W, Mc l/lo |
$3495 | |
W t |
86-106 mc. Ouitlinii 3.6 lo# 30<fb ol quu-ti#vi. |
i 'itf |
Frcquency:lO 7mc.lm3i#‘ |
76 kC O#4# vOlla AM Supori^- | |
i/ |
i db ?0 20.000 COS. Htfmcnic |
400 Cifdrs ^OOSo moJul.iliOn. m 1%. 60 cyclc and 6 kc mł*rd 4cnna: 300 ohms unbaltACCd. \oće foliowe#). Outout Voitaoe: JuUUon. 20 u* siontl). Po#w*r 60 CyClC AC *t 26 wat!*. OvCrall «WD.
This supcrbly designed unii incorporates advanecinents in Circuit design with features asked lor by hi-li fans cicrywhen:. Hettcr than 2.5 mic rovolt sensi-tivity, autumalic frcqucncy eonlroi t AFC) with defcat switch, flywhccl tuning ant! prewired. prr-alignrd and prclcslcd tuning unit... bring you the linest in FM listcning entertainment. The c\coptionally clcan chassis layout. pre-aligncd IF transformers and the prewired. prc-alignrd timing unit insurc easc of construction with no further need of aligntnent after the unit is com-pletcd. The łivc tubę circuil features a genrrous power sttpply ulilizing a Silicon diodo rcctilicr for oool running o|x*ration and Iow power consumption. The attraclisc styling of the FN1-4 features a vinyl-clad Steel c«\*er with leather-like tc\turc; soft hlark front panel, set o(f with brushed-gold tritn and new soft evcnlv-lil dial scalę. A multiplcx adapter output is provided. Fcature for frature the FN1-4 nflirrs the most outstanding dollar valite in FM entertainment availuble today. Shpg. Wt. 8 Iks.
Outstanding features in both styling and circuitry are coinbined in this 16-tubc dchixe stereo AM-FM coinbination tuner to bring you the very linest of program sources for your listening rnjoyment. Features include three printed Circuit boards for casy construction and high stability—wired, pre-aligned 3-tubc FM tuning unit—huilt-in AM rod antenna—tuning nieler— automatic frcquency cuntrol (AFC) with on-ofT switch—and flywheel tuning. Other features include variable AM bandwidth. 10 kc whistle liltcr. tuned-eascodc FM front end. FM AC*C and ainplilicd AV'C for AM. AM and FM circuits arc separatc and individually tuned so they can be uscd sinniltanc-ously for stereo applieations. Cathode follower outputs with individu.il lrvcl Controls are provided for lx>th AM and FM, with a >miltiplex adapter output providcd. A tuning meter and flywhccl tuning coinbined with two edge-lit slidc rulc scalcs providc eflTortless tuning. Styling features vinyl-clad Steel cover in black with inlaid gold design and soft blaek, rigid die-east panel set olf by brushed gold trim. black knobs with gold insert*. Shpg. Wt. 24 ll>s.
Drlivcn AM broadca*< rerrpcion comparablc («• FM quality. FcAiurrs a sped.il Hrirctor u«ing crystal diodę* and bro.id-ban«l IF circtiiu fur Iow fiąnal dittoriion. Prcaliyn^l RF and IF mib climi-nair the necd for sprri.il alipnmrnc equipmrnt. Seiuitivity bcurr ihan 3 intcrovolu for one vult oul-pul. Two ouipiil le\rls prnvidnl. Ruilt-in puwer tupply. Sprcial antenna supplird. a Iso pnnistnn for outtidc anteno*. Shp*. Wt. 0 lb*.
Fraiuring braid-bandcd circuits for fuli fidrlity and brttcr than 10 microvolt fcnolmty f«>r 2*1 db of quieting, the FM *3 A pulli in staiioiH wilh clar i ty and fuli yoliimc. Incorporaict ftabili/cd temperaturę compcnMtcd omeillator. bui!t-in pou’rr tupply. pre-aligned IF traiuformrr* and rafio deteetur. Tbr pre-assrmblrd tuning unit is pre-aligned. Two out-put lrvels providcd. Shpg. Wt. 8 Ibs.
Comhining automatic couwnirnec ^ ^
with turntablr quality thrmigh
uniquc and siinple design tlić
llcathkit KF-3 handles your rec-
ords with tli«* linest of eare for fuli
lidrlity reproduction. The iinique y
**turntable parne*’ frature diiring changę rycie and smooth frietion
cluteh start pn*vents record dainage. Iłro|X*r weight distribution aod Iow pivot point frietion of the tonę arm miniuii/e arin resonancc. trackinp mor, and record wcar. Ali reeord rhanger kits come equip|>ed with cliangrr basc, Stylus pressnrc* gange. 43 UFNI spindle. and necessary wirc.
STEREO MODEL RP-3S: F.qtiipprd with Slmre diamond Stylus iti.ignetic eartridge provi<ling fivqurnry response of ±4 db front 30 to 14,0<K) C*I*S. Shpg. Wt. 19 Ibs. $74.95
MONAURAL MODEL RP-3-LP: (monaural mierogromr rccordings only): l‘.quip|K*d with Fairehild Magnetic diamond Stylus eartridge.
Shpg. Wt. 19 II*. $74.95
MONAURAL MODEL RP-3: Fcature* a C»K VKII inagnctic eartridge with diamond LF and sapphire 78 Stylus. Shpg. Wt. 19 II*. $64.95
SPfClflCATIONS-Oc'Mtcs l'0m: I0S-I30 .olls 60c#CR*S. Wew md Muller: less thjn 0.18% o- ..hal 33-113 RPM. Turotabtc Sored: Accorat.' mlMn ±7/. CnanocCyCIc: Comol* !• d i"9 iCCOmU. 0imcfiSi0o»: iV/,'
* I?" dc*P. ¥ atx>vc and 3‘ ChMOw rrountm>i oowd. Molo# T»i»r: J Poiv hom sni-idcd- 1»moI Om* »: Frietion. Record Soeedt. 4 speeds. Aulomaiie and manuał 33 i /3. 45. 78 RPM. Manuał oni#—16 RPM. V. »ial'0»s ui Tracłlnfl Forcc: less Ihan 0 9 o#am łrom lir .1 recorj lo Mh rccor J Controls* ’ 0N^)FF" sar Ich. Manuał RckcI. ••Soccdhimdfr" (aulomalic soced sclechon and indc.lnol Manuał socid sclccior (4 spscd). Fimsh: Midmghi Gra#. Basc: Mapie (unlimshcdJ. MOunlmg Board: Bircft (unlmiincd).
October, 1959