or make it point for turning boys to men
Good timing and drlrrminalion hclpcd tlić Sophomorr irain play lomr vcry giumJ gamo. Runnlng In Mrldf %%lth Ihomrklgn hallbark, Mikr Baird prcpurcd
In makr iłir stop on thr play.
FKKSIIMKN Ff KITKA U TKAM, FRONT ROW: lam U Knnrr. Ilob \Vllkcr*on, Brucr Kllrr, lilii Dr Wrrdt, Paul Ilohin, Kich Kulili, |df Jono. Tom Phillip, Manager Cruig llrarnr. SECOND ROW: Jolm Mlonl, Urn llolsiatlrr. Inny Coial. Kav DykMra, Kdlh Ktrkpatrlck. Jrll Maikry, Slrvrn No*Im, Mark Augcl. Kurt Sdimkltkr. Jim McKaniia THIRD ROW; A&slntiint Coach Mr UFoy. John llanigun, lloh Sadrk. Bob Slaa, Carl Larwa, La*Ty Ulja. Paul I.ydlg»cn, Tom llarvrv, Krvln Klim, Wo Schneider, Bill llubbard. Ilob liubhard. Tlm Dantów* (inr) 0‘Ro*y. llrud (loach Mr. Korhoncn. TOP ROW: John Gulowltch, Scott Nic Urn. Jim Neuman, lłavc Oltr, John Cavoni, Bob OMallry. Tom Mnrnatie, |c(l WliHr, Mikę Carvct, luny Papalro, Don Kllcy, Gcorgc Poatulku, and Bob (Iarvct NOT PICTl RF.D: A.\suuni (loacli Mr Aramowtez.
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