Track dcmandcd dedlcation, for many ol thc mects were hc!d undcr advcrse condltions. This ycar (Spring, 1967) thc track and field team, coached by Wlllle May, fonner Olympic liurd-ler, Mr. Mc Daniels, Mr. Tysall, and Mr. Vock, was impressWc in its skill and agllity. Kichards* cinder men displayed detcrmln-ation during competitive dual mects. Track required excellcnt physical condition, for whlch hours of vigorous practice were essential and rewarding. Ix*d by Kon Deason. Crcg Seavers, and Mikę Bastiak. thc varsity trackmen established a rlgorous tra-dition for underdassmen to follow. I)ave Baiłja, Steve Rarratt, Bruce Sindewald, and Ccorgc Loera placed in many mects, earning valuable polnts necessary for team victory. Kecord brcaking limes were established along with new field rccords by James Welsh and Keith Anderson. Varslty took fifth place in confercncc, and Sophs took third in thełr division in a ycar that proved invaluablc.


Kunnłng for Richard*' Rulldog*. Divr Ballja led victorlouslv In iwo mile run.





. . Provldencc............


Minsdale South.........



. . Thornton Fractional South . .



. . Tlnlcy Park...........



. . Thornridge...........

91 1/2

Thornton Fractional South. .

......27 1/2


Dwight 1). Kłsenhowcr ....



. 51

F.vergreen Bark.........



. . Bloom..............



. . Thornton.............

...... 71 1/2

Dwight 1). Eisenhower ....

54 1/2

...... 12 1/2

Thornton Fractional North. .

......92 1/2

VARSITY TRACK TKAM. FRONT ROW: Oeorge Oołwm. (ieorge lorra. I)ave Korsbcrg, Mlkc 1'astlak. |)ave Ruilja. Davc Johnston. Dan Cuilivan. SECONI) ROW: Manager Kcn I lenne. Rkh 1'crry, Bill Cravcs. Crcg Scaver, Sicve Brtn, Rob S wędko, Krlih And erom, Cuy Ortman, |tm lx»ok, Strvc Barratl. Manager

John Bogdański. HACK KOW:Coach May, Coach Tysull. Cralg Olassner, Harry Schumacber. Jim Ncwqulst. Bruce Sindewald. lom Kelly. Tory BallJa, Capialn Kon Deason, Bili Ailyn. and Coach McDanlel.


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