no longer considered a revolutionary measure in capitalism. Here we must raise the question of how some political circles come to be the »political service«*of the new centers of financial/trade Capital in our society? Besides the idea of Republic »statehood« we have also athesis of »national economies« within the individual Republics, while the unity of the economic system is still stressed, at least declaritively. It is not out of the question that tendencies toward enclosure into Republic boundaries will be present in this phase, and that they will be prompted by pressures from nationalist and separatist circles. When we speak about smali nations and such are all the nations which con-stitute present day Yugoslavia, we must see, clearly, the development-al alternatives imposed by each step of political and economic decen-tralization,

Firstly, we must make it elear that the idea of decentralization of the economic system represents a very common practice in the highly developed capitalistic countries, the goal being the inerease in effici-ency of the production potential. Therefore we cannot represent any form of decentralization as a weakening of this potential. The decentralization of economic decision is carried out, however, under the conditions of an inereasing integration (a morę developed division of labor, inereased coordination in production) of the economic system. Decentralization by no means contradicts the above mentioned inereased integration of the economic system. We must not forget that the contemporary economic system is a heterogenous and polymorph-ous creation, which approaches highly integrated »big systems« - for instance, in the field of energy, telecommunications, and the transport system - comes down to the moderately integrated Systems of production in the greater part of basie industry, and even slightly integrated Systems (production of consumers goods). The true integration of the system is chiefly carried out by control and regulation of the whole economic system by means of special functional interventions by State and social funds, whose aim is not to preserve a certain balance of economic processes, but also to prepare and ensure developmental processes in those technologically most important sectors of the over-all economic development. Here we encounter the dilemmas of the smali nation: it is obvious that decentralization can be a success, even when tolerating the »national« and the »regional« and the narrowed forms of production, in those sectors of economy, that can do without a high integration percentage and big investments and also without a highly developed scientific and technological basis (here I mean also the education of highly qualified cadres). However, such is not the case with an economy with a high integration and a developed scien-tific/technological basis. In this case some of the rules of the »big system« must be obeyed. This does not exclude a decentralization of decision making in a factory or its sections, after the whole develop-ment has been carefully planned, because we should not mix the plan-ning of developmental processes with a centralized, statist, adminis-trative way of decision making. Workers self-management can func-tion very well in those branches of economy that are otherwise very dependent of a well planned developmental policy.



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