


CAT (,,mol aacorbaie mm min celi ml )    SOO(Urrm CoU

contro! 1    5 to 50    - 00    500    000    rortwt 1    5    10    50    :00    $00    10C0

Głyphosate concertrabor (tig I')    Gyphosate concentraton (iig I1)

Figurę 3.2 Oxidative stress markcrs (MDA content, superoxide dismutasc |SOD], catalase |CAT| and ascorbatc peroxidase |APX|) in an agricułtural stream phytoplankton community after a 96 hours exposure to various concentrations of

glyphosate-bascd herbicide.

3.6.5 Diversity index

A simple regression test between the Shannon diversity indcx (//’) and the glyphosate concentrations indicates that the diversity of the phytoplankton community sampled in the Dumontier stream, (Boisbriand, Ouebec, Canada) decreased with the increasing glyphosate concentrations (figurę 3.3).


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