34    Rope-Sight

blow in fourlh's place, has to dodge hack into łhird1s place, is said to “ dodge in 3-4 uf>."m

The three beiis whic]pi have their work rhus dlsturbed are known, to distmguish them frum tbe treble, as “inside beiis," and lo do this " inside work " is of courst1 morę difficult than it is to ring a bel) with a plam hurtting-course like the treble. Let us exainine whal these beiis have to do. Take the ringer of ihe secnnd beli. At the łirst treble lead-end, liaving completed his whole puli behmd, be bas to dodge in 3-4 down. At the next Iead-end he dodges in 3-4 up; and al tbe last Iead-end he he mukes seconds place. This work is generałiy called the duty " of lite beli, Now it will be scen that each of the three inside beiis does tbe same work, merely beginning it at a differem point. This, because tliey alł fali into the three different positions, in their tum, at the three different lead-ends.

Now, ił a man can hum his be)!, it is cn idenf. that, if he also know the places in wlnch these different alterations sbould be madę. it will be as easy for him to make them as it wouid uthcrwise be to hunt his buli straight up and down, The way in which these places muy be fuund is moreover very simple. h can readily be understood that, as all these alterations take place at the time the treble beli leads, if each man knows wlien


Of these iwo b«Ns u will l1seen i hal lhe firsi-mentjoned, havlng siruck


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