in annual chorał conccrt presentations

NORTHEAST A CAPEIIA CIIOIR. FRONT ROW: Anita Blzzoto. Su*an Brody. Laura M.ithrw'%. Diana Dubsky, (!hdtmatnr Profilu. Colettc Kanon. Margam May. Peggy Sendzlmer. Eliasa Krucger. Susan Craiuow SECONI) ROW: KUsc Zebr. Joyce Kostecki, (.arol latlius, Connlr Kusemu. Cali TUtovlc. Ola nr Wbite, Darlrnr Orrnibr, ]oannr Coul, Penny Major. Kris Kabcock. Klin Kerfman, Pat Schergm, Clndy Slang TIIIRO ROW: landa Swanson. Wcndy Tatman, Dcborah lAisandrrllo. Jlngrr Ficek, Donna Komin. Marsha May. Jankr Kragalone. Jancl Korneli. Cayle Wnliuł/en, Nancy Hlrvlns, Kaihryn Słone. Jankr Ko/rina, Debra Mahood. julla IluU. Cheryl Miller. FDURTIł ROW: Claudia Crandall, Andrca Lrwlft, Kred Klnipell. Clcnn Ta*aba, Mlke Weuman, Mark Rou, Todd llugbrs.

Kon Nyhcrg, john /chr, Don latrlncz. Bob Fullarton. S(eve Mlckrlson. Ken Swerney. Phll Spcclal, Sieve Miller. Marsha McKeon. |oanri Harpstreltłi. FIFTH ROW: Bill Kreiberg, Cene 1'ullardy, Tom Stelnhauer, Jim Krcydlch, l-arry Kirsch-baum. Mlke Mollnarl, Mlkc Kublllu*. John Pakalka. (.eorgr Kebrrsky. Jim Neuman, Scott Nielsen. Mlke liaz, Klrk iJchtensteln. Randy Heller, Tom Shcppy, łom Sainpallk. RACK ROW: Dan Karrell. Sleve Orion. Mlke Her kiry. |ark Kniei, Slrvr Willrford. Kl« k Krtuncourt, |lm McKanna. John Siak. lilii Kulkman. Karl IJrhtrnstrUi. Paul Ackrrmann. Dave Iryerle. Mark Angrl, Kd Nltschc. Kuk Sic-verisen. Kun Sopłirr, and Tony Cosi

NORTHEAST TRF.BLE CIIOIR, FRONT ROW: Marsha lamb, Marlenę Marin kr, Diana Rom. Karb Anderson, Susan Wucka, Cheryl Sligllc, Cali Siiglk. Dianę Kalb. Karb Crołh SECOND ROW: Pal Kardes, Janiec Sulllv.«n. Cali Wyclslo. Judy Napici, Drnlir C.ii.ttlk, Nancy Sulllvan, (.all Wood, Jutly Lali. Cynlhla Alagna, Pal Sełnietz. THIRD ROW: Sue Delauaro, F.Uen Kluż. Kalhy James. AUlson Benon. Wronka Sclbor. Judy Kcese. FOURTII ROW: Chris Undsey.

Unda Peterson, Mary Abrahamson, Olane /uplis. Mary Ann F'ox, Joyce Tlchy, Karb Kagdou. ( arol lelser, laurel Anderson, Konnie Kalko BACK ROW: Peg Adami. Mary Kulkkwłct, |oAnn Kkchen, Catby Enzenbacher, Cwen Kool, Mary Robinson. Carlynn 0'Hare. Karm Dresden. Juan Frcnzel, Mary Smurlo. Nancy Fenluk, Mary Pakalka. and Nancy VanNunrn.



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