The Colden Ycar owcs lis vcrv cxistencc lo the generous help and talcnts of many. Speełal thanks are glvrn to the Norman King Company of Des Plaines, the publisher ol the ycarbook, and Root Photographcrs of Chicago. Yaluable advicc and en* couragemcnt was readily supplied by Mrs. Norma Bruce, the ycarbook advisor. Puttlng together an accurate and crcativc account of a year tnvolvcd scrious and detatled work. I lic mcm* bers of the publlcations classes wcrc responslble for the gather* Ing and asslmllaiing of all the Information. For all thosc who wcrc involvcd in any manner or form: TIIANK YOl'.


KdUor*ln-Chief.........................Sue Dalii

l.ayout F.ditor..........................Sue Byrne

Co-Liyout F.ditor....................TC aryn Komin

Copy F.ditor..........................Jan Wastak

Co-Copy F.ditor.....................I.adinc Hcchler

Assistant Copy F.ditor..................Janc Gustafson

Productlon F.ditor.....................Linda Corskl

Senior Scctlou F.ditor...................Cha Stlllwcll

Cnderdass Section F.ditor...............Tcrry Thomas

Curriculum Fditor...................Sandy Stadnicki

Clubs and Organizations Fditor...........Chris Keincckc

Sports Fditor..........................Jim Wclsh

Student Ufc Fditor.................Marliou Macauley

Faculty Section F.ditor...................Sunny Potter

lndex F.ditor........................Karb Nopłos

Co-lndex F.ditor......................Sue Hopkins

Advlsor.......................Mrs. Norma Bruce

Siali: Cabrłclla Adams, Dawn Agenia, (ieorge Brown, Klmbcrly Brubach, Linda Buchinsky, Linda Collins, Martha Dorkc, Katli-leen Frickson, Peter Frascella. Judy Gaffncy, Patricia Harvcy, Mary Annę llavllk, Jennlfer lloover, Iinda Janicki, Joncll Kr lek, Linda Małkowski, Linda Marinier, Debbie McCallum, Mark McCee, Nancy Peterson, Julie Pizur, Carol Polchaire, Karen Richard, Diis Schubert. Sharon Scaver. Norma Shway, Robert Swedko. and Ccraldinc Yartunas.



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