-p. 457 - ND p. 119
Kangle (pp. 141-42) prcfers the reading in thc MS. sughatitatS, tadbala to sughatitSdadhibala in the printed edition. His emendation does not satisfactorily explain the first member of the term adhi-bala . Here ND which gcnerally borrows Wholesale or adapts passages from Abhinavagupta's commentary comes to our help. Keeping in view the correpsonding passages cited above and the MS. reading, we may restore the passage as follows:
24. 35144 5W>3WRF(^W gćHT agŚ 3^
SIRPTORT 33*WWt*31'«Tf»l rT^
-p. 457 -ND n. 33cd, p.126
(Kasyacit) \acanam, the printed reading in GOS edn. is patently wrong and needs to be emended to vańcana or vańcanś as found in the ND. Bharata in his definition of chała uses the phrase abhisandhśna -hSsya-rasa-karam (r&kyan). The word abhisandhSna means vańcana or vańcanS. The ND straightway uses vahcanS retaining the olher two words hSsya and rosa intacl. The Sanskrit dictionary too givcs ‘chcating, deccption ' as one of the meanings of abhisandhSna. So we arc perlectly justified in emending (kasyacid) vacanam to vai\canam.
25. 3^ 3#T frt <ptT at^lftul^otR^lią 0^
dt-NMdddA-t ^ 3533 ofrR3333TS3«nffa3fa ofrTTtR^imr
TPS |3 | 3<\ ?R3i 433
-p. 458 - ND D. 32 ab, p.l21
Kangle righlly points out that the reading viruddha-vastu yadanena in the GOS edn. is wrong. The impropricty of the reading drstSrlha garbhalvSd however has escapcd his attention. The ND has preserved the original reading dustarthagarbhatv3t which cmincnlly suits the context : Ganda is so callcd as il contains an oininous coining event like a boil (ganda)containing malignancy.
Ganda (one of the thirteen vilhyahgas) is so callcd, as it foreshadows an ominous coming evcnt or disasler like a boil that comprises disgusling or loathsome impure blood or pus.