lnokientij Gierasimouc
In his review of the historical development of geography as a science, the author points to the shift in emphasis of investigations in connection with the trans-formation of the former descriptive and fact-finding science into one of an ex-perimental and modificatory character, whose task it is to serve human efforts directed towards the complex utilization of natural resouTces dis*covered sso far and to shape naturę and economy in the regions and countries already investigated. That phenomenon is accompanied by the complicated process of the growth of a whole system of scientific disciplines arising in place of the former science of geography.
The article presents the views of Soviet geographers concerning the division of that system of isciences into two principal branches: physical or ecoaiomic regional geography, on the one hand, and topical geographical disciplines on the other.
The author then goes on to discuss the most important tasks confronting eon-temporary Soviet geography, mainly resulting from the tendency of that science to co-operate in the endeavours directed at the utilization of the country*s resources in the framework of the planned development of national economy. The central scientific research institutes, whose work is based on the findings of a network of local institutes, are mainly responsible for the realization of those tasks. The article reviews the principles and forms of co-operation of those institutions in various fields of scientific work.
Abridged by Andrzej Wróbel Translated by Zofia Wrzeszcz