Tableau Page
Tableau 1.1 Proprietćs physico-chimiques du glyphosate (Santć Canada, 1987;
Giesy et cii 2000; CCME, 2008)................................................................................4
Tableau 1.3 Les effets du glyphosate sur la photosynthese chez les vegetaux....................13
Tableau 2.1 Species used for bioassays, testing growth and photosynthetic
capacity of algae and cyanobacteria exposed to glyphosate-based herbicide...........21
Tableau 2.2 Photosynthetic parameters as describcd by Force et al. (2003), energy fluxes model, based on Strasser et al. (1995), measured using the Plant Efficiency Analyser....................................................... 23
Tableau 2.3 Mean growth rates (p) and standard deviations for each algae and
cyanobacteria spccies at different glyphosate concentrations...................................25
Tableau 3.1 Growth indicators (dry weight [pg ml'1], abundance [cells ml1] and specific biovolume [mm3 ml1]) in an agricultural stream phytoplankton community after a 96 hours exposure to various concentrations of glyphosate-based herbicide.................;.......................................................................................50
Tableau 3.2 Chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids content (% of pigment compared to control) and chlorophyll alb ratio in an agricultural stream phytoplankton community after a 96 hours e.\posure to yarious concentrations of glyphosate-based herbicide.........................................................................................................51
Tableau A. 1 Comparaison entre la toxicite du glyphosate seul et celle du glyphosate
combine avec differents surfactants dans les melanges commerciaux.....................69
Tableau A.2 Equations for log-Iog regressions in Chapter 1................................................70