Dress Accessories
In a work of tliis size and comp!exity the principal authors have been encouraged, helped and advised by a large number of colleagues and specialists. We gratefully record here our in-debtedness and thanks to the following:
First, to colleagues and former colleagues at the Museum of London - Lynn Blackmore, John Clark, Janc Cowgill, Ann Davis, Gili Dunn, Tony Dyson (the DUA’s editor) Hazel Forsyth, Helen Ganiaris, Dana Goodburn Brown, Francis Grew, Friederike Hammer, Fenny MacConnoran, James Rackham, Kay Staniland, Brian Spencer, Peter Stott, Dominiąue Vaughan and Alan Vince. Con-servation work was undertaken principally by Rosę Johnson, and also by Heather Berns, Dana Goodburn Brown, Helen Ganiaris and Kate Starl-ing, working under Suzanne Keene. Finds were fetched from storę and much routine listing and checking was done by Joan Barker - who also undertook a large part of the typing of the script, Enid Hill, Joan Merritt and other volunteers, under the superasion of Fenny MacConnoran. Wendy Garrett helped with the typing in the later stages of the project. Illustrations were drawn principally by Sue Mitford and Nigel Harriss (who with Annę Jenner undertook much of the work involved in laying out the figures) and by Nick Griffiths; students seconded from the Middlesex Polytechnic - Nigel Alleyne, Michael Bentley, Peter Crossman, Angelika Elsebach, Janice Iliffe, Rachel Lockwood, Terry Shiers, Rodenta Soprano and Annę Sutton - and volunteers - Gili Hale and Jennifer Harding - were also involved in the production of the drawings; all this work was supervised by Nick Griffiths and subsepuently by Annę Jenner, who also drew the site plans.
Photographs were mainly taken by Jon Bailey and Jenny Bewick, as arranged by Trevor Hurst; Barrington Cray and his team, Marcus Leith and Torla Evans, were responsible for photography of items in the Museum of London’s curatorial col-lections. Without the fieldwork by dedicated teams under the supervisors (listed in the discus-sion of the site seąuenccs) this volume could not have been undertaken. Most of the excavations and post-excavation work, including the prepara-tion of this volume, were funded by HBMC and its predecessor organisation within the Department of the Environment; the Swan Lane and Billingsgate watching briefs were mainly sup-ported by the City of London Archaeological Trust Fund and the Museum of London Trust Fund, and the Ludgate Hill excavation was sup-ported by the Norwich Union Insurance Group.
A grant of £10,000 from the City of London Archaeological Trust Fund has considerably re-duced the price of this book.
We have also benefited from the kind advice and help of many individuals outside our own organisation:-Jan Baart, Justine Bayley, Duncan Brown, Marian Campbell, John Cherry, Dr Wendy Childs, łan Eaves, Glynis Edwards, Blanche Ellis, Dave Evans, Mikę Farley, Rowena Gale, Jane Geddes, Philippa Glanville, Les Good, Alison and Dr łan Goodall, Olaf Goubitz, Roger Harding, Dr Yanessa Harding, Dr John Harvey, Captain David Horn, Maijorie Hutchinson, Dr Barry Knight, Nils-Knud Liebgott, Ronald Light-bown, Fritze Lindahl, Arthur MacGrcgor, Christ-ine MacDonnel, Dr Sue Margeson, Tony McKen-na, Michael Murray, Helmut Nikkel, Anthony North, Mikę Ponsford, Alison Read, Tony de Reuck, Alma Ruempol, Peter Saunders, Prof łan Shorte, Neil Stratford, Solene Thomas, Anne-liese Streiter, Dominie Tweddle, HJE van Beuningen, Stephane Yandenberghe, Alexandra von Hohenastenberg, Claes Wahlóo and Erika Weiland. Profound thanks are due to the succes-sive presidents (Roger Smith, Alan Stewart and Leigh Iłunt), officers and members of the Society of Thames Mudlarks, including the ever-enthusiastic Tony Pilson, for the recovery of so many of the finds at the Billingsgate and Swan Lanc watching briefs. Others who have contri-buted in various ways are acknowledged at appropriate points in the text. Special thanks are due from GE to Max Hebditch, John Maloney, Brian Spencer and Alan Vince for support at critical times, and to the field staff at the Swan Lane site and the Billingsgate watching brief. Our thanks also go to Corinne Barker, Dee Slater and Fred Stubbs of HMSO, who were most helpful