Kronika $07 Dywizjonu.

Od 15 sierpnia 19A4 do 26 sierpnia te. oż roku, Dywizjon urządził Wystawę Robót Ręcznych, wykonanych przez członków Dyonu. Wystawa ta cieszyła się wielkim powodzeniem w całej okolicy i Angielska ludność była zachwycona eskponataiii.

Poniżej sprawozdanie z wystawy pisane przez P/Lt Holt'a, Dywizjonowego Education - Officor'a.

NOT-ii on the lolish -ixhibition of j-t3 and Grafta held at iC.A.Fł itation, Church itenton. August/44.

The many British vi3itors to the ibchibition were representativa, over a wide rangę, of class, position, occupation, outlock and ago. Jonior 3. ,P. Offioers, University leoturers, a County Councillor, citizens of'Leeds and Tadoaster, British Gounoil offioiala, trade opeoialiets and teachers with partiea of school-ohildren seemed to sh&re one lastin; impression, sińce to express their appreoiation they spontaneously usad suoh a word as '/onder "ul’

Indeed the only adverse critioism heard w&3 th -t the standard of craftsmanship waa inrariably of the high©3t» the imperfeotions of o few morę aiodest exhibita would have madę the averoge visitor feel morę at ease as a friendly idjnirer. Againat this it oen ba pointed out that there were several examples of good work reąiiring óiffsrant kindo of skill, submitted oy individual exhibitors. !<br example the Flight ócrgeant whoce :ronstrance in »ilver and gold won unstintea prai3e had also madę some decorative table mota frora string without the use of needles. Or again 3ome modela coirbined work in the medium of wood and pla3tics.

-ivery visitor sihglśd out something that gave him exceptional pleasure. The oasss displayir^; rings, braoelets and broochoa attractod many. The workmanship of aircraft models wos preferred by soroe to the painetaking skill of the leatherworker, whilat tho flawles8 inlaid work of a few smali boxes, the pleasing finish of a cabinet piece of furniture, the technical excellence of thwóe neat radio sets, and the amusing and sometimes original ingenAity of the toy exhibito were admired aooording to onea taate and personal interest.

Ten or so paintings added further to the variety of the uixhibition. Of these, landso&pes of Coleby Granga and two portraits -of .//Gmdr. £*, D.F.J. and Alec the Jtation oell! ot - by Gpl % . were outatanding. An eagle plaśnie indioat-d at once Jrolieh aohioyement and Pcliah aspiration and the setting and decoration of the room fittingly added to an attistic tribute to Poland, for such this Gxhibition was.


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