Wili itulMduali/rd pl.timing, Kuwll Sophrr, I>avid Klmdt. and Harold llr«uiv prrparrd Iwmiiw In practical malhnnallci.
counseling, special cducation departments
ImłMdual IiiviriMii<m In rnaitmnalirit by Mr. Newton alded Willard Schtnaiiz.

Harold L Rlchards High School was providcd willi a com-pctcnt counseling siafT for thc 1967-68 school ycar. Thcrc wcrc len counsdors distrlhutcd ainong all three huildings. Klvc of thesc counsdors worked willi sludcnts from Campus. Through-out thc ycar iłu* Staff endcavored to help students with acadcmic and personal problems. Most students dlscusscd futurę plans with a counsclor at one time or another. Counsdors ylsited class-rooms and schcdulcd individual appointnients daily.
Thosc students rcccivłng special cducation followed thc sanie daily Schedule as others. The studcnCs level of achievement was of first concern. The main objectivc of special cducation was to develop skllls and attitudes necessary in finding johs and place in society. Special cducation teachers trled to tcach the student how to employ generał and practical subjeets. A new class was added to Campus for juniors advanclug from Northeast
Undrr ihc guidiuirr ol Mr Bruce, Jo Kilyn |.uiłanu rrvlrwnl hoiiM-Moik
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