Zh.Bakhov, K.Korazbekova, B.Mutaliyeva
M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
The intensification and optimization of biomass methane fermentation problems have been ; Diisidered. The influence of anaerobic fermentation of the manure mixed substrates with the organie substrates complexes into a methane yield is investigated. In dependence of Chemical composition the added substrates can provide additional components, favour the potential inereasing of the methane yield.
Key words: methane fermentation, co-digestion, co-substrates, manure
One of the widespread methods of organie materiał processing by microbial consortium is anaerobic digestion in an oxygen-free environment [1]. It is a process found in many naturally occurring anoxic environments mcluding watercourses, sediments, waterlogged soils and the mammalian gut. It can also be applied to a wide rangę of feedstock, including mdustrial and municipal waste waters, agricultural, municipal, food industry wastes, and plant residues. [2]. The production of biogas by anaerobic digestion offers significant advantages than other forms of waste treatment.
Biogas is produced at anaerobic digestion, which consists of methane (55-85% -CH4) and carbon dioxide (15-45% - C02), and may also be traces of hydrogen sulfide. At the treatment of one ton of cattle and pig manures (with humidity 85%) can be obtained from 45 to 60 m3 of biogas.
According to the Statistical Department of the South-Kazakhstan oblast for 2011 quantitative growth of cattle and pigs in all farms categories corresponds 844.5 and 41.2 thousand heads of cattle, 2360.5 thousand heads of poultry. In recent years, the number of livestock inerease annually approximately for the 7.5%. Naturally, due to will be inereased a amount of waste that can be the feedstock for anaerobic waste treatment. It is required optimization of waste treatment biotechnology to inerease methane yield under various conditions.
Investigations have been carried out by using of Hohenheim biogas yield testing system for determination of potential methane yield from agricultural waste - cattle and pig manure at the 37°C.
According to these investigations methods, waste samples in three replications analyze for the content of dried matter (DM), organie dried matter (oDM), ash and moisture. The moisture content, DM and oDM determined according APHA Standard Methods. [3]
Each the test substrate of about 40 g, was prepared in three replications into 100 ml batch reactors (pair tubes/syringes) set in a slow motor-driven rotor for continuous substrate mixing during 35 days (hydraulic time retention time - HTR) at the mesophilic temperaturę 37°C in the ineubator.
Further for each iteration set by gas detector a biogas volume and methane content were measured and recorded. The gas detector can determine the percentage of methane in the biogas until 20 ml of a volume. The ineubator temperaturę, air pressure, datę and time at which measurements take place, also they register for biogas production based on norm conditions (Nm3/kg oDM): 273K and 101325 Pa according to D.Ludington (2006). Methane content was measured by using the AGM 10 model (Sensors Europę GmbH, Germany) with a non-dispcrsive infra red sensor (NDIR) able to detect methane content in biogas within a rangę of 0 to 100%. The gas transducer was calibrated with standard gas of 60.7% (v) methane content.
Journal oflndustrial Technology and Engineering, 2012, 2(3): 25 - 28