
Having raised the beli to a set puli, the instructor should explain and practically i11us.tra.tc thediflerent muvernents of the hands and ropę, and carefully impress on hts class łhat in bell-ringing, morę than in most things, "there is a time to takt kolei and a time to Uavt go," and that his instructions 011 these points will recjuire to be strictly followed.

Having set the beli (at hand-siroke) the instructor will show that oo being pulled ofl, the ropę first moves in a downward direction, dunng which time any pressure exerted—“ weight" it is generallyealled --will tend to make the beli rise upto,orover the balance, but that if the hands are not unclasped from the saliy before the ropę begins to reverse the direction of its movement, the bel) will be “checktd" in its revolution. He will then proceed to e.\plain that in its upward movement the ropę coils round the wheel, and the hands have to be raised, so that, as the bel) conies up to the point of balance at the back-stroke, the weight of the hands gradually comes on to the ropę, and the ringer ufeel$" the beli rise on to the balance. On pulling ofT at back-stroke the required u weight" has again to be put on to the ropę, and the salJy, w hen 5t rises, has to be caughl and the beli ftlt on to the balance again at the hand-stroke position.

When teaching, having given the foregoing explanations, I adjust the ropnat back-stroke according tothe height of the pupil, and havingshown him how to hołd the end for settmg at back-stroke, I puli the beli ofTa! hand-stroke with the proper “weight" and no morę, and allow him to ninnage her at back-stroke. By ringing iii this way for a few minutes the power of feeling the beli rise to the balance at back-stroke will be acquired. I then take the ropę end bito my own hands, and managing the bel! myself at back-stroke, allow the pupil to acquire the power of controlling her at hand-stroke, when his hands are not en cum be red by also having the rope-end to hołd. Jn tbis case, however, putting on very littie weight, I take care at first to also grasp the ropę at


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