Food stamp buying rule altered

l.s Mili TtiralMM F dilnr

V limmMinn ot the purch»»e . • -łinf rn.t-m tor rligihli- Korni Slamp will make il raster lor MU '.onMi***. and .'<» s|l student* iii\ thrtr aliotment nl stantp*. .•••'•rdmg to (lilberl Zihelman. ..•Iminisfrator lor the Jackson * ount\ iH-partmeni nl Public Aid Ihr n«-w operanng prinedure. uhtch takes ełlecl m January. n:«an« currenl lood »Ump i.-, .pM-nl*- »<xjki reciese Iheir honus ..:l:.rmeni without first paying a {•orchaNT requirement I ‘ł-pemiing on il' mcnme Zibelman ••splamed. a fam**} uf four wfuch h.*- an allotmem «■»< sUmps tntaling ii* per month currewly paya PO i«» ihe psrchgse respjirement ard «eceive* $100 in bonus slampe The nr» procedurę woukl nean 'N' sanie househołd wnułd noc pa> rhe purchase requirement oi SKi hot w >*jtd rrceive ool\ the borni' o< Sino •*»rth ol stamps

\Imi elfective in J* nuarv w .U be a

' rrenl hikr m Ihe smount ot fond stamps indmduat* »iH be ebgible fur Zihelman ia>ri "The 1‘nited States Pepartmerf nt Agriculture ■ I S|>A* sponsor* n< the Kood Mamp f*n»gram adfiasts the program to compi) with cast oImng increase* it is tołalły a fedeeally run program.** Zibelman added

Accordmg lo Zibelman. studenta ranonly ąuaiify for Ihr Kood Stamp Program if ihe> are not mruudered a lat etemplioa on Iheir parents fcderal mcome tai •• .here u only one ołher form lo fili out if rou are a aludent and that troułd go to your pa renta asking whelher yoj are a dependent. Zihelman said

Propnsed tegislatmn that wnuk) have disqualtfied studenta and sfnkera from paritcmaimg in the Kood Stamp Program was struck down hy a ledrral enurt mlmg which called me meaaure a rasę ol discnminatum"

"We cant discnminate agamat a

group <4 people and that** mhat we wouM have heen dntng if slnkees and studenta were mg allowed to pnrtinpute.' Zihelman said Ineligihle person* lor the program tnclude roomera. hoarder.. illegal aliene lise-tn attendantr and pr<*>lr » froup-care fwilitie*

Some Sn*v old memhers may have l*s aign u» for woHt with the State employr*,.: serwie* Th ta doesn t apply ior pees»m already wortin* or th««se unahle to work Studenta, dependenta under ta. persona n\er SS. home bound person* and thnse mhn care for them are alsn radudrd from the work mjuurment The Food Stamp Program i> not affiltatrd with the Supplemrntal Security Income *SS|i program or the Aid to Kamiltes with I»ependant Children *AKIM*« program althnugh moel SSI and puhlir a**i*tance househnkl* are ehgihle (or the Kood Stamp Program regardles* of the mcome and reaource standard*


I l‘.ppv Hmn 12

frtv j*ip» • mi

Rum & Coke 70C


v ’ -

Serom l stress-reduetion session set

%*s JiH Mtrfcetkk sufi ttnter

Thr vecond Mrf5f reduciion + hc»p lo help siurtrnis de*l ^ith ihr pjoMetnt relalrd to takin#

AaAmv w ill get under ^a>Thur^da>

Ifu %k«»rkshi^ »ił) tie ht'l«l l.wn 7 »•» io pm in 1'eneral «'la*vnpomv M»««vn 04 ScoMVierke c<vrdiruiror •I The #r<*ip. Mid the first mnrkvhop hrkf saturday ^ent very ^ell Ue ir.it .» Im of feedt-ack from ihe (MrtM ipynts *

and kkilhallthr Jinxiet\ the> (U*\ t c|n «i|| he «i helpinit the vludent %Ta^ vkell ihe    he commefMed 4«f\ Imm oiller amphrumtm ^

Thu i» the tin»t time *or*xh*»f* -ml aU-ołtol and * pullin* «n all Kavf been offerrd the ^erk hetore mahter ” It hm* hren *hn»n that a finals Vteke njid ^tudiea ha\e re^trd wHIfed student doev better łndicated that Mudent viaitv to the in %chool he vaid Health Service im-reave durma thix The »orkvfe{> %taft    Itke tn

time and durma nud Ltmt    ht-lp s* ma;i% trr^hmen and

* Thrre »v a defmite unt    %n|ihomore^ a' , •*-ihle a^ >»HI a^

Mresa and ph\>ical diveaM- he    lax%mm H a rrally hard

Mid    :if a nem **tud«nl *• *lral milh thr

Time mana*mcnt one area thr gin\iet> id hnaU. a*»t *ant t«* >tatf m iII in< .kfpikfate info the *>-ip ’

%knrkvN»pn '*»iiA'nt<C4im^'n tfiat thev di»n t havr time lo do all Iht-M* thinifh TkUt it the\ rhannrl thr enrf|C> Hleefi\rl> inlo < «*iNtri* tive IrtUMcf. a    t* «4jto«ne mili

n>ul1 * tr ^aid

Vi«rke ^iid ^url nl the rmphaM*

Splitwatcr Creck

Biliitirdb PdrltHir S|x*u<il

Jack Daniels 75^

! h* *»»rlLsf)ofKjti%'**ttjiJerit* %kilk ••• łit«vtivH> ik'; Aith gali tfut

.m$ api|Mrue^ lirwK \ierkr nJki Vg,ii*.v %tudrr ^ arr tirt^d Nimed ^iłrrieti ihiriHK IfefuS

Hogan II for Racqu«tball only $15.9S

Squire and Lady Orion for runners

New—Lady Stan Smith*



711 Sc. III.


Detcrabet 7 1*78


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