i^ORLOCKA I OIXCOLOGIŁi iio. li, i;ov
Table of Contcnts i
No. 1
F.G. Krotkov. On the Eve of the Anniver*ary............
Yu.G. Fcl' dman. The Experimental Determlnation of the Maxlmum Permiuible One-Time Concentraiion of Dlketene in the Atmosphere............................
V.G. Lenchenko. The Determlnation of the Maxlmum Permiuible Concemratlon of Tellurium in Bodłeś of Water..........
T.P. 1 va no va . The Maxlmum Permiuible Concentration of
Nltraphen ln the Air of the Working Zonę.............
A.K. Monkevich. Occupational Hygiene and the Production
of Acetylene by the Electrocracklng of Natural Gai........
1.V. Roshchin. The Effect on the Organitm of the Aerosol
Uberated by the Beuemer Proceu.................
O.F. Maksimova. Body Function in Worker* at Thermal Power
Plant*................................ 36
G.l. Lyashok . Changes ln Certaln Physlological Function* io
Converter Shop Operator* Durlng Dlfferent Shift*.......... 42
S.M. Gorodinikii. S.V. Levin*kii, andY.L. Shcherbako* . . The V«xinum Permiuible Concentration* of Yarlou* Harmful Subttance* Inhaled ln Ga* Miiture* When Uilng a Cl«ed-Circuit
Respiratory Apparatus........................ 48
V.Z. Martynyuk and M.l. Gsbegotskii. The Toxlcity of
Sodium Ttlchloroacetate. an Organochlorine Herblclde...... M
L.L. Kovale»a. The Effect of laduurial Noiae on the Audltory
Analyaer in Young Worken..................... 69
Availaolc JT*U ^^133