in Dąbrowa Górnicza

Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej Academy of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza

address: Cieplaka 1c Street,

41 -300 Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland tel:+48 32 295 93 16 +48 32 295 9311 e-mail: info@wsb.edu.pl www.wsb.edu.pl

Academy of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza


CO 0 Academy of Business, located between Iwo major urban centers in the south of Poland such as Katowice ^^and Kraków, is one of the most renown business and C information technology unhersities in Poland. It 0 spedalizes in arts studies too.

^ Academy of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza, founded ^ in 1995, has several years of experience in educating y students, conducting research and co-operating with the

< State economy. Since the beginning of its activity, 20 000 graduates gaincd practical and theoretical knowledge allowing them to enter the European labour market. Academy of Business offers bachelor, master, bachelor in engineering, dodorate and postgraduate programmes. One can choose from 12 fields of study and over 70 spedalties.

Academy of Business is committed to provide high-ąuality education opportunities to its students and Staff which indude an international dimension. Our objectiue is to work on the international level, in dose liaison with the European and international education, research and business environment. European dimension has already been incorporated into the curriculum of a number of successful programmes taught at the Academy. joint

study programmes held with MEIs from various countries in Europę, Asia and America provide our students with the opportunity to undertake period of Study abroad and to be awarded double diploma. The ąuality of education at Academy of Business is acknowledged by the high positions in the rankings of Polish higher education institutions and the State Acaeditation Committee.

Academy of Business has wide experience in delivery of sdentific and research projects. As the second non-public higher education institution in Poland, Academy of Business holds the top 'A category' in the field of scientific and R&D activity awarded by the Committee for Evaluation of Scientific Institutions.

The Academy works with business sector, including a number of the biggest Polish employers whose management staff participate in the process of creating study programs as well as take part in conducting classes.

Every year Academy of Business takes part in numerous international programmes such as Erasmus+, Norway Grants, DAAD, Visegrad fund, Polish-Lithuanian Youth Exchange Fund etc. Participation in the EU and other international and research projects has grown into multilateral joint agreements with uniwrsities in many European countries and Asia. Academy of Business has about 150 bilateral cooperation agreements with foreign universities, both from European and non-European countries. The Academy is continuously developing further opportunities to mternationalise the curricula by further applications for mobility and educational programmes and the development of morę double/joint degrees in other fields of study. Students have the opportunity to complełe part of their studies or internships in one of the cooperating oiganizations all over the wodd.

Students of Academy of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza have the unique opportunity to apply for a joint degree in 1st and 2nd cycle studies. The Academy holds partnerships on joint study programmes with HEIs from various countries in Europę, Asia and America. The students of Academy can eam a double diploma by doing part of their studies in one of the partner unhersities abroad.

The intensive education in Academy of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza is assured by: knowledge, experience and skills of highly ąualified scientific and


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