

Yor^ToT TT^uly 1967



Kole o' Surface Irregularities in Impedance Measurements on Solid Electrodes“I. G. Dagaeva,

.). I. !.eikis, and E. S. Sevast*yanov...................................... 733    801

S. Stare and Potential of an Anthraccne Membranę in a Solution“L. I. Boguslav$kii........ 792    894

i:-*- ;Je .v:nicondu<tor Catalysts. IX. X-ray Stndy of Oxide Film Obtained at High

rei:;;.:, ...u; on :he Stirface of Sheet Nickei-L.    A.    Kalinets...................... 795    898

Sta:o of ihe Surfaco of the Platinized Platinum Electrode in Sulfate Solutions at Potential* in

the "Double Layer* Region-R. V. Marvet and    O.    A.    Petrii....................... 793    901

A Stt.J) of Some of the Electric and Photoelectric Properties of Pyrene-A. A. Avdeenko

and Yu. V. Naboikin................................................ gOO    904

Thtcknets of Thin Eleotrolyte Films on Metallic Surfaces-R. Kh. Burshtein, M. R. Tarasevich.

S. F. Cheri'.yshyov, and .V. V. Karasev.................................... 803    907

The Russian press datc (podpisano k pcchatl) of thb issue was 6/17/1967.

Publication therefore did not occur prior to thls datę, but muit be auumed to have taken place reasonably soon thereafrer.

Available frora Consultants Bureau


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