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CLUSTER STUDENT COUNCIL SEATEDt Advl*or Mn. Branic. Marllou Ma- Bob Pearson, Icsllc le.Mier, Kaihy Obarę, Dulch Kcrkstra. I'am Drewien. and. caulry. Judy Paleczny, Mursha McKcon. Ad\isor Mn. l-udllr Brown. STAND- James DeLormc.
INC: Dotlg Newman, Al Buslc, Lutra Mauhrws. Gary Klncr, Kaihy Krłckson.
Latralng lo suggestions for futurę council evenu was Marllou Macauley.
Sccurlng a better relationshlp betwccn siudenls and faculty was the ma In goal of ihc Student Council at lll.R ihls pasł ycar. The Student Councłl was a scrvlcc organization, belping with various school actlvltlcs throughout the ycar. Among these wcrc the homecoming dancc, nlnth period sockhops, the sale of boost er plns, and ushering at different funetions. The Council also conducted a clothing drlvc and actcd as chairman for the Pops Concert held In January. Members served as hosts for the Soutii Suburban Izrague Congress of Student Coundls held at Campus. Gary Kiner was elected president of (his organization.
The Student Council was dlvided Into four bodłeś: the Northwest, Northeast, Campus, and ('luster Coundls. Judy Paleczny served as head speaker of the Council, and was assisted by l*s-lie Lcsner, speaker at Northwest, and Marsha McKcon, speaker at Northeast. Forty-nlnc others servcd on the Council.
NORTHWEST STUDENT COUNCIL FRONT ROW: Advl*or Mn. laidlle BACK ROW: |’ai Mandrn. Karm Tutark. Rener Coulca, Ronnell Zubaty, James
Brown. Jean Murphy. Bob Slas. I-rallc lcsner. Susan Murdjrtko. Davld lluff DeLorme, Mark Newman. Donna Tutuck. Dianę Doody, and Debblr Kowalczyk.