Special to our readers for only...
Now we know what the Gold Rush must have been like! The past month has brought an unprecedented landslide of orders for this new, trouble-shooting test record from readers of ELECTRONICS WORLD. We’re still counting and filling them by the thousands! But the supply is practically depleted. So unless your order is already in the mail, we urge you to fili in and return the coupon below—righł now!
Hoiv good is my Stylus? Is it nom? Will it damagc my rccords?
What about my stereo cartridge? Docs it have enough uertieal compli-once so that it wont ruin my expen-sire stereo records?
Is my turntable running at the. right speed? Is it free of rumbie, u ou\ and flutter?
y What sort of standing teaues do I get ▼ in my listening room?
Are my speahers hooked up cor-^ rectly? Arc they phased pro perły, and is the correct speaker connected to the right stereo cha miel?
y/ How perfectly is my system equalized?
What about separation? Is it adeąuate?
traordinary 2-wav valuc you get from this special test record. First, it guides you in evahiating the qualitv of repro-fiuction your equipment now produces. Second. it specifies the adjustments necessary to get the hest recorded sound you have ever heard! Add up the ad-vantages! Check the special Iow price! This is easily the hest value of the year for evervone who owns a hi-fi system— either monophonic or stereo!
This Stcrco-Monophonic Test Record has l»ee» produced as n sc»*vice for readers of Klect ronić* World. You can l»e surę that it coines as elose to pcrfcc-tion as is humanly )x>3Sib)e. bera use the editors havo ponred their aecumu-lated know-how into this project for a period of many, many inonths. You
inny ohtain a eopy at the special roader-price of just $1.
Rut the supply is running out . . . and orders will be filled on a tir*t-comef first-serred basis. So avoid disappoint-ment—fili in and mail the coupon, to-gethor with your check (SI per record) t od tuj!
You‘ll get on-the-spot-answers to these and many other questions when you use this Stereo-Monophonic Test Record. It’s the most complete test record of its kind—contains the widest rangę of es-sential check-points ever incorporated into one test disc! And. hest of all, you need no expensive test equipment when you use this record! Just listen and get the thorough results you want — all checks can be madę by ear!
As a man who is seriously interested in hi-fi. you can immediately see the ex-
J will p |
i i 1 Nome_ |
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1 1 Addnii I 1 |
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ELECTRONICS WORLD • P.O. Box 523, New York 8, N.Y.
Please send me_test records at $1 each. My money order
or check for $_is enclosed. I understand that you
• will pay the postage and that each record is fully guaranteed.
Plcotc pri»»i
SORRY—no chorgei or C.O.D. ordersl
October, 1959