


Figurę 2.1 Energy fluxes in PSII of six algal and three cyanobacteria species cxposcd to incrcasing glyphosate concentrations for a 48 hours period, based on the model developed by Force et al., (2003). A) Maximal PSII quantum yicld (Fv/Fm). B) Effective antenna sizc of an activc reaction center (ABS/RC).

C) Effcctive dissipation of an activc reaction center (DIq/RC). D) Maximal trapping ratę of PSII (TR<>/RC). E) Electron transport in an active reaction center (ETo/RC). The horizontal linę repesents the control treatment (100%).........27

Figurę 3.1 Shikimate contents in an agricultural stream phytoplankton community after a 96 hours exposure to various concentrations of glyphosate-based herbicide....................................................................................................................49

Figurę 3.2 Oxidative stress markers (MDA content, superoxide dismutasc [SOD], catalase [CAT] and ascorbate peroxidase [APX]) in an agricultural stream phytoplankton community after a 96 hours cxposurc to various concentrations of glyphosate-based herbicide...................................................................................52

Figurę 3.3 Relationship between the Shannon’s diversity index and glyphosate concentrations added to the growth media in an agricultural stream phytoplankton community after a 96 hours cxposurc to various concentrations of glyphosate-based herbicide...................................................................................53

Figurę 3.4 Relativc biomass of the six major phytoplankton elasses (A) and major phytoplankton spccies (morę than 5% of total biomass) (B) in an agricultural stream phytoplankton community after a 96 hours exposure to various concentrations of glyphosate-based herbicide.



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