A,Isatayevf V. Bondarenko
M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
The paper presents the results of experimental studies of hydrophobic -emulsion composition rbtained on the basis of inverse water emulsions, stabilized by emulsifier Yalan-E2. There are proposed a receipt of a thcrmostablc hydrophobic emulsion composition and obtaining of emulsifier. For aggregative consistency of liąuid for killing of wells it is necessary to include in its composition morę man 5% of masses of calcium chloride and emulsifier Yalan-E2 morę than 3% of masses.
Keywords: Process liąuid for killing wells, hydrophobic- emulsion composition electrical stability, chermal stability, rheological properties
Rational selection of technological liąuid TL) for killing of wells during repair works should be carried out with taking into account the geological - physical conditions of deposits occurrence, as well as the technical conditions of the wells activity. During repairing of wells TL contacts with such elements of the bottom-hole formation zonę as:
- Minerał of geological materials composing the productive horizon;
- Wells products;
- Formation strata;
Surface upsetting and pump-compressing pipes;
- Elements of the PE (pump eąuipment).
As a result of interaction of TL and
bottom-hole formation zonę (BHFZ) actively take place physical and Chemical processes, accompanied by a deterioration of filtration characteristics of rocks and collecting properties of bottom-hole formation zonę, by the reduction of the productivity of exploitation wells and injection capacity of pressure wells [1-3].
Industrial exploitation of wells and numerous experimental data [4-6] suggest that the reduction of the natural permeability of the collector by oil is due to interstitial colmatation at the TL impact due to: swelling of clay
minerals contained in the collectors rock; the blocking action of the water due to capillary and surface phenomena occunring in the porous space as a result of mutual displacement of immiscible (liąuids phase);
Therefore, a relevant and technically necessary for the task solution and having a great practical importance for the repair of wells in complex mountain -geological conditions, is the development of the TL and of technologies of their production, providing the following features:
- Sufficient density to create the necessary repression on the BHFZ to ensure trouble-free repairs on the well;
- keeping the filtration properties of the BHFZ after killing the wells and repair work;
- Optimal rheological properties that prevent large losses due to absorption;
- Processibility in production and use;
- Low corrosivness on casing pipes and process eąuipment;
- compatibility with the formation fluid;
- controllability of properties in a wide rangę of different geological conditions of the deposit;
- availability and economic feasibility of the components used for production;
- fire- and explosion- safety;
- ecological properties;
Considering the geological - physical characteristics of the deposit, the composition and the properties of formation fluid, and also the given basie rcąuirements for choice of TL let us point out the basie properties TL for killing wells (Table 1).
Table 1. Property of TL for wells killing at the Chinarev region.