undistm bed in ils w orle and comes back into itr. own position at everv lifth lead. this lead is called Ihe '' eony s<:-mil." In the
fotegoing louchos the divisions of the cnmses nie maikecl by iines drawn undejneaih the figures. In the touches of 72 changes, and in several of the nthei tourlies, Ihe si\th, by makmg the bobat certain of ihe calls, t omes inlu its own place at every third iead-end. These divisjmis aro sometimes spoken of a-> "slta-t” ur i£thru-łearf comsfs."
W hen the tenor is dodgmg in 5-b clown, after lying the puli beiiind, she slrikus juto si.\th'b plam w hen the l robie iccids at back-btrulce, and is then said to be dodgiug “u/ konie" ur When bhe d od ges in 5-b up. she slrikes ni hft!W jil.ue ai the back-stroke, and is tlien eaid tu l*e dodgnig “ taroug I he lerms, dodging 41 right ” aml 1' torong,*1.11 e łhub t 1 sed, respecti\ cIy, to express dodging in 5-6 down and up, V\ hen any belt ts to be “cni Ud iight" or "aillcd tvrong" it 110 o 1 n <, linii a cali ts to be madę when ihat beli is dodging in 5 6 down nr up, respec t i vely„ Instead of using the term "nghl" with regard tu the tenor, it is ustta] to say “hoine," as, when dotlging she strikes in
her own place at baek-stroke.
In Lhe first loueh ot 120, lite tenor is said to becalled twice home with a single." In the 180 she is ralled “(luce limes
borne”; a bob being undeistoud, whni a single is to be used it is specially named. 111 the serond Imirh e-f 120 she is caliod “once w ran g and one*.- right, repeated,*' lita! ic, aft er she has been caded orwe wiong and once iight, the same ealhng has to be repcated. When the calliug ts icpe.ited, the Iead-end from which the repetition ot the cnlling i.onimenees, as e\plair.ed in the previous rhnpter, is called a " part-etui." At the parL-ends the obsetwntion bel) necessanly falls mto iht place which it oceupies in loumls. In the irmeli uf 240 ;he tenor is saki to becalled <lonce wiong and once home, three unieś repeated, with a single insi ca d of a bob ni the second and foutth