DEBATE TEAM. SEATF.D: Vior-Presidcnt Bob Pcarson. Prntdent Pat Dlllon, TURED: Advl*or Mr. Ungncr. Awlsum Advlsor Mr Thomas. Mlchrlc /urlck.
Boh Ltttlc. lohn Wlnslow. STANDING: Pal /urlck. Dan GrifBn. Dave Kaar, Ray Lane. Lynne Klckhoh. Carol Klnney. I)ave Schulz. Mlke Schurr. and Paul
KUen Yocgelr, Mark Floger, Harold Knnulnl, Roberta Dclchinueller NOT PIC- SuLack.
Achieving rcnown for Rlchards, our 22 debatę members have travcled to var!ous schools ihroughout the State. A season of triumphs began ai the Springflcld Tournament, wlicn Rlchards' debators scored 8-0 and took flrst place. Iiaving łiecn defcated only oncc, their sponsors, Mr. Lingner and Mr. Thomas, and j the student body were proud of the team.
Being Inducted Into the National Korensic League was one of the hlghesl bonors achlcved by HI.R speakers and debators. HLR's chapler of the NKI. continued to grow Iii nutnber as the HLR debators reccłved state-wide recognition as one of the top teams. Our speech team grew from one fuli team of twenty speak-ers, lo three fuli teams of slxty speakers.
Springflcld |
WON 8 |
LOST 0 |
Oak Lawn High School |
6 |
2 |
Rlch Kast High School |
5 |
3 |
Southern Illinois Unlvcrslty |
7 |
0 |
Oak Park-Rivcr Forcst High School |
7 |
1 |
National Korensic League District State Tournament |
8 |
1 |
South Suburban league Confercnce |
8 |
0 |
NATIONAL FORENSIC LEAGUE, FRONT RONV: Roberta Dekhmueller. Linda Conkl, Lynne Klckhoh. Carolyn Klnncy SKCOND ROW: Pal /urlck. Ray Lanc, Mlchelr /urlck. Boh Pearson, Eliot Yucgelc, Dan (.rlllln HACK ROW: l/nel
Janrow. Mlke Schurr. Jack Flnger. Davc Schulz. Bill Dunn. John Włn»|ow, Bob Ulllr. I>avr Kaar. Davr Klrk, and Harold F.nnulal.
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