served for heavy scts, sets that cannot be safely turncd on side or back for service, intermittent sets. turntables
This ncw łow-cost chcckcr uscs an cntircly new approach bul a provcn dynamic principlc for chccking iransisiors.
salcly icsis pnp and npn iransisiors cithcr “in or out” of ihc Circuit. Covers widc rangc of lypcs: smali signal including “drift” lypcs, medium powcr; and powcr lypcs. Providcs posiiivc chcck for “opcns,” shorts, and gain—condiiion indicatcd by incans of a visual indicator plus jacks fop incicr or scopc-. Also providcs co-no-co icst ai practical curręnts—and pcrimts matching of similar iransisior lypcs No sct-lip rcquircd—no furtbcr Jcakagc icsts ncccssary Model 100 is compact, lightwcight, com-plcic, and rcady-io-usc . . . hclps you cash-in on the big profiis in the fasi growing transisiorized cquipmcnt scrvicing field!
MODEL 100—Wired and factory tested .... $19.95 NET
Provides 3 important icsts: ainplilier lypcs tesied for gain by Dynamie ^lulual Conduciancc inclhod—powcr lypcs icstcd for cailiodc currcni by Cailiodc Einission incthod—all typcs tcsled for shorts and grid error by Grid Circuit Tcsl dcvelopcd and patented by Scco. Dynamie Mutual Conduciancc Tcsl pre-wired lo elim-inatc claboralc set-up. Cailiodc Einission Tcsl done by frec point pin-sclccior mc diod—will not bcobsolcicd. Complclcly sclf-containcd in portablc carcying casc.
MOOEL 107—Wutd Md Uclary inM 113150 NET
Tlns ncw, low-cost currcnt chcckcr providcs simplc mcans for making a posilivc on-lhe-spot chcck of TV horizontal circuits. Can bc placcd inio the Circuit in seconds—no unsoldrrinę oj dreuil wmng—immcdiatcly indicatcs whether horizontal lube cathode current is within manufacturer’s rccom* mended limits. Valuablc as a fast, accurate indicating dcvicc when ad-justing horizontal drivc and linearity. Eliminalcs one of the most common causes of callbacks. Compact, inex-pcnsivc, easy to use-MOOEL HC 0—W.rtd Md Udom leslsd 517.15 NET
Complctc test coYcragc of all modern TV tubc typcs as wcll as all heater typc radio tubes including hybrid typcs, using only 5 sockcts. Incorporatcs patented Scco crid Circuit test plus a icliablc catiiooe kmission test using ncw Iow impcdancc Iow test voltagc Circuit—also checks filamcnt continuity and providcs open element test. One easy-to-read mclcr indicatcs results for both Crid Circuit and Tubc Merit Tests. Two-stage dc ampli-ficr Isolatls mCtcr from tubc under test to protcct meter— and makes it possiblc to achicvc a widc range of load currcnts and test conditions. Complctc with portablc carrying casc, pin straiglitcncrs, and flip-chart for quick set-up data.
MODEL 78—Wired and factory tested .... $69.90 NET
Model GCT-8 checks "control grid" condiiion of vacuum tubes faster, morc accuratcly than any other lester! As many as eleven simultancous checks—automatically! Quickly spots grid errors and leakage—stops guess-ing, substitution chccking, and costly rcchccks. Ełcctron-Eyc tubc indicates faults ai a glancc. Truły portablc. The pcrfcct companion to any tester that employs only conventional gas and shorts test. Carry it on all calls. MOOEL GCT I kit . . . 51115 NET
MOOEL 6CT I Wirrt Md tntrt . 571.15 NET
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“Hołd it!” Barney interrupted. "If you koop going. you’re not going to leave us anything for bcnch work.”
“OK,” Mac obeyed. "but I havc a hunch this chassis-flipper won't bc empty much of the timo.”
“What clse is new?" Barney asked as he shrugged his shoulders into his shop-coat.
“Weil. for one thing. we’re going to Center City tonight to a service meet-ing on new color TV circuits. Whafs morę. we’re going to make every one of these educational servicc meeting shindigs we can from herc on in."
“That’s OK with me. but isn’t it somewhat a new policy? I thought you took the stand a technician could learn morę about new circuitry. etc., by reading books. studying scrvice literaturę, and keeping up with the magazines than he could by listening to lectures.”
“Yeah. I know.” Mac said with a sigh; “and that’s just another fine example of how stupid I can be when I work at it. It’s true somc fellows cent learn morę by reading than they can by listening: but many other fellows are just the opposite. What they hear sticks with them lots better than what they read. Anyway. few of these serv-ice meetings consist of straight lec-tures. The guy giving the talk almost always accompanies it with slides. motion pictures, or actual demonstra-tion of equipment.
“However. the technical information you pick up at one of these meetings is only part of the benefit. Morę im-portant, it seems to me. is the contact it affords the technician with other tcchnicians, with distributors. and with manufacturers."
'Tli buy that," Barney agreed. “I get a big boot out of talking to other tcchnicians. It's amazing how often I pick up a tip that actually helps me in my work; but even when I don't manage to pick the other guy’s brain. I still enjoy it. Letting our hair down and lambasting our cranky customers is fun. Just knowing the other technician is suffering from the same frus-trating exasperations I am makes these a lot morę bearable.”
"Know what you mean.” Mac nodded with an understanding grin. “I also like chatting with my distrib-utor in a relaxed and social atmos-phere. Really I think we owe it to him to try to attend a meeting he sets up. He goes to a lot of trouble and expense arranging the meeting, publicizing it. etc. Then. if only a few of his customers show up. that makes him look bad. It’s a poor return for all the favors he does us.
“Finally. these meetings provide service tcchnicians with an excellent