Queen Marilou, King Gary reigned October 21
Sitiing on ihr ihronc nf honor. llonircomlnK king and quecn of ‘Psychcddk Płca son." Dary Watawrighl .md Marilou Macaulry. ptned lor plclurcs Immcdlalrly IoIIum mg roronallon
Dancing lo rhythm of ibe Orphans. l)i.uir Dalii, Kluabrth Fedey. Robert Sadek, and John Mlkliau Itrlftcd pul ‘Psychcddk' Pifiuoa' lalo motlon.
On October 21, 1967, the second annual Kall Królic was hcld from 8:00*10:30 p.m. In ihc Campus gym wlth ovcr 400 boxcs palntcd in op-art dcslgns, gigantlc multfcolor flowcrs sirung from the ccillng, and llashlng Iłglits. Girls rccclvcd psychedcllc-colorcd bids upoii entering the dancc.
A ncw tradiUon for the llomccomlng dancc was started ilils ycar. Kt-mains oi ilu* coiorful floats from ilu* III.K Momccoming Paradę were displayed as dccorations around the dancc floor.
Kasi ycar s king and quccn. Chuck Dalilke and Nancy Voorn, participated in the coronatlon cercmony, whicli lasied from 9:15 umil 9:30 The 1967-1968 king and <|ucen. Gary Wainwrighi and Marilou Macauley were crowned at that linie. Also in the program was the presentation of trophies for wlnning floats.
As ihry awaiutl ibe roronallon fermiony. Unda Wyrlilo and Joim Curulrwskt admlrrd the* dintlvr psyi lirdrlu dcioraliuns.
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