Associate Director, Polish Studies Center, 1996-1999.


Rzeczy i Zagłada (Cracow: Universitas, 2012), electronic edition, 220.

The Holocaust Object in Polish and Polish-Jewish Culture (Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2011). refereed. 180. Honorable Mention. The ASEEES Kulczycki Prize 2011.

Rzeczy i Zagłada (Cracow: Universitas. 2010), 220.

Through the Poet’sEye: The Travels of Zagajewski, Herbert, and Brodsky (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2002), refereed, 215.

Through the Poet’s Eye: The Travels of Zagajewski, Herbert, and Brodsky (Evanston: Northwestern University Press. 2008). 21"1 edition (paperback). 215.

Cień i forma. O wyobraźni plastycznej Leopolda Staffa (Szczecin: Glob, 1987), refereed, 164.

Edited yolumes:

The EJfect ofPalimpsest: Literaturę, Culture, History, introduction and ed. with Ryszard Nycz, Literaiy and Cultural Theoiy Series (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2011), refereed, 347.

Polish Encounters, Russian Identity, introduction and ed. with David Ransel (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2005), refereed, 218.

Framing the Polish Home: The Postwar Literary and Cultural Constructions of Hearth, Nation, and Se f (Athens: Ohio University Press, 2002), introduction and ed., refereed, 360.

The Other Herbert, introduction and ed.. special issue of Indiana Slavic Studies, 1998:9, 219.

Dom romantycznego artysty (Cracow" Wydawnictwo Literackie. 1991), anthology of source texts, introduction, translations, and annotations, refereed, 315.

Volumcs translatcd (from English into Polish):

Bjomar Olsen. W obronie rzeczy. Archeologia i ontologia przedmiotów, New Humanities Book Series (Warsaw: Wydawnictwo IBL PAN, 2013), 290.

Bożena Shallcross, Rzeczy i Zagłada (Cracow" Universitas, 2010), self-translated and adapted to the Polish academic readership, refereed, 208.

Irena Grudzińska Gross, Piętno rewolucji. Custine, Tocqueville i romantyczna wyobraźnia [The Scarof Revolution. Custine, Tocqueville, and the Romantic Imagination], (Warsaw: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1994), 225.

Irena Grudzińska Gross, Piętno rewolucji. Custine, Tocqueville i romantyczna wyobraźnia (Warsaw : PWN, 2000), 2* edition. 225.



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