 30 - August 4, 2000. Ed. Juergen Werner, Martin Hexamer. Aachen : Shaker Verlag, 2000. - s.27-30.
Błażejczyk Krzysztof, Holmer Ingvar: Evaporative resistance of various clothing ensembles measured on standing and walking manikin. IN: Ergonomics of protective clothing. Proceedings of NOKOBETEF 6 and lst European Conference on Protective Clothing held in Stockholm, Sweden, May 7-10, 2000. Eds. Kalev Kuklane, Ingvar Holmer. Stockholm : National Institute for Working Life, 2000. - s.192-199. (Arbete och Haelsa; 2000:8)
Błażejczyk Krzysztof, TokuraH., Bortkiewicz A., Kato M., Szymczak W.: Thermorgulatory and circulatory reactions in subjets exposed to the sun and wearing white and black clothing. IN: Environmental Ergonomics VIII. Selected papers from the 8th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics, San Diego, Califomia, USA, 18-23 October 1998. Eds. James A. Hodgon, Jay H. Heaney, Michael J. Buono / Naval Health Research Center, San Diego State University. San Diego : [b.w.], 1999. - s. 177-181. (International Series on Environmental Ergonomics; 1)
Błażejczyk Krzysztof, Tokura H., Bortkiewicz A., Szymczak W.: Solar radiation and thermal physiology in man. IN: Biometeorology and urban climatology at the tum of the Millenium: Selected papers from the Conference ICB-ICUC'99 (Sydney, 8-12 November 1999). Ed. Richard de Dear, Jetse Kaima, Timothy Oke, Andris Auliciems. Geneva : World Meteorological Organization, 2000. - s.267-271.
Głowacka /., Biernacki Z, Błażejczyk K., Chojnacki J., Jakubowski W., Kowalewska K., Kozłowska A., Kozłowski P., Luniak M„ Matuszkiewicz AJ., Nowicki W., Plit J., Supłat S.: Monografia przyrodnicza gminy Warszawa Centrum. Warszawa : Agencja Wydaw.-Reklamowa DINO, 1999. - 99 s.
Breymeyer Alicja: Biosphere Reserves on borders: UNESCO-MAB participation program implemented by the Polish MAB Committee in the years 1998-1999. IN: Biosphere Reserves on borders. Ed. Alicja Breymeyer, Piotr Dąbrowski. Warsaw : National UNESCO-MAB Committee of Poland, 2000. - s.7-12.
Breymeyer Alicja: Response of ecosystem to chemistry and climate change: Ratę of decomposition of pine litter along the gradients of litter contamination and climate continentality on two transects in Central Europę. IN: The Prague 2000 Symposium Proceedings on CD-ROM. Fith International Symposium and Exhibition on Envrinomental Contamination in Central and Eastem Europę, Prague, 12-14 September 2000. Prague : [b.w.], 2000. - 12 s.
Yucetich J.A., Reed D.D., Breymeyer Alicja, Degórski Marek, Mroź G.D., Solon Jerzy, Roo-Zielińska Ewa, Noble R.: Carbon pools and ecosystem properties along a latitudinal gradient in northern Scots pine (Pinus silvestris) forests. - Forest Ecol. Manag. 2000 136 -s.135-145. (lista filadelfijska)