We, tlu* Senior ('lass ot' 1915. of the High School of tlie City ot' Salem, County of Coluinbiana, and State of Ohio, and being of sound and disposing mind and memory and of uncertain age, do make, publish and deelare this to be om* last "Will and Testament.
JTEM I. It is oni’ will that all our elass debts be paid as soon as possible after om* graduation.
ITEM II. Glenn Bates leaves his much envied ability to eat his way through a whole laboratory of Chemistry ecjuations to Linn Kille. These two boys are very good when it comes to the study of Chemistry and we are proud of their ability. Perhaps sonie day we will hear of tlieir makmg a Chemical compound which the two, together cannot hołd down, for instance “Nitro-glycerine” and tlien-?
ITEM III. Leah Burton wills her quiet, forceful and unassuming manner to Leroy Sell. As a direct result of this gift, Leroy can only expect to make friends with everv-one, for these are qualities which meet with approval in any individual, no matter who he may be. The Seniors are glad that there is one in the Class who eould make sucli a gift. ' i
ITEM IV. Dorothy Lease wills her quiet, dignified and modest manner to John I)eVoren. John is so markedly quiet and dignified that he bas attracted much atten-tion to himself through the example which he seta for others. Now it is known why so many eouldn’t make it through in deportment; it is because John got all the high gradcs and left the Iow grades to the rest of us.
ITEM Y. Leo Windie leaves his ability to transform a football into a genuine ‘‘Zeppelin" air eraft to John Mulford. Leo is Ieaving a splendid reputation and won-derful ability. If John will but follow in tlu* steps of these “Seven League Boots" he can make the halls of the new Salem High School shine with fanie and glory.
ITEM YI. Francis Fisher does liereby will and bequeath his large storę of pretty blushes to Lee Lampher, who now gives good promise of becoming a veritable blazing sun among his fair friends.
ITEM VII. To Leora Iloopes, we leave the no mean ability of Nellie Lewis as a reader, knowing verv well that Leora will multiply her talent instead of hiding the ‘‘candle beneath a bushel," as was related of the unfaithful servant in the Bibie.
ITEM VIII. Augusta Sny der leaves her ‘\still smali voiee" in the eare of Andrew Colmery, who we know will do his best to bring about sonie development. We believe that Augusta bas madę the correct choice, for when Andrew gets up to debate, the vol-ume of his voice reminds one of Theodore Roosevelt or of ex-Governor C'ox.
ITEM IX. John Cavanaugh gives and wills his highly appreciated reputation of “long distance man" on the track to William Magan. If Bill isn't afraid to run he will never have another excuse for being late to school in the mornings. Ile can also tum the gift to good aecount and to the schoolJs glory when the track-team loses John next yea r.
ITEM X. Harry Hołdy leaves, with ma lice toward nonę, his large supply of fool-ishness and ability to ask morę (piestions tlian Wise Solomon eould ever answer, to the Freshman Class. There will be morę than enough to go around, and you might give the “leavinVJ to next years Freshmen.
ITEM XI. Doroth.y Fox l)equeaths her exceedingly broad and greatly varied mat-rimonial experiences to Hhea l)unn. It appears that this helpful gift has eome .just in
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